Trouble TTC

-:- 3T Weekly Check-In -:-

Welcome to the weekly check-in! 

Reply to this post if you would like your information updated.  Please post an update at least monthly so I know you are still active - even if your info hasn't changed.  You will be removed if you go more than four weeks without posting.  

If you would like to be added or updated, please answer the questions below:

1. What is your name (if you want to share)?
2. When did you start TTC (month/year)?
3. What is your diagnosis (if you have one)?
4. What treatments are you doing?

For everyone who is up to date on the above, where are you in your current cycle and how's it going?

If you are finally getting your BFP, please PM me so I don't miss it!  Also this helps me avoid posting an ambiguous BFP if you're not ready to officially call it.


QOTW: What's one TV show (or more..) you don't like to admit you watch?

March 2014 BFPs
::adrenal hyperplasia / Injects+ IUI 2.3
::PCOS+Endo / Injects+TI
April 2014 BFPs
::unicornate ute / FET#1
May 2014 BFPs
::unexplained / Follistim+IUI#3
::unexplained / IUI#1
::endo+PCOS / femera+follistim
::endo / IVF#2
June 2014 BFPs
::PCOS / natural cycle
::MFI / injects+IUI#3.1
::MFI / injects+IUI#2
::unexplained / IVF
::donor sperm / follistim+IUI#6
July 2014 BFPs
::unexplained / follistim+IUI#3
August 2014 BFPs
::PCOS / Clomid
::chemo induced IF / injects+IUI
::annov / Clomid
::PCOS / natural cycle
::PCOS / Femara + TI
::unexplained / IUI#2
::unexplained / clomid+IUI#3
::unexplained / natural cycle
September 2014 BFPs
::unexplained / clomid+IUI#3
::PCOS / clomid

**amylev80 - TTC since 2007
treatment: Clomid + TI
**AnnaClaire256 - TTC since 3/2012
treatment: Clomid + IUI#2
**Ashlee8809 - TTC since 7/2013
treatment: RE appt
**Autumray - TTC since 10/2012
treatment: Femara
**CarSaidYes - TTC since 4/2014
treatment: IUI#1
**DharmaChick - TTC since 9/2012
treatment: IVF
**DSculley1824 - TTC since 2/2014
treatment: testing / RE referral
**ireland82 - TTC since 11/2013
treatment: metformin
**je333206 - TTC since 6/2013
treatment: femara
**jennym25 - TTC since 8/2011
treatment: Femara + B2B IUIs
**Juneroses - TTC since 1/2012
treatment: letrozole + TI
**LindseyM2012 - TTC since 9/2013
treatment: self-benched
**LLM100811 - TTC since 6/2013
treatment: natural cycle
**PeanutRN - TTC since 9/2013
treatment: Femara
**rachelkeller - TTC since 8/2012
treatment: follistim
**RazzyRN / Cait - TTC since 9/2013
treatment: testing
**steen9713 / Simeonne - TTC since 2/2014
treatment: metformin + letrozole
**thirtyninetoforty / Paige - TTC since 1/2014
treatment: injects
**TiffW2012 - TTC since 5/2013
treatment: Femara + TI

**amlrunner - TTC since 7/2012
treatment: benched
**awiley10 - TTC since 11/2011
treatment: IUI
**BlueJoan - TTC since 10/2011
treatment: IVF 
**BunnyBerry - TTC since 1/2009
treatment: letrozole + IUI
**chicory - TTC since 6/2012
treatment: onto IVF
**EmilieT10 - TTC since 11/2012
treatment: IVF + ICSI
**Hollowvic / Victoria - TTC since 12/2013
treatment: swiching Res
**Kcheese / Katie - TTC since 12/2011
treatment: Femera + IUI#4
**kristyn831 - TTC since 7/2013
treatment: IVF+ICSI
**ky29 - TTC since 3/2012
treatment: IVF between ER & ET
**MrsLolaSky - TTC since 8/2013
treatment: IUI next month
**TLooney17 / Tiffany - TTC since 1/2013
treatment: natural cycles until IVF in Nov

