Cloth Diapering

question for my trusted cd friends

Most of my Velcro diapers work great, no problems. However, there are a couple that just love to get droopy. Would sewing 2 pieces of the hook portion back to back and attaching one side to the laundry tab and the other to the landing strip work to combat the droopys? Or is there a better way that I don't know yet?

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I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Tech Support group on Facebook

Re: question for my trusted cd friends

  • It sounds like it could work. It's worth a shot. You aren't sewing anything to the diaper, right?
    Chad and Fawn

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers


  • doeie04 said:
    It sounds like it could work. It's worth a shot. You aren't sewing anything to the diaper, right?

    Nope, just thinking of trying to stick the two sections of loop together. Obviously, I'd have to remove the double side hook piece to fold the tabs over to wash.

    YBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Tech Support group on Facebook
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  • I can't picture it. Would it put hook and loop against baby's skin?


  • That's what I thought you meant. I think it's a great idea and super easy to do. :)
    Chad and Fawn

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers


  • Jane, the extra piece would be attached to the landing strip, attaching the laundry tab on the wing to that. So you have landing strip, velcro piece, laundry tab. If im understanding it correctly.
    Chad and Fawn

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers


  • I finally had the chance to try it......worked like a charm. The piece of double sided hook tape was at the ends of the landing strip and the tabs were crossed over in the middle. How many people really need to cross over diaper tabs on active little ones I don't know, but know we know how to fix wing droop on the ones that do.

    YBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Tech Support group on Facebook
  • Yay! I'm glad it worked! I came back to see if you had an update. :)
    Chad and Fawn

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers


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