
Atlanta people

@hilarityensued, @mrsbadkat (I promise you can return to the Larry thread in just a second :)), @maebb, and I can't remember who else there is (but please speak up).

Are we going to do this GTG thing?  I think we talked about October the last time we discussed it. 

I'm very much looking forward to us all being socially awkward together, or you guys watching me be socially awkward, depending on your own personal levels of cool.



Re: Atlanta people

  • Ok, that was just supposed to be a smiling emoticon up there, not one who is laughing hysterically.

  • Me too (obviously).  I think @mrsbadkat is busy in the other thread right now, but maybe we could start looking at some October events?  Or would you rather do a restaurant/bar or something?

    Here's a link to a calendar of events that I found:

    The weekend of the 11-12th would be bad for me because my MIL is coming, but the other weekends are good for me so far.

    Maybe we could do a social group to discuss if everyone else agrees to October generally.


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  • Or I guess we should just wait to see who else chimes in, and what they say. I accept that Friday at 5pm was possibly not the best time to post this.


  • pobrecita said:
    @pobrecita, you're coming, right?

  • I would come if I'm available. We will be OOT some, but we haven't set dates yet. I will be 6 months pregnant by then, but I should still be able to do most things.

    There are some ATL ladies on my BMB. Could we invite them or parenting only?
  • Maebb said:
    I would come if I'm available. We will be OOT some, but we haven't set dates yet. I will be 6 months pregnant by then, but I should still be able to do most things. There are some ATL ladies on my BMB. Could we invite them or parenting only?

    Hmm, how BMB-y are they?

    I kid, I kid.  I don't really have strong feelings either way, although I obviously can't speak for everyone. 


  • I would love to meet you all! October weekends are crazy for me though because of his birthday and we spread out the weekends with in-laws. What about the weekend of the 17th?
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  • There's one on my BMB who I really like, and I think y'all would like her too, but idk if you trust my taste.
  • Chickie79 said:

    @Maebb‌ - on your new BMB or on our BMB?

    @Chickie79‌, the new BMB. I haven't checked Nov2012 in too long. I hope you're all doing great!
  • Isn't @winecastle14‌ an ATL person?
  • Yay! So we have a vote for the weekend of the 17th, and so far no one seems to have a conflict with it. Do we want to tentatively set that weekend?

  • Maebb said:

    There's one on my BMB who I really like, and I think y'all would like her too, but idk if you trust my taste.

    Maebb said:

    There's one on my BMB who I really like, and I think y'all would like her too, but idk if you trust my taste.

    Hey, I'm not here to question anyone's taste! :). I'd say just use your best judgment on whom you'd like to invite.

  • @ladyamanuet‌, get-together in ATL tentatively for Oct 17th if you're interested!
  • The Little 5 Points festival looks really fun!

    The Decatur Beer Festival is fun too. It's $40 to get in, though, and that doesn't include food, so I don't know how everyone would feel about that. It looks like tickets go on sale tomorrow, and they go sell out, so we'd have to decide soon if we wanted to do that.

  • Thanks for the head's up @maebb - I would love to! Time is the only factor for me - is this a day time or an evening thing? I work until 5, but I can be in the Buckhead area by 6 =D

    Thanks for letting Maebb invite me all - I am excited to meet some Atlanta-area moms....  I have step-daughters but I am a FTM and the few friends I have with kids don't live here in GA. 

    Hi! I don't think we're talking about the 17th itself since that's a Friday; just that weekend. Look forward to meeting you if you can make it!


  • Um. Where ever we go there needs to be booze. I do not want this to be a sober affair

    Agreed there needs to be booze flowing in abundance.  Much, much booze.  And the beerfest would work for me since I live in Decatur.  (There would be a chance of everyone being subjected to a drunk Mr. Vandelay at the beerfest, which gives me mild anxiety, but I'd get over it).  I just worry that not everyone will want to pay $40 upfront for the beerfest, especially since what you are buying is unlimited beer; and I don't want anyone to feel excluded. 

    Personally, I'm pretty much up for anything, though!



  • I see lots of tits from ladies I'd love to meet on the "creeping" comment, and I'm really hoping that means some of you are planning a road trip!

  • Ok, I just created a private group for Parenting Atlanta GTG, but I don't know how to invite people.  I think maybe you have to go to Groups and ask to join it?

