Hello everyone. I've been lurking the past couple weeks and have been a semi-regular over on TTGP, but since we had our first RE appointment yesterday I thought I would go ahead and introduce myself and join this community.
My name is Katie. I'm 25, DH is 29. We've been TTC for 11 cycles/10 months, and decided to go the RE route due to my consistently short LPs and prior non-surgical diagnosis of endometriosis (multiple ruptured ovarian cysts, U/S showing abnormal mass on my left ovary). Prior to our consultation with the RE yesterday, DH had an SA done, and he has low motility (27%), other numbers are average. I also had a progesterone test ordered by my OB/GYN at 7 DPO which came back at 6.2.
The consultation went well, I think, though I didn't gel as well with the RE as DH did. He wants to do a pretty standard workup: CD 3 bloodwork and ultrasound, HSG and SHG between CD 6-12, repeat SA for DH. He also wants me to do a 2-hour insulin test, since he thinks I may be insulin resistant - I'm overweight, in the obese category according to BMI, and been working on getting the weight off through WW - and apparently that could be affecting my LP, which I haven't heard of before. He also wants each of us to start supplements - me, CoQ10 and a folate; DH, a multivitamin and something called Cyrita which he said can help sperm quality/motility though that isn't its primary purpose...again, haven't heard of that before. He's a well-established RE, I hope that he's not giving us a weird runaround.
All this to say, we're still in the information-gathering phase as it seems like we may have multiple things going on. I'm feeling nervous about the upcoming tests as I get very squeamish about medical procedures, but I'll do whatever I need to for us to have as much information as possible. We're also both feeling a little emotional and overwhelmed, and in this awkward phase where we'd like to start letting our family and close friends know what's going on, but it still feels private.
Sorry about the wall of text. I'm thankful for a board like this, and I hope you'll have me.
Re: Intro
TTC since 08/2012
Me: 26 (IC/PCOS-2000mg of Metformin daily)
June 2014- HSG=clear
DH: 27 (SA results were great minus the slightly low morphology)
Started dating DH in 2002 at 14 years old
Married on 03.01.2014
Officially TTC since April 2014
January 2013- Surprise BFP, m/c at 6 weeks, D&C 2 Weeks later
April 2014- First RE appointment
July 2014- IUI#1-Canx due to scar tissue and polyps. TI with the help of Ovidrel. BFN
August 2014- Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue and polyp
September 2014- IUI #1.1-100mg Clomid, Ovideral, 11.5 million swimmers=BFP
EDD-6/3/15- Our sweet baby Ryan was born on 1/6/15 and is in the arms of an Angel
Dx with IC on 1/6/15
I have other health problems that result in me being way too comfortable with medical tests, but since you said they make you nervous I would suggest rewarding yourself in some way when you get one out of the way. It is what my mom did with me when I was younger; let nurses draw blood and she would give me a pedi, etc.
Best of luck!
TTC 10.01.2012
BFP 06.04.2014 EDD 02.13.2015 D&C 07.25.2014
RE Consult Results
Me: 32, PCOS, Hypothyroid, HSG All Clear
DH: 33, Low Morph (2.5%)
11.2014 (Letrozole+IUI+Progesterone)=?
TTC #1
Official DX - MFI due to Hemochromatosis
IVF #1 Nov. 2014 - ER 11/10 (10R 6M 6F) - ET 11/13
3DT of 3 embies - no frosties - CP = BFFN!!!!
****All Welcome****
4 Losses (2003, 2008, Apr 2012, & Oct 2012)
All RPL and IF testing with multiple REs = normal
5 IUIs = BFN
All AL are welcome

Me: (30) HSG/Bloodwork/Ultrasound: All looks good
DH: (30): MFI
IUIs #1-4 = BFN
IVF #1 December January
**********************All Welcome**********************
January 3T Siggy
* Razz *
Me 24: PCOS & elevated Prolactin --- H 28: SA great
Femara 5mg + Ovidrel + TI + Progesterone = BFP!
Beta #1: 12/24 371 - Beta #2: 12/26 898
March: IUI, ectopic, 2 surgeries with 1 tube removed
May - July: 3 more IUIs, all BFN, on to IVF
August: IVF#1, BFN
September: FET#1, BFP!!!
It's a girl!!!
Me (26) & DH (26)
Dog Momma to 2 amazing furbabies
Started dating: May 6, 2005 & Married: August 4, 2012
Diagnosis: PCOS
September 2013 - January 2014: Not trying but not preventing
February 2014: Officially TTC (BBT, OPKs, etc)
February-August 2014: Irregular Cycles, U/S showed Fibroids/Cysts, Provera required to get AF, BFNs
September & October 2014: Testing Months with Reproductive Endocrinologist!
DH's SA: Normal (116.4 million sperm, 97% motility, 36% morphology) - WHO criteria
DH's Repeat SA: Poss. Low Morph. (138 million sperm, 73% motility, 8% morphology) - Kruger criteria
HSG and SIS: Normal (tubes clear)
Medicated Cycle: 5mg Letrozole + Trigger Injection + TI = BFP!!
Beta #1: 12/8 - 1,040 Beta #2: 12/10 - 2,902 Beta #3: 12/16 - 19,321
Ultrasound #1: 12/12 (5 weeks 1 day) - Gestational sac and yolk sac present
Ultrasound #2: 12/18 (6 weeks 0 days) - Measuring good, heart rate 99
Ultrasound #3: 12/26 (7 weeks 1 day) - Measuring good, heart rate 150
Me (29), DH (38)
Oct 2009 - Married
Aug 2011 - Started TTC
Jan 2012 - OB Referred to RE
Feb 2012 - RE Visit #1
Apr 2012 - HSG (Normal), PCOS - DH SA (low count and low motility)
June 2012 - Provera, Clomid, TI - BFN
July 2012 - IUI #1, Provera, Clomid 50mg, Trigger Injection - BFN
Aug 12 - Feb 14 - Break
Feb 2014 - New OB referred to new RE
Mar 2014 - New RE visit #1
Apr 2014 - TSH level elevated, need to retest.
May 2014 - TSH retested, higher than 1st test. Start on Synthroid. DH SA (Normal)
June 2014 - Start on DHEA, CO-Q10, New brand of Prenatals
July 2014 - Cycle came on its own, b/w on CD2, TSH (normal), Femara CD3-CD7, CD14 - u/s + Ovidrel + baby aspirin regimen. IUI #1 B2B on CD15/16 - BFN
August 2014 - u/s on CD3 normal, Femara CD3-CD7, u/s CD12, Ovidrel on CD13. IUI #2 B2B on CD 14/CD15 - BFN.
September 2014 - u/s on CD3 normal, Femara CD3-CD7, u/s scheduled for CD12
*** September 3T Siggy Challenge: Favorite Fall Shows ***