Combination / Other
**angelina2402 - TTC since ???
dx: DOR
treatment: natural IUI
**DaydreamSam - TTC since 11/2009
dx: PCOS and Endo
treatment: natural cycles until IVF
**EastBayBride508 - TTC since 1/2013
dx: one ovary/tube, uterine fibroids
treatment: benched - lap 11/5
**emilee871 - TTC since 4/2012
dx: Endo / 1 ovary
treatment: IVF - stimming
**Emma61210 - TTC since 1/2012
dx: ovulatory dysfunction
treatment: IVF + ICSI
**hrushka / Aly - TTC since 5/2012
dx: inconsisten ovulation
treatment: Letrozole + IUI#2
**iPutKetchupOnKetchup - TTC since 5/2013
dx: uterine didelphys & annov cycles
treatment: waiting for AF
**Je11yBean85 - TTC since 11/2013
dx: hypothalamic amenorrhea
treatment: follistim + low dose hcg + IUI
**jenmcD11 - TTC since 7/2013
dx: PCOS + MFI
treatment: Clomid + IUI
**jessimi06 - TTC since 4/2012
dx: PCOS & MFI
treatment: FET 9/27
**kkeglar13 / Keri - TTC since 1/2010
dx: PCOS & low count/morph
treatment: Letrozole + Follistim + IUI
**kushie77 / Leah- TTC since 5/2012
dx: hashimoto's, PCOS, MFI
treatment: natural cycle
**murrt / Tara - TTC since 9/2013
dx: cervical factor + elevated TSH / MFI
treatment: Uro appt
**Radiantly - TTC since 12/2013
dx: Endo, blocked right tube
treatment: natural cycle
**rainbowbridge14 - TTC since 10/2012
dx: PCOS & MFI
treatment: bravelle + IUI#4
**Rcvb22 - TTC since 3/2010
dx: endo / unexplained spotting
treatment: IVF - freeze all - FET Nov
**RunCC37 - TTC since 3/2012
dx: Poor embryo quality, arcuate uterus, mild endo
treatment: follow up w/ Dr KK & Re appt
**SnakeFisherBub - TTC since 11/2012
dx: fibroid / cyst
treatment: follow up from lap
**StacyLH24 - TTC since 7/2013
dx: endo & uterine septum
treatment: IVF - Nov
**triathlete23 - TTC since 9/2013
dx: annov / low morph
treatment: self-benched until repeat SA
**twinkie0612 - TTC since 8/2011
dx: low prog, hostile CM, high act NK cells, poor egg qual
treatment: IVF#4 late fall

**aves0708 - TTC since
treatment: Clomid + IUI
**Buttmonkey34 - TTC since 3/2012
treatment: IVF - stimming
**DarcyHermione - TTC since 5/2013
treatment: Letrozole + TI
**emmuffy - TTC since 
treatment: IVF - stimming
**laughlovelive - TTC since 8/2012
treatment: IUI#2
**lisa89760 - TTC since 1/2013
treatment: Femera + IUI#4
**.Mrs.Matt. - TTC since 12/2012
treatment: femara + Gonal F + IUI#5
**ritacita - TTC since 11/2007
treatment: Clomid + injects + IUI#2
**ronniesgirl1981 / Aimie - TTC since 8/2012
treatment: IUI#3
**stace2524 - TTC since 3/2013
treatment: clomid + IUI#4
**theholmanherd - TTC since 11/2012
treatment: off bench?
**Tiko99 - TTC since 2/2012
treatment: new RE appt

No diagnosis yet - testing
**JlambertJen - TTC since 9/2013
**LSantay - TTC since 12/2012
**bibliothecary - TTC since 8/2013
**Diordra - TTC since 6/2013

TTC since March 2012
DX: MFI (4% motility)

Cycle 13: Natural cycle w/ HSG test = BFP
Identical twins! 
Lost my angel boys at 10.5 weeks

Cycle 14-16: Natural Cycles = BFN
Cycle 17: Follistim + Trigger + IUI = BFN
Cycle 18: Natural Cycle = BFN
Cycle 19: Follistim + Trigger +IUI#2
Polyp found: SIS 11/11 - hysteroscopy 11/14
Cycle 20: Follistim + IUI#2 = BFFN
Cycle 21: Follistim (adj. dosage) + IUI#3 TI  = BFN
IUI cancelled due to weather
Cycle 22: Follistim + IUI#3.1 = BFN

Cycle 23: treatment break, IVF consult
Cycle 24 - 26: natural cycle w/ acupuncture + Chinese herbs = BFN
Cycle 27: Follistim + IUI#4 = BFFN
Natural Cycles until IVF
Cycle 30: IVF#1 - Starting with Menopur + Follistim + Ganirelix
17 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 5dt w/ 2 blasts, 5 frosties

Betas:  #1-156(9dp5dt), #2-1200(13dp5) #3-6112(17dp5)
Ultrasound #1 10/6: 1 bean!

My Chart

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: -:- 3T Weekly Check-In -:-

  • I just got back from U/S to check follies, and totally didn't even ask what the numbers were (really just didn't want to be there), but now I'm freaking out a tiny bit because she gave me another 3 injects of Gonal-F, and not another U/S until Tuesday. Last time I didn't need any extra injects on top of the original 2 I always do on CD7 and 9, and we did another U/S the very next day. I'm just praying that she knows what she's doing and I don't over stim. Let the paranoia begin!

