Trouble TTC

Intro- Am I in the right place?

Hi ladies!  New here and sorry to say I jumped the gun and posted a question before reading the Newbie Forum.  I did read it now and do believe this board may be the best place for me to give support, get support, and learn from others who have been or are experiencing similar problems.

My name is Jennifer I am 32 years old and my husband is John 31 years old.  We have been trying to conceive since our wedding night 9-10-11.  On 5-7-14 I had my first visit with a new gyno.  When I mentioned to her how long we have been trying to conceive she somewhat looked at me like a crazy person and asked why I haven't been to a specialist yet.  She then referred me to a local RE, the only RE in our area.  I was sent for blood work including: Compr Metab Panel, Insulin, T4,free, Prolactin, and TSH.  All blood work came back okay.  RE did mention that my insulin was slightly elevated but not quite a concern.  She then did a Hystersalpingrm, results: Both fallopian tubes are patent, with prompt spillage of contrast into the peritoneal cavity.  The uterus is normal.  Overall impression: Normal hysterosalpinogram.  My husband was tested and reported to have no issues either.

I should add that I have not had a regular period since age 23.  At the I didn't mind only having to deal with AF 3-4 times a year.  Now I am wishing I did something about it sooner.  I have also never been on birth control.

So after all the test she then prescribed Progestrone to induce AF then we started Clomid.  We did this for 4 months.  Each time the blood worked showed that I did ovulate but that was pretty much the only monitoring she did.  At this time I started to question her tactics as she wasn't very involved.  For the 4 months we were taking Clomid, I never once spoke to her just her nurse.  I would call when I didn't get AF.  They would send me for a BETA then induce AF once again when it came back negative.  After four months of an uninvolved RE we decided to just try on our own again.  Once again no luck.  On July 28th my PCP referred me back to her after I had AF for a month straight with heavy bleeding.  She did a pelvic examine and reported everything to be normal and by this time AF was leaving town.  She then told me that birth control would control AF but needed to know where we stood on TTC.  It was then that we decided to give her another shot.  We waited for AF and then started Clomid 150mg on day 3.  I then went in on 9-9-14 for an ultrasound to determine if I would be okay to trigger with Ovidrel.  I was told they would be looking for follicles over 16mm.  While I had many follicles on my left ovary she told me the largest was 13mm.  I did have a few follicles on my right ovary as well with a dominate follicle of 20mm.  We triggered on 9-10-14 and had our first IUI on 9-11-14.  So we are currently in the TWW.  My husband says I research too much and stress myself out so I have been trying to do less of that.  These last few days have been hard as I have been getting AF type cramps on my right side which feel like for every step I take someone stabs me with a knife.  I also get this pain when using the restroom.  I was told this was normal "o pain" from a colleague who believed it may just be intensified because of the medication.  Hopefully so because I can barely make it through a day of walking around the school I work at without wanting to cry in pain.

Hoping this was the intro that was needed.  I am looking forward to getting to know all of you!!

Re: Intro- Am I in the right place?

  • Hello and welcome to the board! I would honestly find a new RE. It sounds like you're not getting adequate monitoring. I'm sure @iputketchuponketchup is already writing in response to this, but I'm bat signaling her anyway. She is much more knowledgeable about clomid than I am. Good luck!
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • Thanks @theholmanherd‌. I was getting that gut instinct myself. Unfortunately there are no other REs in my area. So we would have to look out of the area, probably at least an hour-2hours away. Trying to stay hopeful but thinking about researching out of town REs.
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  • dancersposedancerspose member
    edited September 2014
    I second @theholmanherd  I personally haven't been on clomid yet, but my RE has already told me she won't use it unmonitored.  I applaud you for being questioning and trying to gather your own information.  We should always be our own health advocates!