  • I'm creepin this thread. I'll be in ATL in.... December :D
  • I'm creepin in this thread cuz I'm in Atlanta and newbd too late. Boo.

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  • MrsBadKat said:
    Are husbands coming or just the ladies?
    I vote just the ladies, mostly because I just want to worry about making a good impression myself; I don't want to worry about MH too.  But it's no big deal if the group decides otherwise.

  • I'm creepin in this thread cuz I'm in Atlanta and newbd too late. Boo.
    Don't be silly; join us!

  • I vote no kids.  Or at least, I vote no to Vandelay kids.  You guys can bring yours if you want. :)

  • LOL to skin-suit making party!

  • Related but unrelated, I will be in ATL Oct. 10-12 for the Disney Frozen on Ice thing. If any of you are taking your kiddos to that, let me know. I'd love to see you. Wish I could be there for the grown up gtg, but I don't think I could do 2 weekends in a row. Have fun!
    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • Ok, I just sent a bunch of invitations to the private group.  Apparently inviting people is done using that big button that says "Invite."  Huh.

  • If there's anyone else who wants to go, please let me know here, or just ask to join the group.  Also, please let me know if I missed anyone!


  • vandelay said:

    If there's anyone else who wants to go, please let me know here, or just ask to join the group.  Also, please let me know if I missed anyone!

    If I go, can I throw around the F word whenever I want? If so I'm in. :P
  • If there's anyone else who wants to go, please let me know here, or just ask to join the group.  Also, please let me know if I missed anyone!

    If I go, can I throw around the F word whenever I want? If so I'm in. :P

    As long as you are referring to "fuck," then absolutely.  "Fecking" is prohibited, though.

    I also don't care for "flaccid" or "fondle."

    (I just sent you an invitation to the group!)


  • vandelay said:

    vandelay said:

    If there's anyone else who wants to go, please let me know here, or just ask to join the group.  Also, please let me know if I missed anyone!

    If I go, can I throw around the F word whenever I want? If so I'm in. :P

    As long as you are referring to "fuck," then absolutely.  "Fecking" is prohibited, though.

    I also don't care for "flaccid" or "fondle."

    (I just sent you an invitation to the group!)


    Oh it's fuck all the way. Except for during my brief battlestar galactica phase and frack was in. It was short lived, promise.
  • Hi guys! I'm super late to this thread. Sorries. Have only been mobile bumping and very sporadically so didn't get the notification. @vandelay can you add me to the ATL GTG group so I can see the latest plans, please? 

    Hope everyone is doing well. I took a long bump hiatus mainly because of awful morning all day sickness but I am back occasionally on J15 now. I'll stop by Parenting to check in more often. The alien growing inside of me (otherwise known as DD2) has been taking it easy on me lately so I can participate more. I was gone for the mass name changes so I feel a little lost. I know, I know, I changed my name too so I don't have much room to talk. I had been trying to for months though. Also, I'd like to give a big EFF YOU to the person who took winecastle and made me use a 14 at the end of mine (I was formerly AmberEA14). 

  • Hi -- happy to see you back!  I'll send you an invite.  The discussions have kind of stalled, to be honest, since it looks like there is a person with a conflict for every Saturday in October, but I'll try to get back on it soon so that we can figure something out.  Hope you can make it! 


  • I just saw this too, and I'd possibly be interested, our October is getting pretty full, but I might be able to make it work.
    image       image

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  • I just saw this too, and I'd possibly be interested, our October is getting pretty full, but I might be able to make it work.
    Great!  I'll send you an invite as well!

  • Awesome, thanks! I'm no longer a private group virgin :)

    image       image

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • This popped my group cherry too @phunkyphish

    Sorry, that made me vom a little while typing it. 

  • Lol, that's almost what I typed, then deleted and re-wrote.
    image       image

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  • I'm near, but I don't know that I'd do a GTG. Babies, work, school, and 20 gazillion other factors.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • mrebecca said:
    I'm near, but I don't know that I'd do a GTG. Babies, work, school, and 20 gazillion other factors.
    Ok, well I'll send you an invite just in case!

  • Also super late to this thread.  I was in Harry Potter heaven all last week.  Id be interested in meeting some of you chicks. 
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