    @Hmgavin‌ GL on your first cycle!
    ME 28, DH 28
    09/2007 Married
    11/2007 TTC
    03/2010 SA dx = low morphology
    03/2014 RE dx Unexplained Infertility DH numbers are all up and look wonderful.
    08/2014 IUI#1 Clomid +Gonal-F+Ovidrel = BFN
    09/2014 IUI #2 Clomid+Gonal-F+Ovidrel = BFN
    10/2014 WFT apt. moving to IVF in Feb. 2015 FX!
  • Loading the player...
  • @angelina2404‌ real housewives are my lifeeeeeeeeee. But I'm a NJ, BH and OC fan. In that order!

    Razz *
    Me 24: PCOS & elevated Prolactin --- H 28: SA great
    Married <3 September 2012 -- TTC #1 Since September 2013

    Femara 5mg + Ovidrel + TI + Progesterone
    = BFP!
    Beta #1:  12/24  371  -  Beta #2:  12/26  898

  • I had my first IUI on Wednesday. Felt really good about it all until today. DH and MIL had me assisting them with yard work and I feel like I may have done too much. So now I'm really mad at myself for being so helpful and getting hot and doing physical labor. I did take it easy but work is work. Beta is on the 25th. Do you guys think I've done damage by allowing myself to work outside today?

    QOTW- I'm totally addicted to KUWTK and Carter on MTV. So addicted. And newly addicted to Don't Be Tardy.
    Me: 26 (IC/PCOS-2000mg of Metformin daily)

    June 2014- HSG=clear

    DH: 27 (SA results were great minus the slightly low morphology)
    Started dating DH in 2002 at 14 years old
    Married on 03.01.2014
    Officially TTC since April 2014 
    January 2013- Surprise BFP, m/c at 6 weeks, D&C 2 Weeks later
    April 2014- First RE appointment
    July 2014- IUI#1-Canx due to scar tissue and polyps. TI with the help of Ovidrel. BFN

    August 2014- Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue and polyp

    September 2014- IUI #1.1-100mg Clomid, Ovideral, 11.5 million swimmers=BFP

    EDD-6/3/15- Our sweet baby Ryan was born on 1/6/15 and is in the arms of an Angel

    Dx with IC on 1/6/15

  • @CarSaidYes‌ omg loveeeee finding carter!!

    Razz *
    Me 24: PCOS & elevated Prolactin --- H 28: SA great
    Married <3 September 2012 -- TTC #1 Since September 2013

    Femara 5mg + Ovidrel + TI + Progesterone
    = BFP!
    Beta #1:  12/24  371  -  Beta #2:  12/26  898

  • Officially on a break as AF arrived today, so IUI #4 ended in a BFN :( IVF consult scheduled for October...this sucks...


    Me: (30) HSG/Bloodwork/Ultrasound: All looks good

    DH: (30): MFI

     IUIs #1-4 = BFN

    IVF #1 December January

    **********************All Welcome**********************

    January 3T Siggy


  • @Kcheese‌ sorry for your BFN!

    Femara and TI cycle #2 is a BFN-AF arrived today. I wasn't expecting good news but it's still a major let down. I did switch REs, but I'm still in the same practice, just someone who specializes in PCOS. Starting femara again on Monday.

    QOTW: pretty much every show I watch is embarrassing :) I particularly love lifetime movies, the more ridiculous the better!
    Me: 26, PCOS, Clear HSG
    DH: 29, Perfectly Normal SA

    Married Since 10/6/2012
    TTC Since 6/2013

    2/2014: Visited OB-GYN, Low Progesterone
    3/2014: 50 mg Clomid, Ovulated, BFN
    4/2014: 50 mg Clomid, Ovulated, BFN
    5/2014: 50 mg Clomid, Ovulated, BFN
    6/2014: 50 mg Clomid, Ovulated, BFN

    7/2014: First RE visit, Diagnosed with PCOS, Started on 5 mg Femara + Ovidrel + TI, 1 22mm Follicle, BFN
    8/2014: 5 mg Femara + Ovidrel + TI, 2 Mature Follicles, BFN
    9/2014: 5 mg Femara + Ovidrel + IUI #1, 3 Mature Follicles, BFN
    10/2014: 5 mg Femara + Ovidrel + IUI #2, 1 Mature Follicle, BFN
    11/2014: 5 mg Femara + 75 mg Follistim + Ovidrel + IUI #3, 3 Mature Follicles, BFN
    12/2014: Starting IVF in January

    1/2015: IVF with ICSI, Currently Stimming

    *****Everyone is Welcome*****

  • Had my 5th IUI on Wednesday morning. There were tears, two people who attempted the procedure, news that my DH's white blood cell count had skyrocketed, and one stressed out DH attending for the first time. He needs to take antibiotics and visit a urologist.

    Planning to start some serious conversations with RE's office about getting us on the schedule for IVF. Apparently you get your deposit back if you end up pregnant while you were waiting.

    Sometimes I'm excitedly looking forward to a treatment break and IVF in our future, other times I'm feeling awful about the whole thing...

