Trouble TTC

GTKY: First World Edition (N3TR)

theholmanherdtheholmanherd member
edited September 2014 in Trouble TTC
If you could hire someone to help you, would it be and why? (Make a selection and then explain in the comments) posted without letting me finish. Other options are personal training, or other (please explain).
Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole

GTKY: First World Edition (N3TR) 54 votes

74% 40 votes
1% 1 vote
Yard Work
5% 3 votes
14% 8 votes
3% 2 votes

Re: GTKY: First World Edition (N3TR)

  • amylev80 said:
    Can I choose option Z...all the above?
    I'll allow it LOL the poll is incomplete anyway. I would love to have help with the cleaning, but I like organizing. I also want help cooking, but more in the way of lessons or something. Also, someone to clean up after my cooking mess.
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • If I could get someone to handle the 9 million loads of laundry that occurs in my house weekly I'd be golden.  Between my nursing scrubs and H's filthy contractor clothes I do laundry daily.  I don't mind the washing/drying aspect, it's the folding and putting away that I despise. 

    ****SIGGY WARNING****

     Hashimoto's with irregular cycles  DH- 37 Severe oligoasthenoteratozoospermia

    TTC since May 2012

    HSG- all clear

    March 2014 - RE appt. 
    April 2014- Saline sono all's good, terrible SA results - 8 sperm found all abnormal
    May 2014- Fert Urology- Bilateral varicoceles, recommend Donor Sperm
    12/2014-  Surprise natural BFP  EDD 7/31/15 Plan:  Starting foster to adoption, natural cycles

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  • amylev80 said:
    Thanks @theholmanherd!  Hell, if I could just get a week off, I'd be happy!  I would also informally add washing dishes, since I have no dishwasher, and my kitchen is waaaay too small to add one.  #firstworldproblems  ;)
    haha we don't have one either. My H's ONE chore is to do the dishes. Of course, he didn't get the memo that my being gone for two months meant that he would have to pick up the slack. I got home to an episode of Hoarders (without all the junk, just super dirty everywhere). Seriously, the toilet had a thick layer of DUST on it. WTF?
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • @amylev80, I'm usually the one that goes on cleaning benders. And yes, I have been catching up for days. On top of that, I'm also packing LOL. There aren't any maid services in our little town, but maybe in the next town! One can only hope....

    I actually just got a pressure cooker, so that should help cut down my cooking times. I'm really excited for it to come in the mail. Especially since I can just unpack that at first when we move and cook with that while I get the rest of the kitchen unpacked later on.
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • Definitely a personal trainer.  If I wasn't spending a fortune on fertility treatments I would have one.  I need someone to keep me in line and tell me what to do.  I'm the weirdo person who wouldn't want someone cleaning my house, I actually enjoy cleaning.  Cooking is a hobby for me, I love it so I wouldn't need or want that. I also love yard work (gardening).  I'm super organized, totally OCD, so a personal trainer would be might pick.  Seriously, I was born to be a housewife, that would be the best life, but that's just me.  Most of my friends think I'm crazy, they would rather work.  Too bad I don't have the funds to support it ;(

    TTC #1

    Me: AMA, DH: MFI

    Official DX - MFI due to Hemochromatosis

    IVF #1 Nov. 2014 - ER 11/10 (10R 6M 6F) - ET 11/13 

    3DT of 3 embies - no frosties - CP = BFFN!!!!

    ****All Welcome****


  • Hollowvic said:
    Definitely a personal trainer.  If I wasn't spending a fortune on fertility treatments I would have one.  I need someone to keep me in line and tell me what to do.  I'm the weirdo person who wouldn't want someone cleaning my house, I actually enjoy cleaning.  Cooking is a hobby for me, I love it so I wouldn't need or want that. I also love yard work (gardening).  I'm super organized, totally OCD, so a personal trainer would be might pick.  Seriously, I was born to be a housewife, that would be the best life, but that's just me.  Most of my friends think I'm crazy, they would rather work.  Too bad I don't have the funds to support it ;(
    I am jealous of your ease in taking care of the house. LOL I love to organize, but I the rest can go eff itself. I admire your ability!
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • Cleaning. I HATE cleaning! It's the bane of my existence! I used to have a cleaning lady that would come every other week, but that got cut when we moved forward with IF treatments since we're OOP. Luckily, DH has really stepped up to the plate and will help me clean the house. I don't mind cooking most of the time, and love trying new recipes. DH does yard work.
    **********SIGGY/TICKER WARNING**********


