Trouble TTC


Hey I was wondering if anyone knows how to increase follicles. Last month for our first iui I only had one.. I was on 50mg clomid and had trigger shot. This month they bumped me up to 100mg of clomid and I will receive trigger shot again. RE said he was very happy with MH sperm last iui and said that if this month I get another bfn they will look at my tubes. I have no symptoms of blocked tubes so this is why they have not gone to check them as of yet.

Re: Follicles

  • One is a relatively normal response to clomid. With IUIs, you don't want more than 2 or 3. Most OBs and REs will cancel if there are more than 3 follicles.

    Good luck
    TTC since 11/09
    me: 39 DH: 36  
    dx: unexplained (ugh) 

    January 2011 - December 2012: 4 cycles w/Clomid; 9 IUIs w/Follistim & Menopur;  two IVF cycles converted to IUI (poor response/dominant follicle) 

    August 2014 IVF (antagonist protocol: Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix, dexamethasone): 13 eggs, 9 mature, 8 fertilized w/ICSI; 0 frozen, 3 transferred day 5 = BFN

    October 2014 IVF (micro-lupron protocol: mircrolupron, Menopur, Follistim, dexamethasone): 8 eggs, 4 mature, 3 fertilized w/ICSI; 3 transferred day 3 = BFP! Beta 1=121; Beta 2=287; Beta 3 =678. Miscarriage @ 8w2d. :(
  • I agree with Naria - you need to HSG.  My doctor wouldn't even discuss meds until that's completed.  What's the point of stimulating ovulation if the paths are blocked??
    Me: 31 (PCOS) possible right tube issues DH: 36 (SA normal) 
    Started dating in 2006, Married 2012 
    TTC since November 2013 
    First RE visit due to irregular periods: June 2014
    Lap/Hysto to remove polyps, cyst and tube blockage 11/6
    Cycle 1 (Dec. 2014) TI with Clomid, Trigger, & Progesterone CX due to no response
    Impatiently Waiting CD1 to try again with Fermara Back on the bench due to giant cyst,
    who know I'd ovulate on my own after a cancelled cycle and end up with a mega cyst :(
    All Welcome
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  • Clomid, trigger, and IUI is treatment for infertility. So it seems your doctor understands that you have infertility. Infertility is a common symptom of blocked tubes (as well as other things) - and higher chance of that if YH's sperm wasn't a factor.

    There is never a reason to treat with Clomid/IUI if tube patency has not been established. Also, you might want to know if your one follie (perfectly normal and healthy) happens to be on a side with a blocked tube, making an IUI a waste of money and effort. The HSG can also show if your uterus is clear or if there are potential barriers to implantation.

    I know the feeling of only having one follie, I keep wishing Femara 5mg would give me more than one for better chances (or the RE would give me more than 5mg!). But the reality is that one follie is a good response so no reason to overmedicate.
    January 3T Siggy Challenge - New Year's Resolutions

    Me (29), DH (30) TTC actively 54 55+ cycles | All BFNs
    MFI (low everything) | Endo Stage 1 & Stenotic Cervix (treated) | PCO
    Married - July 2008 | Started TTC - Jan 2009RE Visit #1 - Mar 2014 
    IUI #1 ICI #1 - June | IUI #1.1 Laparoscopy - Aug
    IUIs #1.2, 2, 3 - Sept, Oct, Nov (Letrozole) - BFNs 
    IUI #4 - Dec (Bravelle) | IUI #5 - Dec/Jan (Bravelle) - 5 follies + TI - BFNs
    IUI #5.1 - Jan (Bravelle) Cancelled 
    Planning to start IVF in March!
    ***All Welcome***
  • Wow this whole process is so overwhelming. The responses posted are very much appreciated and now I question why they won't just check my tubes. All I want is to be a mom to a healthy baby ASAP. At 6 months ttc my ob put me on clomid for 3 months(she did not check my tubes either) and when all 3 months resulted in BFN she referred me and MH to the RE. I have officially been ttc 12m and have been on clomid for 5 months. No idea why no one wants to check my tubes. MH morphology was concerning to ob but after SW with the 1iui it was 16% and had a total of 16 million washed sperm and the u/s the next day had shown that my follicle had ruptured... so it was very disheartening when I got the bfn. So if it turns out to be blocked and that is what is preventing us to conceive I will be so upset.

    Calling dr. In the morning.....
  • Congrats for taking charge of your own care!  I'm glad your doctor is listening.  Good luck Friday!

    Me: 31 (PCOS) possible right tube issues DH: 36 (SA normal) 
    Started dating in 2006, Married 2012 
    TTC since November 2013 
    First RE visit due to irregular periods: June 2014
    Lap/Hysto to remove polyps, cyst and tube blockage 11/6
    Cycle 1 (Dec. 2014) TI with Clomid, Trigger, & Progesterone CX due to no response
    Impatiently Waiting CD1 to try again with Fermara Back on the bench due to giant cyst,
    who know I'd ovulate on my own after a cancelled cycle and end up with a mega cyst :(
    All Welcome
  • Glad you're having the HSG done, good luck with it. I was on 50 mg of Clomid and both months I only had one follie. I was told that's normal, especially with that dose. I know how you feel about not wanting anything more than a healthy baby, but going about it the safest way is what will get you there quicker. Again, good luck.

    TTC #1

    Me: AMA, DH: MFI

    Official DX - MFI due to Hemochromatosis

    IVF #1 Nov. 2014 - ER 11/10 (10R 6M 6F) - ET 11/13 

    3DT of 3 embies - no frosties - CP = BFFN!!!!

    ****All Welcome****


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