Hi! My name is Rachel and I just hit the 1 year mark of TTC so I figured I would join in this community to relate to others who are struggling TTC. Any advice would be appreciated.
So I am 23 and I have been married to my husband who is 26 for a little over 2 years. When we first started ttc we had no idea that it would be this difficult. At the 6 month mark of ttc I went in for a check up and a consultation. All my tests came back normal and so my dr. put me on clomid 50mg. Hope was restored because I had heard that clomid was the "magic" pill and that we would for sure be successful on it. The 3 months passed and no luck. My dr. bumped me up to 100mg clomid and I had my thyroid tested (was normal) and my husband had his first SA; which everything came back normal except his morphologhy which was 14%.
My dr. referred us to an RE and we got in right away. And last month we did our first IUI which resulted in bfn. We are getting ready to do our next IUI and I am just worried that I'll get another bfn... I'm so used to it. every month I get my hopes up just to feel the heartache so much more. Its hard to talk to my friends/family about this because they can't relate and they always say "dont worry it'll happen"... which what else can they say...
If anyone can relate or give me some advice I would really appreciate to know that I am not alone in this process.
Re: Into.
TTC #1
Official DX - MFI due to Hemochromatosis
IVF #1 Nov. 2014 - ER 11/10 (10R 6M 6F) - ET 11/13
3DT of 3 embies - no frosties - CP = BFFN!!!!
****All Welcome****
Welcome to the boards! We have a few women (myself included) with unexplained infertility. I understand the frustration of not knowing what's wrong. HUGS. I hope your stay is short and sweet.
PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole