July 2013 Moms

Thermal Tuesday SPAM!!

Mom2bois85Mom2bois85 member
edited September 2014 in July 2013 Moms
Tuesdays Spam brought to you by toddlers wearing jeans and Thermals....
(My fave of DS in his jeans and hurley thermal)
Spam away!
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Damnit he's growing up too fast! 7 yr olds in jeans and thermals are still cute right? ;)
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Re: Thermal Tuesday SPAM!!

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  • So sorry for all the sick babies, hope everyone starts to feel better soon! Also hope everyone's rough mornings improve soon!

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  • :( sorry for all the sick babies!!
    V sounds a little congested but he is also getting like 5 teeth at once so I'm not surprised. Kid had no teeth at 12 months and now he has like 7.
    Unexpected office day today :)

    Same thing happened with Haddock. He got like 4 all at once and now we're at a standstill again. At least Vinny had hair at 1 year :) Haddock still doesn't even have much of that!
  • We must all be going through a clingy whiny phase! DD is so grumpy lately and so incredibly picky about food and just wants to drink wcm ALL the time. I miss my happy baby... :((
  • Morning ladies--early conference call this morning (and two more today), DH took the boys to DC for me.  drinking all the coffee over here....   ~O)   ~O)

    @N0702, hope your dr. is able to help you and your headaches improve.  I've been having more frequent bouts of the vertigo that used to be just once every few months--it sucks, and it's really hard to take care of two little boys when you can't stand up from dizziness :(
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  • haddocky said:

    @blairwitch‌ my SO isn't allowed to touch Haddock at night :D it just makes everyone's night easier!

    ugh...he did it again! I was gone dropping nikita off at school. I come home and guess who is up in our bed.
    He normally doesnt handle wake ups she just decided to do them while i was unavailable.

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  • @somerandomchick I was afraid of the same thing with C since we did BLW. 
    The kid turned out to be a master at using a fork. He started doing it completely on his own at my mom's one day. She has toddler forks from when I was a baby, and they are just like adult forks, only smaller. Not like the "safety" forks for toddlers these days. All the ones I have found have blunt or rounded tines. I ended up getting C some "cocktail" forks that he does much better with.
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  • @mrads  our daycare apparently doesn't have a sick policy, if your kid is sick, they can still come in. Alex has always been pretty healthy, I just wasn't expecting to see so many runny noses. Especially because most of the kids in that room only started day care this week.
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