    QOTW: Lately, Botched has been my guilty pleasure!
    Married in 2006, TTC since Dec 2012
    Unexplained IF, Hypothyroidism

    IUI's 1 - 3: Femara + Ovidrel = BFN
    IUI's 4 - 5: Femara + Gonal F + Ovidrel = BFN

    IVF Jan 2015. 21R/18F/15 still growing on day 2
    Transferred two beautiful embies on day 2, beta 1/29

  • AnnaClaire256AnnaClaire256 member
    edited September 2014
    CD23 and 7dpiui #2.  This two week wait is going by pretty quickly.  DH is super hopeful this time...I wish I could make myself share his optimism.

    QTOW:  I keep up with all those damn kardashians waaaay more than I'd like to admit.

    Me (29) DH (37)

    Married 7/11

    Actively TTC 3/12

    DX: PCOS

    Current treatment: Break from IUIs until after the holidays

    -----All Welcome----


    ~~~January 3T Siggy Challenge: New Year's Resolutions~~~

    (I don't do I stole T-Rex's)



  • I am 6 dpo in a natural cycle. One more natural cycle to go before ivf! The ivf nurse is sending out my projected calendar and calling in my prescriptions any day now. I'm still feeling pretty calm about everything at this point.

    I'm cheering for all you ladies in treatment cycles and hoping to see lots of bfp's soon!!

    QOTW: I like the bachelor franchise shows. I also watch American Idol and occasionally Dancing With the Stars.


    TTC #1 January 2009
    January 2010 SA results: Count 16 million, Motility 40%, Morphology 2%
    January 2010- Surprise BFP! DS born 10/1/2010 :)
    January 2013 TTC #2
    September 2013 Repeat SA: Count= 1.7 million, Motility= 24%, Morphology= 2%
    November 6th 1st Appointment with RE: diagnosed with severe MFI
    Testing to try to determine a cause & possible treatment for MFI
    CD 3 blood work for me. RE does not want to repeat my HSG/lap at this point,
    but may want to before moving forward with any fertility treatments.
    After seeing the uro, DH is currently taking lots of supplements and clomid to try to boost his count. We will have a repeat SA in February to see if it works.
    Follow up SA numbers are: Count= 4 million, Motility= 40%, Morphology= 1%
    Uro wants us to have another follow up SA 5/9 to see if we see further improvement than we are back to the RE to make a game plan.

    SA 5/9/2014 Count: 12 Million, Motility: 60%, and Morphology 2%. We will be doing iui #1 in late June

    IUI #1 6/28 clomid + ovidrel, post wash count 3 million total sperm= BFN

    IUI # 2 7/21 clomid+ ovidrel. post wash count 900,000 total sperm= BFN

    IVF planned for early November- cancelled due to cyst

    December IVF #1- 22 eggs, 20 mature,16 fertilized

    12/9 Transferred 1 4AA Blast, 6 frosties

    *****Everyone is welcome******

  • Good  luck to all the ladies cycling!

    ((hugs)) to everyone who needs them this week.

    IUI#2 was a BFN, which I completely expected so I was disappointed but not too sad.  This next cycle will be a natural cycle, as I will be visiting DH in The Netherlands!!  I am so excited to see him and for the travel experience.  We will plan for the next IUI when he returns. 

    Me (29): Hashimoto's, CD3/7DPO bloodwork & ultrasound normal, HSG & SHG(x2) all clear
    DH (29): SA Perfect
    TTC Since Jan '13, First RE Appt Jan '14
    DX: Unspecified Ovarian Dysfunction, Long Cycles
    May '13 BFP, C/P 4w3d
    Apr '14:  50mg clomid + ovidrel + B2B IUI #1=BFP,  Natural M/C 6.5wks
    Aug '14: 50mg clomid + ovidrel + B2B IUI #2=BFN
    Oct '14: 100mg clomid + ovidrel + IUI#3 =BFN
    Nov 14: 100mg clomid + ovidrel + B2B IUI#4=slow response, bad lining, cancelled
    FU with RE, more bloodwork: Anticardiolipin +
    Dec 14: 5mg Letrozole+baby aspirin +ovidrel + B2B IUI#4.1=BFFN
    Jan '15: 5mg Letrozole +baby aspirin + ovidrel +B2B IUI #5= BFP!! 
    Beta #1 210  Beta #2 546

  • Good luck to anyone PUPO or testing soon. FX for BFPs.
    (((HUGS))) to anyone who got BFNs or just needs one.

    Nothing new to report here.

    Q: Vampire Diaries haha. We've also gotten into Hemlock Grove (Netflix original) and it's so weird, but we can't look away! Also, I've definitely seen the entire Desperate Housewives (the drama, not the reality show) series more than once.
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • Still a waiting game here. On CD11/12 (technically 12 since it's 12:48 lol). DH has his Uro appt on 9/22 bc of elevated WBC in his SA. I have more blood work the same day. Waiting for an appt date for the RE. Will be trying natural cycle this month again. FX for a good plan next cycle. Good luck to all the ladies on here!