    TTC since 04/12
    Me- 26 PCOS
    DH- 28 MFI
    10/13 IUI #1 (1 follie)- BFP!
    11/13 M/C @9 wk due to tetraploidy, one little boy in heaven
    01/14 IUI#2 (1 follie) BFN
    02/14 IUI #3 (3 follies) BFN
    03/14 IUI #4 (2 follies) BFN
    05/14 IVF/ICSI #1 CXL
    07/14 IVF/ICSI #1.2 6R, 6M, 5F, 2T, 2 frosties!
    Transferred 2-5dt  CP
    09/14 FET #1 BFP! Beta #1 52 Beta #2 152!
    10/20/14- It's TWINS!

    1/15- TEAM PURPLE!
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Ok, I am VERY spoiled, I know this.  My DH does the majority of the cooking, cleaning and yardwork.  He actually loves to cook and clean, and because of his work schedule (24 hours on, 72 hours off as a firefighter) he has lots of time during the day when I'm at work to keep up with all of it. 

    So, I'd probably pick personal trainer.  I work out regularly on my own, but it would be nice to have someone hold me accountable and force me to work a little harder.  If I really had my way, I'd have a general contractor on retainer...DH loves to fix things himself, but it'd be nice to be able to afford a licensed proffessional all the time!

    Me: 31 (PCOS) possible right tube issues DH: 36 (SA normal) 
    Started dating in 2006, Married 2012 
    TTC since November 2013 
    First RE visit due to irregular periods: June 2014
    Lap/Hysto to remove polyps, cyst and tube blockage 11/6
    Cycle 1 (Dec. 2014) TI with Clomid, Trigger, & Progesterone CX due to no response
    Impatiently Waiting CD1 to try again with Fermara Back on the bench due to giant cyst,
    who know I'd ovulate on my own after a cancelled cycle and end up with a mega cyst :(
    All Welcome
  • I voted Cooking.  I hate to cook.  And I can't cook much.  I cook out of boxes.  I want someone to make me healthy (but tasty) meals so I don't have to cook and I can lose weight.

    Someone make it so.

    (P.S.  Position is an internship... no paycheck)
    I'm right there with you. I'm learning (slowly, with easy recipes), but I would be so excited to have someone else do it.
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • I'd hire a butler. Cause I like being bossy I'm a BOSS. 
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • @angelina2404 When I used to commute that far, I was working full time and going to school full time. I would have killed to have those driving hours back to do homework or just relax.
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • Cleaning of course!!! For my bday my MIL paid for a cleaning service to come in and clean my house top to bottom. OMG they cleaned walls, vacuumed furniture, not a corner left untouched. Even All my toilet paper was made into flowers and the ends nearly folded over. My hand towels were folded into designs like I was at a resort. We were on vacation and we came home to all that it was heaven.

    So I find out the night before my ET my MIL told my husband weeks ago to get her the number for these ppl. She wanted them to come clean my house while I had my ET so I'd come home to a surprise, a clean house. HE FUCKING FORGOT!!!!! Now I'm on bed rest and I got up to go pee and he's suppose to be taking care of things. Not only does my house not look clean he tracked fucking mud and grass all over the house and I have dark wood that show up everything. When I mentioned it he was puzzled, and proceeded to say it wasn't him. Who the fuck was it then??? Ass!!!!

    Sorry that took a while to say, I want cleaning.
    Fucking bump!!!!
  • (((HUGS))) I'm sorry. Husbands are forgetful sometimes.
    Cleaning of course!!! For my bday my MIL paid for a cleaning service to come in and clean my house top to bottom. OMG they cleaned walls, vacuumed furniture, not a corner left untouched. Even All my toilet paper was made into flowers and the ends nearly folded over. My hand towels were folded into designs like I was at a resort. We were on vacation and we came home to all that it was heaven. So I find out the night before my ET my MIL told my husband weeks ago to get her the number for these ppl. She wanted them to come clean my house while I had my ET so I'd come home to a surprise, a clean house. HE FUCKING FORGOT!!!!! Now I'm on bed rest and I got up to go pee and he's suppose to be taking care of things. Not only does my house not look clean he tracked fucking mud and grass all over the house and I have dark wood that show up everything. When I mentioned it he was puzzled, and proceeded to say it wasn't him. Who the fuck was it then??? Ass!!!! Sorry that took a while to say, I want cleaning.

