

8 days post section and my incision is slightly infected.  Red and hot to the touch  Dr put me on antibiotic.  Anyone else?  I'm curious about how recovery went after an infection.  TIA.
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Re: Infection

  • Did you have a fever or other symptoms? This is my second cs but I don't feel like it's healing as fast this time -- I had an incision check on weds and doc said it was fine but there is some redness and leakage and I am paranoid.
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  • Not fun! I hope the antibiotics clear it up super fast. Feel better momma!
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  • Thanks for the well wishes ladies.  Antibiotics helped immediately and I'm feeling great.  @js1002  It was red.  No fever or leakage.  Was it red at you incision check?  Mine happened in a matter of hours.  
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I had a bad infection 10 days post-op with #1.  I ended up having to have it re-opened and drained.  Once that occurred and I was on antibiotics, I felt better within days.

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