
Rock and Play

Question:  I don't *get* the difference between rock and play and bouncy seats that vibrate with toys, etc.  I see so many twin mamas saying they couldn't live without them but I'm confused.  Don't think they were around when my older sons were babies...  We're not much into equipment but do have one bouncy seat...


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Re: Rock and Play

  • They're pretty different. A bouncer is much smaller, shallower, more like a disc w an indent.

    A rock n play is more like a rocking chair w a hammock-like seat (reinforced w plastic, like a seat leaned waaaay back).

    An RNP is larger and generally, more used for sleep over play. A bouncer is more of a spot to park a baby when they're awake.

    I never had a swing, but I would imagine a swing and an RNP would be pretty similar.

  • Ditto pp and I think why babies sleep well in an rnp, especially those with reflux, is because it is more upright and the "walls" are close- they feel a little more snug and secure.


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  • OK, that all makes more sense now.  In pictures, it's hard to tell.  Since we have one bouncy seat, maybe instead of a second, we'll get a RnP and see what they/we prefer.  Thanks!

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  • Like pp said they are taller so it's nice to put them in the rnp especially if you have dogs. The deep sides protect the baby from the dogs tail too. Plus they fold up easily so they are portable.
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  • I love the RNP. It is the only bigger item that I plan on getting 2 of right away. My daughter slept in hers (naps and at night) for months.

  • We love our RNPs! As PPs have mentioned they are more for sleep.  Our twins use them for naps during the day and they sleep really well in them.  Occasionally if we're having a rough night with them sleeping in their bassinets we move the RNP upstairs.
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  • I bought two RnPs as well. I've heard so many good things about them and thought it would be a great investment!
  • RnP's are for sleep. They don't really like hanging out in them unless it's nap or bedtime. And they have always slept amazingly in them.

    The bouncy chair is more for entertainment or keeping them occupied/contained while I'm trying to get something done. They might fall asleep in it, but I wouldn't use it as a regular sleeping spot.

    We have 2 RnP's and 2 bouncy chairs, and we use them both daily.

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  • OK, that all makes more sense now.  In pictures, it's hard to tell.  Since we have one bouncy seat, maybe instead of a second, we'll get a RnP and see what they/we prefer.  Thanks!
    At about 8 weeks old we borrowed a rock n play from a friend. I didn't think we needed one. Well within 24 hours I had ordered a second one on amazon. We used them like crazy for naps and when spitting up was at its peak, the girls slept in them in their room. We don't use them anymore and gave them both away but it was the best $40 I spent. 

    The girls still use their bouncy seats now, and one converts to a toddler chair but those are much lower to the ground and not somewhere I would stick a baby to sleep for the night or a nap. The rock in play is so easy to pick the babies up from AND to tandem feed them in (I sat in a chair between the two). Also if you rest one on the other, you can rock both with one foot while you eat lol 
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