    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • Cleaning!  OMG Cleaning!  My ridiculous virgo nature gets in the way of cleaning my house every damn day when I end up spending hours organizing a drawer while making the rest of the house look worse...
    ME 28, DH 28
    09/2007 Married
    11/2007 TTC
    03/2010 SA dx = low morphology
    03/2014 RE dx Unexplained Infertility DH numbers are all up and look wonderful.
    08/2014 IUI#1 Clomid +Gonal-F+Ovidrel = BFN
    09/2014 IUI #2 Clomid+Gonal-F+Ovidrel = BFN
    10/2014 WFT apt. moving to IVF in Feb. 2015 FX!
  • I chose cleaning, but in all honesty I would probably never be happy with someone cleaning my house. If I found someone who did an awesome job though, I would love to not have cleaning to do every weekend.


    TTC #1 January 2009
    January 2010 SA results: Count 16 million, Motility 40%, Morphology 2%
    January 2010- Surprise BFP! DS born 10/1/2010 :)
    January 2013 TTC #2
    September 2013 Repeat SA: Count= 1.7 million, Motility= 24%, Morphology= 2%
    November 6th 1st Appointment with RE: diagnosed with severe MFI
    Testing to try to determine a cause & possible treatment for MFI
    CD 3 blood work for me. RE does not want to repeat my HSG/lap at this point,
    but may want to before moving forward with any fertility treatments.
    After seeing the uro, DH is currently taking lots of supplements and clomid to try to boost his count. We will have a repeat SA in February to see if it works.
    Follow up SA numbers are: Count= 4 million, Motility= 40%, Morphology= 1%
    Uro wants us to have another follow up SA 5/9 to see if we see further improvement than we are back to the RE to make a game plan.

    SA 5/9/2014 Count: 12 Million, Motility: 60%, and Morphology 2%. We will be doing iui #1 in late June

    IUI #1 6/28 clomid + ovidrel, post wash count 3 million total sperm= BFN

    IUI # 2 7/21 clomid+ ovidrel. post wash count 900,000 total sperm= BFN

    IVF planned for early November- cancelled due to cyst

    December IVF #1- 22 eggs, 20 mature,16 fertilized

    12/9 Transferred 1 4AA Blast, 6 frosties

    *****Everyone is welcome******

  • We actually do pay someone to clean the house, and if I could only pick one of those things, I'd definitely stick with cleaning help. Our lady only comes once a month, but it's the best $150/month that we budget for. I'd cancel cable way before cancelling cleaning. :-P Now if I could just have a personal assistant too....
    **siggy warning**  **everyone welcome**

    DS- 11.07.02
    DSS- 6.26.04
    Married- 6.29.13
    TTC Again- Sept. 2013
    Test Results/Diagnosis- HSG & SA totally normal
    DX: 3/2014 Prolactinoma/Hyperprolactinemia- Started cabergoline 2/2014
    5/2014 Possible mild PCOS in addition to hyperprolactinemia??
    7/2014 Adding probable tubal factor to the diagnosis list
    9/2014 And now adding hypothyroid to the list- Started synthroid 9/2014
    Cycles 1-4 - Sept.-March- All Anovulatory 
    IUI #1 March/April-  Clomid 50mg + Clomid 100mg +Trigger + IUI #1 = BFN
     IUI #2 April/May-Clomid 100mg + Clomid 150mg + Trigger + IUI #2 + Endometrin=BFN
    IUI #3- June- Follistim 75iu + Trigger + IUI #3  Benched due to a 40 mm cyst. :-(
    IUI #3- July- Follistim 75iu + Trigger + IUI #3 + Endometrin = BFP! on 7/25/14
    Slowly rising betas - Ectopic suspected on 8/8/14 & confirmed on 8/11/14
    Methotrexate on 8/12/14 -HCG negative on 9/2/14
    IVF #1- November- Antagonist protocol: 11/1: start stims, 200iu of Follistim; 11/12 ER 17R/14M/14F; 11/17 5 day transfer of two blasts, 2 blasts and 2 expanding morulas frozen; 11/22 BFP!! (On FRER at 5dp5dt)
    Betas: 9dp5dt 205, 11dp5dt 497, 14dp5dt 1,709
    u/s at 5w0d- 1 sac; u/s at 6w0d 1 baby with heartbeat, another sac without a heartbeat

  • I was tempted to go with cleaning, but I actually hate cooking more than I hate cleaning. I'm also terrible about my eating habits and I'm convinced that if I had a personal chef making yummy, healthy meals, my nutrition would be much better. I can dream, anyway.


