I'm really afraid of needles. I always have been. My mother is a nurse and I used to pass out at the clinic as a child. I was and am such an embarrassment. I always have to lay down for bloodwork and I kind of go crazy during the whole process.
Now here I am, about to be shoving all sorts of needles into myself. The idea of giving myself a shot is bizarre to me. I freak when someone else even does it and they know what they are doing. I am obviously going to get over it and go through with IVF, but I'm concerned that getting comfortable with needles (especially the ones in the muscle) is going to be really difficult.
Anyone else have a similar fear they had to conquer? How did it go?
Our story:
Married 7/2013 - been TTC ever since
Me: 35 - normal test results
Husband: 30 - Concentration:10.8 Million/ml, Motility: 16%, Progressive Motility: 9%, Morphology: 3%
First started talking to fertility specialist in 4/2014
IVF #1
11/13 - 19 retrieved, 18 ICSI, 15 fertilized.
Transfer 11/16 - 1 blastocyst transfered, 3 frosties
11/28 - Beta #1 BFP! 12dp5dt beta 1,699
11/30 - Beta #2 14dp5dt 3,400
12/8 - No signs of baby at first U/S (6 weeks)
12/15 - yolk sac, fetal pole and heartbeat all there! I'm still pregnant! One girl, due 8/4
All are welcome!
Re: Unreasonable fear: Needles. Anyone else have this and how did you overcome it?
Reserved a semi-known proven donor in August .
Waiting for consult/screening and protocols with estimated fresh cycle timing in October
As for the IM injections, I only had my trigger shot IM and I was terrified of it! My nurse marked the spot on we knew EXACTLY where to put it.
I'm also a big fan of these videos (and this nurse!):
ETA: the 1st one is IM and the 2nd is subcutaneous.
TTC since 08/2012
me: 39 DH: 36 dx: unexplained (ugh)
I found it easier for my husband (or anyone else) to do the shots. I even drove to my MILs one night when he couldn't be home. The idea of giving it to myself freaks me out. But I know others trust themselves a lot more so it's easier for them to do it.
They really aren't bad, even the IM shots. And I'm pretty sure you'll do quite a few subq before moving onto an IM shot, so it'll give you some time to adjust. I watched a lot of videos ( like @ronniesgirl1981 ) posted, and that helped.
Good luck!
TTC since March 2012
DX: MFI (4% motility)
Cycle 13: Natural cycle w/ HSG test = BFP
Identical twins!
Lost my angel boys at 10.5 weeks
Cycle 14-16: Natural Cycles = BFN
Cycle 17: Follistim + Trigger + IUI = BFN
Cycle 18: Natural Cycle = BFN
Cycle 19: Follistim + Trigger +IUI#2
Polyp found: SIS 11/11 - hysteroscopy 11/14
Cycle 20: Follistim + IUI#2 = BFFN
Cycle 21: Follistim (adj. dosage) + IUI#3 TI = BFN
IUI cancelled due to weather
Cycle 22: Follistim + IUI#3.1 = BFN
Cycle 23: treatment break, IVF consult
Cycle 24 - 26: natural cycle w/ acupuncture + Chinese herbs = BFN
Cycle 27: Follistim + IUI#4 = BFFN
Natural Cycles until IVF
Cycle 30: IVF#1 - Starting with Menopur + Follistim + Ganirelix
17 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 5dt w/ 2 blasts, 5 frosties
Betas: #1-156(9dp5dt), #2-1200(13dp5) #3-6112(17dp5)
Ultrasound #1 10/6: 1 bean!
