Hi ladies, I hope you have been kind to yourselves this week.
Welcome to the check-in! I am sorry to have to welcome new loss moms this week but am so glad that you have found us. I hope we can bring each other some much needed comfort and support. Please feel free to join in when you are ready and share as much or as little as you wish. Also, if you have any questions you would like answered, just ask! Any lurkers out there please don't be shy, we would like to be able to support you too.
Have you taken any new steps towards healing this week?
What is the next goal you have set for yourself? Do you have a plan to help achieve that goal?
QOTW: Do you find yourself often in the anger "stage" of grief? What are you angry about? How do you cope with it?
Re: ~ Loss Check-In ~
No. The only thing I can do is breathe, do what I gotta do, and try not to break.
I got in contact with a doctor who apparently is the shiznit at TAC, which I have decided is probably the most effective way to help prevent future loss. We are speaking on the 26th and I must say I finally feel like someone understands that when I say "I think something may not be right" doesn't automatically think I am crazy because a textbook said I was fine.
I did email my internship about going back sometimes soon. No date set yet and they're being flexible. Maybe I'll start again on the 29th. I'm waiting on the professional pictures we had done of Fenix to come in the mail still. I guess it'll depend on how I cope with getting those pictures and knowing there will never be any more. This may be TMI, but DH and I were finally able to be intimate again after delivery. That is one step I was scared of, but, I'm glad to say it was actually enjoyable.
What is the next goal you have set for yourself? Do you have a plan to help achieve that goal?
Make it through the week I guess and allow myself to grieve for the fact that I won't have any more pictures of Fenix. I'm also going to start temping in preparation for TTC again in January. I never had an issue of infertility before, but I'm scared of it and maybe temping will give me a sense of control over that aspect.
QOTW: Do you find yourself often in the anger "stage" of grief? What are you angry about? How do you cope with it?
Aside from counseling no. It's been a tough week, especially now that the weekend is here. We would normally be out doing something with Ava.
What is the next goal you have set for yourself? Do you have a plan to help achieve that goal?
I'm still just trying to make it through one day at a time.
QOTW: Do you find yourself often in the anger "stage" of grief? What are you angry about? How do you cope with it?
I'm angry that my baby isn't here. That a healthy three year old is suddenly gone with no explanation. I am screaming inside but really want to just scream and throw things but I know that won't change anything. I keep hoping that the last couple of weeks have just been a bad dream that I'll wake up from and have my daughter back.
@artgeek009 I was hesitant as well. Have you read "When hello means goodbye"? Apparently, we aren't alone in this fear. It made me feel a little better. Good for you blocking those who bring you down. You have every right to protect yourself, more now than ever.
@diamante1181 I can't imagine the amount of anger you feel. The religious aspect of our lives becomes so tricky after a loss, doesn't it? I just don't even know where to begin when it comes to my faith anymore.
I'll be thinking of you ladies this week.
Have you taken any new steps towards healing this week? I guess just walking forward. We've got a lot going on and some big transitions happening in the next month to six weeks, so I think I'm mostly just trying to hold it together right now.
What is the next goal you have set for yourself? Do you have a plan to help achieve that goal? I don't know if they really count as goals, but one is just trying to figure out a plan for making it through the next five weeks. My due date was Oct. 17th. Our anniversary is Oct. 22 (which was really special last year because we got an unplanned ultrasound (I only had one other ultrasound at 20 weeks) and got to see Zedekiah cozy as can be and sucking his thumb). Then Zedekiah's birthday is October 27th. And he passed away on Oct. 31st, which also just happens to be my almost 3-year-old nephew's birthday. Oh, and we're going to be moving across the state sometime in October.
We also need to come up with a plan of how we want to celebrate Zedekiah's birthday.
QOTW: Do you find yourself often in the anger "stage" of grief? What are you angry about? How do you cope with it? I'm a very easy going, slow to anger person, so even in grief I think it is an emotion I haven't had as much as many others. I did have a few weeks where I struggled with feeling somewhat angry and frustrated, but I think I've struggled more with other feelings.
Have you taken any new steps towards healing this week?
What is the next goal you have set for yourself? Do you have a plan to help achieve that goal?
QOTW: Do you find yourself often in the anger "stage" of grief? What are you angry about? How do you cope with it?
@kderoy - I love the idea of being a parent resource for other families faced with Caroline's similar diagnosis. What an amazing way to remember and honor your daughter!