    BabyFruit Ticker  image
  • I chose a driver. The traffic in Southern California is ridiculous. It takes me almost 2 and a half hours to get to work sometimes and it's only 30 miles from my house. So driver hands down!
    Me: +35 DH: +35
    TTC: Since January 2013 
    DX: PCOS. Severe Endometriosis, Unicornuate Uterus w/only left tube and left ovary, Pedunculated fibroid (on the outside of uterus) and Anovulation. All conditions diagnosed 8/13
    TX: Metformin
    DH DX: MFI - low morphology, low motility
    Ultrasound shows both kidneys in spite of UU. 
    HSG showed clear tube on the left side. 
    Lap Surgery performed 1/9/14 to remove fibroid and endo (Stage 3)
    • IUI# 1 June 2014 started 100 mg of Clomid - 7dpiui Progesterone: 13: BFN
    • IUI#2  July 2014 started 100 mg of Clomid - 7dpiui Progesterone: 5.75: BFN
    • Natural Cycle - so shocked to be in 2WW - 7dpo Progesterone: 15.5: BFN
    • Working with new RE starting injectables in late August.
    • IUI #3 August 2014  w/ Menopur: BFN
    • Finally ovulating on my own!!
    Waiting to start IVF hopefully
    **********All Are Welcome**************
    3T January Siggy Challenge: New Year's Resolution

  • Other and it would be someone to just pamper me, hair, nails, skin care. I do all the cleaning and I'm very picky since I am totally OCD. my DH also helps out a lot and does some cleaning and laundry he also does all the driving unless I'm going to work. I organize again OCD and I cook because I absolutely love it I also teach a cooking class. And I don't have a yard. So yes I need someone to just take care of me and make sure I look good all the time :)
  • Omg, Cleaning. Someone please come clean my house, please.
    THIS.  I not only dislike cleaning, I'm really pretty terrible at it.  I need help!


  • Ketchup you got it!! I love fur babies :)
    TTC since 2013 (grad of 3T)
    EDD: May 24, 2015
  • I would have no problem doing any household chores if I didn't have to work :) I enjoy yard work, cooking and organizing and I work 10 minutes from home. I would like a cleaning lady if she cleaned like I do, and I don't mind cleaning most of the time. So basically I need someone to to to work for me but still give me a paycheck :)
    Me: 26, PCOS, Clear HSG
    DH: 29, Perfectly Normal SA

    Married Since 10/6/2012
    TTC Since 6/2013

    2/2014: Visited OB-GYN, Low Progesterone
    3/2014: 50 mg Clomid, Ovulated, BFN
    4/2014: 50 mg Clomid, Ovulated, BFN
    5/2014: 50 mg Clomid, Ovulated, BFN
    6/2014: 50 mg Clomid, Ovulated, BFN

    7/2014: First RE visit, Diagnosed with PCOS, Started on 5 mg Femara + Ovidrel + TI, 1 22mm Follicle, BFN
    8/2014: 5 mg Femara + Ovidrel + TI, 2 Mature Follicles, BFN
    9/2014: 5 mg Femara + Ovidrel + IUI #1, 3 Mature Follicles, BFN
    10/2014: 5 mg Femara + Ovidrel + IUI #2, 1 Mature Follicle, BFN
    11/2014: 5 mg Femara + 75 mg Follistim + Ovidrel + IUI #3, 3 Mature Follicles, BFN
    12/2014: Starting IVF in January

    1/2015: IVF with ICSI, Currently Stimming

    *****Everyone is Welcome*****

  • Cooking....because I'm the worst cook on the planet, I'm pretty sure :)