My Chart
Me:31 DH:32 TTC:5+ years Twins:via IVF 5/21/2015 TwinlessTwin/Angel Baby:9/14/15 Fur Babies:2
Struggled with infertility, hubby was in the military. TTC since Jun08 (on and off due to deployments, training, and relocating). We did the "white dress" wedding Nov09. Hubby came home, medically retired USAF July, 4th 2010. OBGYN#1 Oct10-Dec12: All paps and exams normal, TTC naturally, tracked OV,CM,BBT. OBGYN#2 Jan13-Sept13:Second opinion, tested everything, Several rounds Clomid50mg, all BFN. Laparoscopy for Endometriosis, Cysts removed, Tubes untwisted, HSG clear, Scarring left ovary and tubes. Jan14-Aug14 Cycle of Lupron, Several more rounds of Clomid 50mg all BFN. Began IVFSept14-RE in CLE:) CD1(9/28). Stimming began 10/1 Microdose Lupron Protocol (150Follistim/AM,150Menopur/PM,20Lupron 2xDay). 7follies(right) 3follies(left). Trigger 10/10(10,000HCG). ER 10/12(5R,4M,4F). ET 10/15 Transferred two perfect Embies(8cell/9cell). Beta #1(14dp3d/4w) 362 BFP/Beta #2(21dp3dt/5w) 8,273/First Ultrasound(6w4d)11-12 confirmed twin pregnancy. Ultrasound Jan15 G/G di/di twins. PROM 33w4d emergency C/S. BabyA:3lb12oz,18in (45dayNICU), BabyB:4lb5oz,17in (30dayNICU). Lost BabyB to SIDS 9/14/15. BabyA is my whole world but struggles in the 1% delayed development, with many other health problems.
March: IUI, ectopic, 2 surgeries with 1 tube removed
May - July: 3 more IUIs, all BFN, on to IVF
August: IVF#1, BFN
September: FET#1, BFP!!!
It's a girl!!!
Me: (30) HSG/Bloodwork/Ultrasound: All looks good
DH: (30): MFI
IUIs #1-4 = BFN
IVF #1 December January
**********************All Welcome**********************
January 3T Siggy
I also have rheumatoid arthritis and it was very severe for the first 8 years. It was so painful and debilitating that I learned to overcome my fear of needles for the benefit and pain relief. (I had no choice- there were days I couldn't move.) I learned how to do self injections for the experimental meds for about 2 years with no problems. Then, they switched me to a 6 hour infusion every other month. Helped the RA and it went into remission for several years.
Then, when we started TTC I had to cancel all my RA meds. Starting traditional TTC for 3 years with no luck and of course RA symptoms started up. My RA doctor was pressuring me to take some type of meds to slow the disease progression. I decided to try the injectables again. I did my first injection at home with a bit of anxiety but figured I did it in the past and it would be ok. Within seconds after the injection, I had a vasovagal reaction. Passed out cold and DH had to carry me to the couch. It was horrible. Next day, went to RA nurse and she decided to "teach me how to do it right." Within minutes of her demo with a fake needle and pin cushion, I had another vasovagal reaction and they had to carry me to the exam table. Horrible!
Needless to say, I never got the benefit of that RA med again and switched to a very low dose prednisone.
When we learned how to do the IVF injections in the RE nurse's office, I felt very woozy but held it together. A good friend gave me some advice. Since she's a big yogi, she told me to envision the fear when I felt it and embrace it. Accept it and keep going. I don't know how but it worked.
For my first injection, I spread everything out on the table, had a cold Gatorade nearby, and a cool fan blowing next to me. After I did the injection, I felt so proud! That energy helped me through the entire cycle. Now, it's the end of our 2nd cycle and they quadrupled the number of injections. By some miracle, I survived. You can too. Please feel free to PM me if I can give you any more support.
I'm sorry for the challenges you're facing. Thought it is cliche, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger."
Me: 40, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s, low ovarian reserve
DH: 42, bi-lateral varicocele (corrected in Dec 2013)
2008 Married
2009 Started TTC #1
2012 Hormone studies/ultrasound, HSG, Clomid
BFP ended in MC
2013 3 rounds of Clomid
Hormone studies/ultrasound, SIS, polyp and bicornuate uterus removed
DH varicocelectomy
2014 Hormone studies/ultrasound, HSG, SIS, removed 2nd polyp
IVF #1- retrieved 17, 3 mature for 2 day transfer, BFN
IVF #2- September…our last chance….. retrieved 22, 6 mature blasts, 2 embies transferred, BFP (300 beta) on Oct 1st, Beta #2 675 Oct 3rd, Beta #3 2,484
EDD Twins 06/09/2015
1/30/2015 PPROM at 21 weeks, 3 days. Hospital bed rest to let these sweet peas cook. Holding on for 34 weeks!