    QOTW: I'm a tv's all totally embarrassing. My DVR is always full. I like anything on Bravo, Lifetime, E!, and TLC. Some shows on MTV, some on ABC family, some on ABC, HGTV....well you get the picture. I'm a tv addict :)


    Me (26) & DH (26)
    Dog Momma to 2 amazing furbabies
    Started dating: May 6, 2005 & Married: August 4, 2012
    Diagnosis: PCOS

    September 2013 - January 2014: Not trying but not preventing
    February 2014:
    Officially TTC (BBT, OPKs, etc)
    February-August 2014: Irregular Cycles, U/S showed Fibroids/Cysts, Provera required to get AF, BFNs
    September & October 2014: Testing Months with Reproductive Endocrinologist!
    DH's SA: Normal (116.4 million sperm, 97% motility, 36% morphology) - WHO criteria
    DH's Repeat SA: Poss. Low Morph. (138 million sperm, 73% motility, 8% morphology) - Kruger criteria
    HSG and SIS: Normal (tubes clear)

    Medicated Cycle:
     5mg Letrozole + Trigger Injection + TI = BFP!!


    Beta #1: 12/8 - 1,040 Beta #2: 12/10 - 2,902 Beta #3: 12/16 - 19,321
    Ultrasound #1: 12/12 (5 weeks 1 day) - Gestational sac and yolk sac present
    Ultrasound #2: 12/18 (6 weeks 0 days) - Measuring good, heart rate 99
    Ultrasound #3: 12/26 (7 weeks 1 day) - Measuring good, heart rate 150

  • @ky29, I'm waiting for AF. I will likely have to jump start it if it doesn't show up by the time we move at the end of the month. I don't know what you would classify that as for the check in.
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • @triathlete23‌ I'm obsessed with 19 kids and counting too! We must be gluttons for punishment watching those extremely fertile women. But I seriously can not get enough!
    ME 28, DH 28
    09/2007 Married
    11/2007 TTC
    03/2010 SA dx = low morphology
    03/2014 RE dx Unexplained Infertility DH numbers are all up and look wonderful.
    08/2014 IUI#1 Clomid +Gonal-F+Ovidrel = BFN
    09/2014 IUI #2 Clomid+Gonal-F+Ovidrel = BFN
    10/2014 WFT apt. moving to IVF in Feb. 2015 FX!
  • Hey @ky29
    I have been on this board for about two months, but I haven't done this update. So, here goes. My name is Becky and DH and I have been trying since April, 2013. I just found out that I have a cyst on my left ovary. I haven't gotten an official diagnosis yet. I meet with an OBGyn tomorrow for the first time, after which I am sure I will be making a post. No treatments yet, but just trying to eat well, be healthy, and stay positive.

    Best of luck to everyone!
  • @murrt‌ Teen Mom, Awkward AND Married at First Sight?! Yesss. I think we could be besties lol


    Me (26) & DH (26)
    Dog Momma to 2 amazing furbabies
    Started dating: May 6, 2005 & Married: August 4, 2012
    Diagnosis: PCOS

    September 2013 - January 2014: Not trying but not preventing
    February 2014:
    Officially TTC (BBT, OPKs, etc)
    February-August 2014: Irregular Cycles, U/S showed Fibroids/Cysts, Provera required to get AF, BFNs
    September & October 2014: Testing Months with Reproductive Endocrinologist!
    DH's SA: Normal (116.4 million sperm, 97% motility, 36% morphology) - WHO criteria
    DH's Repeat SA: Poss. Low Morph. (138 million sperm, 73% motility, 8% morphology) - Kruger criteria
    HSG and SIS: Normal (tubes clear)

    Medicated Cycle:
     5mg Letrozole + Trigger Injection + TI = BFP!!


    Beta #1: 12/8 - 1,040 Beta #2: 12/10 - 2,902 Beta #3: 12/16 - 19,321
    Ultrasound #1: 12/12 (5 weeks 1 day) - Gestational sac and yolk sac present
    Ultrasound #2: 12/18 (6 weeks 0 days) - Measuring good, heart rate 99
    Ultrasound #3: 12/26 (7 weeks 1 day) - Measuring good, heart rate 150

  • We are in a natural cycle and hopefully IVF next cycle. DH had f/u with urologist but I'm hoping insurance will approve ICSI before then because he's had the initial appoinment with b/w and repeat SA. QOTW: The Bachelor series and Teen Mom 2. I don't always watch the bachelor, sometimes it's just too much, but I keep up to date on it.


    Me: 33, DH: 35
    Married 10/13, TTC since 7/13
    Dx: MFI
    IUI #1 7/14: BFN
    IUI #2 8/14: BFN
    IVF #1 11/14: 20R17M15F
    Transferred 1 three day embryo! 7 frosties!
    BFP!  EDD 7/27/15


  • CD2 ladies.