    ***Signature/Ticker Warning***

    March 2008 - DD born - no issues conceiving (surprise). Limited issues during pregnancy/delivery.
    June 2011 - Married DH.
    June 2013 - Diagnosis of Endometriosis and PCOS (approximate).
    December 2013 - First cycle of Clomid - Positive OPK. BFN
    January 2014 - 2nd Cycle of Clomid - Positive OPK. BFN
    February 2014 - 3rd Cycle of Clomid - Positive OPK. BFN
    March 2014 - Took month off to prep for surgery
    April 2014 - Laporoscopy for endo. Unable to remove endo due to too close of proximity to ureter. HSG done as well. Fillopian tubes open.
    May 2014 - 1st round of Femara. Positive OPK. BFN.
    June 2014 - 2nd round of Femara. Moved to RE to have CD10 Follicular U/S. No Follies in left ovary. 5 follies in right. Largest follie 8mm, 1 7mm, 2 3mm, 1 2mm. Positive OPK on day of U/S. BFN. DH has SA done at this time - All results within normal limits.
    July 2014 - 3rd round of Femara. CD10 Follicular U/S. No follies in left ovary. 7 follies in right. 1 20mm, 1 12mm, 1 10mm, 4 <5mm. Scheduled for IUI. Canceled due to low estrogen level of 145. TI this month. Prepping for Injectables next month. BFN.
    August 2014 - CD3 BW Normal. Injectables not happening because of stupid miscommunication about "required injectables class." Taking class this month. No medication. TI for the month. SIS scheduled for 8/7/14. SIS results - "I have a beautiful uterus." Huzzah!
    September 2014 - Cycle cancelled due to stupid AF coming early and making my IUI run in to DH's business trip. Try again next month.
    October 2014 - Injects with IUI cycle. 75U 5 days. Estrogen at 36. Bumped up to 125 for 4 days. Estrogen 105. Bumped up to 225. Ganirelix for 2 days. 4 mature follies. Triggered 10/9. IUI 10/10.
    BFP 10/24/2014. Beta #1 - 178   Beta #2 - 398.   U/S 11/7/14- TWINS!!!!



    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

     Pregnancy Ticker

  • Hubby is pretty great with the cleaning, but if someone could cook and have dinner ready for me when I get home from school at 9PM, that would be FANTASTIC.

    Me: 27, PCOS. DH: 28, TBD.

    Married since August 8, 2009

    2009-2011: TTC 12+mo. Irregular periods, normal blood work.
    2012 - 07/2013: Baby plans on hold. Back on BCP.
    07/2013 - 06/2014: Off BCP to try again. Completely absent periods. High testosterone. Referred to Endocrinologist.
    07/24/2014: PCOS diagnosis. Lifestyle changes before determining next steps...
    08/16/2014; CD1!! (Provera)
    08/26/2014: RE Consultation. Plan is to continue weight loss, prescribed levothyroxine (50mcg) for slightly high TSH.


  • @lindy04aggie - Thanks! I've shared more details in the weekly Getting Healthy thread, but since the PCOS dx, I've been eating low-GI (no refined white carbs, no sugar), keeping calories between 1200-1500, and doing some easy exercise. I only cheat a little bit on weekends with some froyo or pizza :) I have a lot more to go, but thanks for the encouragement!

    Me: 27, PCOS. DH: 28, TBD.

    Married since August 8, 2009

    2009-2011: TTC 12+mo. Irregular periods, normal blood work.
    2012 - 07/2013: Baby plans on hold. Back on BCP.
    07/2013 - 06/2014: Off BCP to try again. Completely absent periods. High testosterone. Referred to Endocrinologist.
    07/24/2014: PCOS diagnosis. Lifestyle changes before determining next steps...
    08/16/2014; CD1!! (Provera)
    08/26/2014: RE Consultation. Plan is to continue weight loss, prescribed levothyroxine (50mcg) for slightly high TSH.


  • lemonliz said:
    kkeglar13 said:

    Sounds like me!!! I HATE folding/putting it up.


    Oh yes, ^^this for sure!!   

    I chose cleaning, though.  It's not the day-to-day cleaning that gets to me.  It's the deep cleaning.  And with two dogs in the house, its the constant vacuuming and sweeping and swiffering that drives me mental.  I feel like I should attach swiffers to my shoes and wrap the dogs in cellophane sometimes.  
    Are we living in the same house? This is me exactly.
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • I chose cleaning because I HATE cleaning but am OCD about having a clean house.  I also have 2 very furry dogs that I spend entirely too much of my free time vacumming my floors.  We have dark hardwoods that show everything, including paw prints,so I have to vacuum everyday and mop every other day.

    When /if we have a child I plan to go back to work and I have alrady discussed with DH that we will be getting a cleaning service because I refuse to spend my weekends cleaning when I could be spending time with my family.  Thankfully, he agrees!

    Married 04.11

    Me & DH: 29

    DX: MFI- Low Morph &  Motility

    IUI #1- Sept 14- 25mg Clomid, Trigger, 2 follies, 2.2 mil motile sperm- BFN

    Due to possibility of losing insurance coverage moving to IVF #1- November 

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