Cloth Diapering

Oh my gosh, help!

I'm losing my mind this evening. L is driving me nuts. He just wants to lazy nurse (fall alseep on the boob, then wake up and eat some more, then sleep some more). I could handle that, except he keeps stopping to scream bloody murder. What is making him do this?! His sleep last night was crap b/c he had gas. Today was better, but I'm just so tired and I'm at my wit's end. I don't know what to do to make him feel better. I've burped him until my arm aches. He has spit-up his normal atrocious amounts. His diaper is clean. Help!!!

Also, does thrush make your nipples hurt all the time during nursing, or is it possible for them to feel better part of the time? I can't figure out why mine hurt so intensely so much of the time when he seems to be latched right. He has no signs of thrush that I can find, and I've been careful to make sure he is latched right (except for his tongue position, and I can't get him to do the exercises for the life of me).



Re: Oh my gosh, help!

  • ((Hugs)) I wish I had some answers for you. But I don't. :(

    Sometimes screaming can be a sign of over active letdown or reflux.. He's pretty little right? And the spit up makes me think reflux too. Zantac worked well with ds. He didn't have it horribly but enough that we saw improvements when he had the reflux meds.
  • I don't think it's OAL b/c I'm not spraying or leaking. I normally feel my let-down b/c it burns, but I haven't felt it much at all this evening. If he was fussing in the morning, I could see this b/c I'm so full in the AM, but I feel all but empty right now.


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  • Is he trying to up you're supply? DS used to get like that in the evening. I felt like it wasn't enough so he got angry.

    Hugs mama.
  • 6 week growth spurt?
  • I'm going with growth spurt and he's getting frustrated with your supply or having to work harder to get milk out.
  • 6 week growth spurt is my guess too. :( hugs Jane. I promise it gets better.
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  • Ahh growth spurt does make sense. I can barely remember newborn days.
  • Ah Jane, I'm sorry things are so tough on you right now.  It does get MUCH better, I promise. 

    I also vote growth spurt.  The good news is they usually only last a few days. 

    As far as thush, one of my pumping room friends at work said it best.  "It hurt so bad nursing I almost became an exclusive pumper, and I HATE pumping."

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  • I'm so sorry jane :( I vote thrush as well. Are your boobs itchy? When H had it I burned and itched. It's possible that the gas is maKing him angry as well. Neither of my babies spit up much so I'm no help there. I'm glad you got a nap. That can make s world of difference. Feel better soon >:D<

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