    Couple more months max before endo surgery. Starting some special DHEA, prognelanone and adrenal blend vitamins via my chiropractor on Tuesday. Hope they get rid of my endo without surgery. Worried that it's a state in my ute/feminine system and just surgery would be a band aid. Need to meditate more.

    That's my night check in
    TTC#1 since Aug 2013, I'm 37, DH 41.  
    Maya Arvigo Abdominal massage (daily self care), plus TTC meditations.
    I'm very sensitive to diet (gluten, avoid processed foods) and environment. Have a history of inflammation and tendinitis before going off gluten in 2009.  
    July 2014 - RE Visit #1: Eggs look good, Endometrioma on R ovary, HSG showed blocked R tube close to ovary. DH SA normal 
    DX: Endometriosis probably the IF cause and gunking up tubes.  Since egg reserve is high, RE says I can wait a couple months and then get laproscopic surgery to remove endo & clear tube.  If that doesn't help then move to IVF. 
    Dec 2014 - Saw new RE - does not recommend surgery on tube as it isn't likely to help.  Doubts I have endometriosis.  My endometrioma shrunk to neglible size (yay!) 
    Seriously considering IVF in March/April
    12/17/14 - Natural BFP! 
  • When did you start TTC (month/year)? July 2013
    What is your diagnosis (if you have one)? PCOS (still testing, though)
    What treatments are you doing? still testing!  HSG/SIS/SA on Friday


  • RazzyRN said:
    I finished up my provera two days ago now I am just waiting on AF. I usually get it 4 days after my last pill.. I had major back pain this morning which usually means she is on her way! I've never been so excited to get AF but once she arrives I can schedule my cd 3 bw& u/s and HSG and sono HSG !
    @razzyRN HI! I remember you from TTGP a while back.  Looks like you're all done with school/NCLEX?  Congrats : ) It's a great feeling, isn't it?!


  • It's been a weird cycle. I officially have my period and I'm only CD15 today so I don't know what the hell is going on. I feel as though I had some left over follicles from my last clomid cycle and it totally jacked up my cycle. I went to the new RE last Tuesday and he saw two collapsed follicles and stated he couldn't tell if I had just ovulated or if they were cysts from last cycle. I'm going to call my old RE tomorrow since I will be in town on Tuesday to see if he can squeeze me in for an ultrasound. My new RE mentioned I had a fibroid so I want my old RE to give me his option on this apparent fibroid. 

    I think I'm going to bench myself the next month to see if my cycle regulates on its own because I have been regular, almost on the spot for the past 4 years, so fx this messed up cycle is not my body, but from the meds!

    Good luck everyone who is currently cycling!

    Me: 33, DH: 32

    TTC: 2 years
    Fertility blood tests all normal
    Tilted uterus
    3 day ultrasound 17 follicles
    HSG: 11/13/13- tubes open
    DH SA: SUPER sperm (145 million, 84% motility, 22% morphology)
    All infection disease and immunity blood tests NORMAL

    FIRST IUI May 2014: 100 mg Clomid days 5-9, third ultrasound CD 13 revealed four follicles 27, 24 and 20 and 13mm. Trigger shot May 28 with IUI May 29 and 30 (fingers crossed) - BFN started spotting 11DPO :(

    IUI #2 B2B 6/23 and 6/24, three mature eggs and 130 million sperm! FX this is the month!  BFN 7/8

    3rd cycle benched due to cysts - TI with OPK tests -  BFN

    3rd mediated cycle: Clomid+Trigger+TI  (three follies left side, one on right as usual....what the hell right ovary get it together and produce some damn follicles!) 7DPO progesterone level 43 with NO suppositories YAY for a natural strong ovulation. Beta canceled started spotting 13DPO - Third time is not a CHARM! 14 day cycle WTF! Everything looks normal - RE wants to start injectables next cycle so this cycle I'm benched

    Officially benched until March....but still plan on trying the baking soda douche due to my excessive and thick CM

    JANUARY SIGGY CHALLENGE...This is so me!


    Love this man....he was so before his time in his thoughts and ideas about the world....been obsessed about him lately bringing it back to the early 90s.


    Never thought I would like long hair....


  • New to the check-in! Already running late, go figure.

    I'm Typo, and my husband and I have been trying to conceive since August 2013. I was recently diagnosed with mild PCOS, and I'm just finishing up my last natural cycle before going to medicated TI. I'm 7DPO right now and have been spotting since ovulation. Just waiting for it to ramp up to call CD1 and get in touch with the RE's office.

    I'm not embarrassed by the fact that I watch Gilmore Girls (because hello its the best show ever) but I am embarrassed by the fact that I seriously watch it EVERY DAY on syndication. I've seen the entire series through about 6 times, in order. It's my comfort TV!

