You don’t have to stress about your water/food intake.
Anyone can feed your baby—which means dad can take a shift at 3am.
By 6 months your baby can almost feed itself which means you get an extra few minutes to do things while they eat (if they let you of course)
Your baby is always getting the nutrients he needs. Seriously, have you ever heard of an underweight formula baby? (Aside from those who have other problems)
If baby unexpectedly sleeps for 5 hours at night, you don’t wake up freaked out about your milk supply. You can instead rejoice in a little extra shut eye and prep a bottle without feeling engorged.
The only complicated thing about feeding out in public is having a warm bottle.
You can enjoy a few hours away from baby without worrying about pumping or if he/she gets hungry earlier.
No spurts of eating every 2 hours for 3 days…when baby needs more food you just add more water and mix. Hooray for extra sleep and time to do other things!
No undressing 8-10 times a day.
You are never accused of indecent exposure in public….only criticized for feeding your baby FDA approved formula that countless babies before yours have drank and turned out to be perfectly fine adults. J
Re: Because we all need a feel good empowerment right?
July 2012:IUI #6 on 7/28, BFP on 8/9,beta 97, 8/11 189, 8/13 400!! DS born 4/18!
9/30/13 - Miracle BFP, released from RE 10/21, EDD 6/6/14, DD born 5/27!
6/19/16 - Miracle BFP, EDD 2/25/17
You don't have to find the time to pump.