Who wants to vent about their pedi with me?
I really like our pedi when we started going to him when DD1 was born. He was always super thorough, explained to us what milestones to expect at each check up and the office is great. But since DD2 was born, I'm annoyed. He's been 1 hour late at all her appointments. That alone doesn't bother me too much because I know when my kid is sick I can always get in right away, so healthy patients are bound to get delayed. But he has rushed through every appointment, asks if I have any concerns, but does not take the time to explain what to expect at this age, what is normal and what isn't. Today he examined DD2 for 5min, said she's doing great and rushed us out. The whole thing was so quick that I completely forgot to ask about solids and whether we're okay waiting til 6 months. I'm thankful I have such a healthy baby the doctor doesn't see the need to spend any time with her, but I feel like I deserve to get my full 15min appointment after I waited one hour for it.
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Re: Pediatrician vent
I write down all my questions on my Trello app so i have them on my phone and just add new questions as I think of them and delete them if I get an answer.
I'm beginning to think well checkups are a chance for the doctor to make sure we're not abusing our neglecting our kids. I feel insulted. The questions I get are do you have working smoke detectors? Are you giving him honey? Is the carseat rear facing? Thanks for having faith in me guys. Can we talk about the baby's actual development now?
And I think giving a diagnosis of colic is bs. Maybe that's just me.
This. Luckily I was shopping in BRU a while back because I ran into a guy I graduated with and his wife. They were arguing about car seats and he asked my opinion. She wanted to get a seat that is forward facing only. Their son was 6 months old. Some people just don't know about that stuff. It's not that they are horrible parents, just misinformed. If it hadn't been for these boards and my pedi telling me, I wouldn't have known about the whole no honey thing.
Yeah. True. I just wish they would address more how my kid is doing.
T 2.12 | W 5.14