  • mbrookeRN said:

    RazzyRN said:

    I finished up my provera two days ago now I am just waiting on AF. I usually get it 4 days after my last pill.. I had major back pain this morning which usually means she is on her way!

    I've never been so excited to get AF but once she arrives I can schedule my cd 3 bw& u/s and HSG and sono HSG !

    @razzyRN HI! I remember you from TTGP a while back.  Looks like you're all done with school/NCLEX?  Congrats : ) It's a great feeling, isn't it?!

    Hi!!!!! Yes I'm all done and officially a Registered Nurse yay :)

    Razz *
    Me 24: PCOS & elevated Prolactin --- H 28: SA great
    Married <3 September 2012 -- TTC #1 Since September 2013

    Femara 5mg + Ovidrel + TI + Progesterone
    = BFP!
    Beta #1:  12/24  371  -  Beta #2:  12/26  898

  • Good luck to everyone that's cycling and hugs to everyone who needs it :)

    I'm 7DPIUI now and I'm on progesterone supplements for the first time.  Trying to stay optimistic but the second week of the 2WW is always the hardest for me.

    QOTD: We gave up cable last year when we moved to our new house but I miss my trashy TV!  I love real housewives. 
    Me (29), DH (32)
    Aug 2011  - Married
    Jan 2013   - Started TTC
    Jan 2014   - OB started some testing 
                         - HSG - Normal
                         - Ultrasound - Normal
                         - SA - Normal, but tested positive for Ureaplasma
                         - Both of us on antibiotics to treat ureaplasma
                         - Blood work - progesterone: 15.9, TSH: 0.89, FT4: 1.2, Prolactin: 33.4 
    Feb 2014   - Endometrial Biopsy - Normal
    Mar 2014   - Prolactin: 22.9, referred to RE
    Apr 2014   - First RE appointment, put on medication for high prolactin levels 
                      - Clomid (50 mg) 1 follicle, Trigger shot - BFN
                      - Second SA - All Normal, borderline morph (5%) 
    May 2014   - Clomid (100mg) 2 follicles, Trigger shot - BFN
                      - blood work: Estradiol: 32.7, FSH: 5.3, Prolactin: 14.1
    June 2014  - IUI #1, Clomid (150 mg), 3 follicles, Trigger shot - BFN 
    July 2014   - IUI #2, Clomid (150 mg), 4 follicles, Trigger shot - BFN
    Aug 2014   - IUI #3, Femara 2.5, 3 follicles, Trigger shot (first time done by DH!!) - BFN
                      - Hysteroscopy - Normal
    Sept 2014 - IUI #4 Femara 2.5, 1 follicle, possibility of another one, Trigger shot - BFN
                       -Progesterone test 4 DPIUI - 7.8...started crinone.
    Oct 2014 - IUI #5 Follistim 150 3 possibly 4 follicles - Trigger Shot - BFN
    Oct/Nov 2014 - Follistim 150 with TI & Trigger shot - ???

    **October Siggy Challenge**

    I don't even know what he is supposed to be!


  • Hey hey everyone. Happy Monday!

    On CD31 over here. I was hoping with the weight loss that magically it would jump start a normal cycle. No such luck. I'm going to give it until Friday, take a HPT, and start my 10 day Provera.

    What else... Oh, I'm going to RE for blood work tomorrow: some genetic tests, titres for chicken pox and rubella immunity, and a follow up on my thyroid levels.

    QOTW: I'm embarrassed by it, but I still watch Glee. I actually hate it, but can't stop watching. At least it will be over soon. The other show I'm embarrassed I watch is ANTM, but at least that one I like.

    Me: 27, PCOS. DH: 28, TBD.

    Married since August 8, 2009

    2009-2011: TTC 12+mo. Irregular periods, normal blood work.
    2012 - 07/2013: Baby plans on hold. Back on BCP.
    07/2013 - 06/2014: Off BCP to try again. Completely absent periods. High testosterone. Referred to Endocrinologist.
    07/24/2014: PCOS diagnosis. Lifestyle changes before determining next steps...
    08/16/2014; CD1!! (Provera)
    08/26/2014: RE Consultation. Plan is to continue weight loss, prescribed levothyroxine (50mcg) for slightly high TSH.


  • @typo31 Gilmore Girls is my jam! I actually made a New Years resolution to rewatch all 7 seasons. I own them, but just can't be bothered deal with DVDs anymore. I just heard they were coming to Netflix next month!

    Me: 27, PCOS. DH: 28, TBD.

    Married since August 8, 2009

    2009-2011: TTC 12+mo. Irregular periods, normal blood work.
    2012 - 07/2013: Baby plans on hold. Back on BCP.
    07/2013 - 06/2014: Off BCP to try again. Completely absent periods. High testosterone. Referred to Endocrinologist.
    07/24/2014: PCOS diagnosis. Lifestyle changes before determining next steps...
    08/16/2014; CD1!! (Provera)
    08/26/2014: RE Consultation. Plan is to continue weight loss, prescribed levothyroxine (50mcg) for slightly high TSH.