    ETA - forgot to add a welcome and good luck!  :)
    Me: 31 (PCOS) possible right tube issues DH: 36 (SA normal) 
    Started dating in 2006, Married 2012 
    TTC since November 2013 
    First RE visit due to irregular periods: June 2014
    Lap/Hysto to remove polyps, cyst and tube blockage 11/6
    Cycle 1 (Dec. 2014) TI with Clomid, Trigger, & Progesterone CX due to no response
    Impatiently Waiting CD1 to try again with Fermara Back on the bench due to giant cyst,
    who know I'd ovulate on my own after a cancelled cycle and end up with a mega cyst :(
    All Welcome
  • jrh286 said:
    Thanks @theholmanherd‌. I was getting that gut instinct myself. Unfortunately there are no other REs in my area. So we would have to look out of the area, probably at least an hour-2hours away. Trying to stay hopeful but thinking about researching out of town REs.
    You wouldn't be the only one on this board that had to travel long distances, so at least you can commiserate! I post rant posts on Tuesdays (other people's pregnancies rants), Wednesdays (wtf wed), and Thursdays (throat punch thurs or TPT). Feel free to use them! Plus, we have weekly check ins. This is a great place for support.
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • I think you came to the right place. I agree with @theholmanherd‌ sounds like you need to find a new RE. I had to find a new one recently, for different reasons but I'm glad I did. Good luck.

    TTC #1

    Me: AMA, DH: MFI

    Official DX - MFI due to Hemochromatosis

    IVF #1 Nov. 2014 - ER 11/10 (10R 6M 6F) - ET 11/13 

    3DT of 3 embies - no frosties - CP = BFFN!!!!

    ****All Welcome****


  • I welcome input anytime @iPutKetchupOnKetchup‌. I probably won't be back until tomorrow. Bedtime. Good night ladies.
  • Hello. I'm sorry you find yourself here. I agree with the others when they say find a new RE. Did I read correctly that your RE gave you Clomid 4 times without ultrasound monitoring? If that's the case I wouldn't trust that doctor with my health and fertility. Best of luck.
    Married 06.30.2012
    TTC 10.01.2012
    BFP 06.04.2014  EDD 02.13.2015  D&C 07.25.2014

    photo February4_zps0abb1614.jpg
    RE Consult Results
    Me: 32, PCOS, Hypothyroid, HSG All Clear
    DH: 33, Low Morph (2.5%)
    11.2014 (Letrozole+IUI+Progesterone)=?

  • Hi and Welcome.
    I too travel to the RE.  Thankfully my RE works with my GYN so I can do all labs and U/S here and then only travel to the RE for procedures.  

    ****SIGGY WARNING****

     Hashimoto's with irregular cycles  DH- 37 Severe oligoasthenoteratozoospermia

    TTC since May 2012

    HSG- all clear

    March 2014 - RE appt. 
    April 2014- Saline sono all's good, terrible SA results - 8 sperm found all abnormal
    May 2014- Fert Urology- Bilateral varicoceles, recommend Donor Sperm
    12/2014-  Surprise natural BFP  EDD 7/31/15 Plan:  Starting foster to adoption, natural cycles

  • Looks like the pp's covered all the basis but I still wanted to welcome you.  I hope your stay here is short.  
  • All the best to you on your journey trying to conceive, friend. Wish I could give you some advice about the medication and your symptoms. I'll say a prayer for you! Keep us posted!  
  • I would look at getting a second opinion from an other RE. You should be able to call your insurance company and ask them directly about any of the other providers with in 100 miles. I had to do this when my first RE closed his practice  You may want to see someone who is more thorough, and wants to get in and really see whats going on. If you do find one, do a bit of research on their practice. If you think it's worth the shot you should be able to just call your insurance let them know you want to switch the referral to an other provider, they do it all for you and you just wait to get a call from the new RE. I didn't want to wait and I called the RE and let them know, they let me make and apt for two months out and just called me to confirm they got the paper work. Easy peasy. 
    Endometriosis Confirmed 
    2 Large "Chocolate Cyst" Found
    Both Ovaries 
    Post op as of 10-02-14 BFN 
  • Thanks all for the advice. Hoping it doesn't come to finding a new one. Keeping fingers crossed during the rest of the TWW.
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