  • First cycle done It most likely is a bust but I guess you can say I'm on a TWW but I don't have much hope since TI didn't work out :( so TWW then if I get. BFN I go on to round 2 of a medicated cycle with letrozole. But I did respond to the letrozole and had one foli measure at 23mm
  • Today is CD1. I feel like I got hit by a truck! I have AF pains and a cold. Ugh what a combo! Anyway I will hopefully find out tomorrow what our next step is (if they are keeping me on 5mg of femara or upping me) since I responded so late (Od CD19 again with 2 follies not much progress according to US) and had slow growth on follies. HOPEFULLY (FX) since there arent any holidays coming up soon I will be able to Trigger this cycle! (od over the holiday weekend DX ) 
    *** Siggy Warning ***
    Me:30 DH:33
    TTC since 10/12 
    HSG- Tubes Clear slight scarring on UTE (unexplained)
    DH SA- Normal
    10/12-6/13 Natural 
    Pcos Dx 7/13 Metformin 500mg x2 daily
    4/14 Provera  10days  then Clomid 50mg CD5-9 (BFN)
    5/14 Provera 10days then Clomid 50mg CD5-9  (BFN)
    6/14 (no provera yay!) Clomid 50mg CD5-9  (BFN)
    7/14 Natural Cycle Moving on to RE appt not til 7/31 (BFN)  
    8/14 Plan of action! Moved up to 1500mg Metformin, Femara 3-7 (Trigger canceled due to not big enough follies and holiday weekend) (BFN)
    9/14 7.5mg Femara CD3-7 +ovidrel  (BFN)
    10/14 5mg Femara(3-7) Follistim 75 (7-9) +Ovidrel +TI (last treatment cycle this year Breaking til after Holidays) (BFP! Beta #1 114, Beta #2 364)
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALL ARE WELCOME! ~~~~~~~~~


    BabyFetus Ticker
  • @typo31 Gilmore Girls is my jam! I actually made a New Years resolution to rewatch all 7 seasons. I own them, but just can't be bothered deal with DVDs anymore. I just heard they were coming to Netflix next month!

    October 1st! I can't wait! I have seen most of the episodes, but not all (I ALWAYS miss the one where Rory gets arrested) because I've only watched it on syndication. I don't have it on DVD. Boo. I can't wait for October 1st!!!
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • My RE appt is scheduled!!!! October 2 at 11:30am :):) I'll be on CD30 (which I'm sure AF won't be anywhere in sight since I keep having to take provera due to 60+ CD) so hopefully I can start my plan ASAP that the RE feels would be best.


    Me (26) & DH (26)
    Dog Momma to 2 amazing furbabies
    Started dating: May 6, 2005 & Married: August 4, 2012
    Diagnosis: PCOS

    September 2013 - January 2014: Not trying but not preventing
    February 2014:
    Officially TTC (BBT, OPKs, etc)
    February-August 2014: Irregular Cycles, U/S showed Fibroids/Cysts, Provera required to get AF, BFNs
    September & October 2014: Testing Months with Reproductive Endocrinologist!
    DH's SA: Normal (116.4 million sperm, 97% motility, 36% morphology) - WHO criteria
    DH's Repeat SA: Poss. Low Morph. (138 million sperm, 73% motility, 8% morphology) - Kruger criteria
    HSG and SIS: Normal (tubes clear)

    Medicated Cycle:
     5mg Letrozole + Trigger Injection + TI = BFP!!


    Beta #1: 12/8 - 1,040 Beta #2: 12/10 - 2,902 Beta #3: 12/16 - 19,321
    Ultrasound #1: 12/12 (5 weeks 1 day) - Gestational sac and yolk sac present
    Ultrasound #2: 12/18 (6 weeks 0 days) - Measuring good, heart rate 99
    Ultrasound #3: 12/26 (7 weeks 1 day) - Measuring good, heart rate 150

  • Paige TTC #1 since January.  RX: PCOS...benched this cycle because stupid RE office told me I couldn't order injectables prior to CD3 appt! 

    (((HUGS))) to all!
    41 & single; DX:  PCOS
    TTC #1 with IUI and donor sperm
    First IUI May, 2014, Clomid + Trigger = BFN
    Second IUI July, 2014, Clomid + Trigger = BFN
    Third IUI Dec, 2014, Femara + Follistim + Trigger = BFN
    Fourth IUI Feb 2015, Femara + Follistim + Trigger = C/P :(

  • Hubs and I started trying to conceive 8/ 2011. We were diagnosed with unexplained infertility, and are currently in our 2 ww from IUI #2 on clomid 50mg.

    2ww are so difficult. Trying to be hopeful for IUI #2!
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