
Could it be the trigger shot? *BFP warning*

I'm 6dp5dt, and I couldn't hold out any more, so I POAS and got a BFP!!

I'm cautiously excited, but could it be that its still the trigger shot left in my system?

Re: Could it be the trigger shot? *BFP warning*

  • Congratulations!! I would think the trigger would be long gone by this point. Sounds like bfp to me!!!

    Me: 32 DH: 37
    Married July 2012, TTC since July, 2012
    April, 2012: DH undergoes vasectomy reversal
    October, 2012: DH SA:  great count, slightly low motility
    February, 2013: first consultation with RE, all test normal, unexplained infertility
    September, 2014:  First IVF 1 embie transferred- BFN- but 9 little frosties waiting
    November, 2014- First FET 2 embies transferred- BFN

    March, 2015- Second FET 3 embies transferred- SUCCESS!  EDD- 11/25/15


  • At this point with a total of 11 days from your trigger, I would assume not. But just to be safe, test again tomorrow or this evening and see if it gets lighter or darker.  With that, I will say congrats (thinking positively) awesome news. 

    January & February: 2 IUIs, BFN
    March:  IUI, ectopic, 2 surgeries with 1 tube removed
    May - July: 3 more IUIs, all BFN, on to IVF
    August: IVF#1, BFN
    September:  FET#1, BFP!!!
    It's a girl!!!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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  • HCAMP123HCAMP123 member
    edited September 2014
    I want to WHOOP WHOOP so loudly. Thanks, will test this evening and tomorrow and everyday until my beta!

    ETA : I'm using the clearblue digital and it just says pregnant or not pregnant, so it wont get darker? Will go and buy some other tests and pee on them all!!!
  • Yay! Congrats!! When is your beta?
    TTC #2 since 2011 (took 1.5 years to conceive spontaneously after multiple failed clomid cycles and 1 failed clomid +IUI)
    Me- PCOS, borderline hypothyroid
    Him- low concentration/count

    Feb 2014- started acupuncture
    Feb 2014- BFP
    March 2014- m/c @ 5 weeks
    May 2014- HSG, all clear, started Synthroid, Femara 5mg CD 3-7 + trigger + TI= BFN
    Waiting for new RE appointment end of July 2014

  • @HCAMP123‌ yay!! So excited for ya. I am still holding out but have a stick sitting there. I was not sure about the shot and how it may affect. I may still do it before my beta. Just holding out - helps that we have company this week and I rather not do it with someone else here... Enjoy the moment and the peeing! Lol :-) yay!!!
  • I'm going to guess it's not your trigger this late and the fact that you are using a digital they aren't as sensitive. Congratulations!!!!
    Fucking bump!!!!
  • @HCAMP123  Dollar Store!!!  It is a cheap, easy way to get the answers that you want. 
    I am 37 and DH is 40
    10/2012 Start TTC
    09/2013 Finally got to see the RE 12/2013 HSG-both tubes clear
    01/2014 Large Cyst Removed along with right ovary and tube
    04/2014 2nd HSG-Remaining tube damaged/blocked
    05/2014 Testing cycle and BCP to prep for IVF
    06/2014 IVF cycle #1 is scheduled cancelled due to low estrogen
    07/2014 Started Estrace to help with my estrogen issues
    08/2014 IVF cycle #2 is scheduled delayed
    09/2014 IVF cycle #2 is scheduled failed- 6 follicles, 1 retrieved, 0 fertilized
    10/2014 WTF scheduled for 10/22 and second opinion scheduled for 10/10
    11/2014 Moving on to the new RE!  
    01/2015 IVF cycle #3 is scheduled delayed
    02/2015 IVF cycle #3 is scheduled

  • Wahoo!! Congrats! Turning a digi is awesome!
    **Signature Warning**

    Dx PCOS August 2012
    Clomid x4 = BFN
    Femara+Follistim IUIs x 6 = 3 BFN, 2 C/P, 1 early miscarriage
    IVF June 2014- 43 R, 34 M, 24 F, 12 blasts frozen and severe OHSS
    FET September 12, 2014!
    Beta #1 12dp5dt- 724
    Beta #2 14dp5dt- 1631
    Beta #3 20dp5dt- 12,813
    Pending EDD at first OB appointment 11/6. Grow babies grow!

    "I might have to wait. I'll never give up. I guess it's half timing, and the other half's luck. 
    Wherever you are, whenever it's right, you'll come out of nowhere and into my life." ~ Michael Buble


  • Thanks guys, beta is on Monday. Feeling a lot more positive now. Sorry @yvonne0001, we were supposed to test on Sunday. I had spotting yesterday so I couldn't manage to hold out!

  • 6dp5dt is almost 13 days past your trigger, so this is most likely a BFP. I got my BFP with IVF #2 7dp5dt, but I am pretty sure it would have also been positive at 6dp5dt. Congrats!




    TTC #1 since August 2011

    My Blog

    September 2012: Start IF testing

    DH (32): SA is ok, slightly low morph, normal SCSA  Me (32): Slightly low progesterone, hostile CM, carrier for CF, Moderately high NKC, High TNFa, heterozyogous mutated Factor XIII, and +APA

    October 2012-May 2014: 4 failed IUIs, 3 failed IVFs, and 1 failed FETw/donor embryos

    November 2014: IVF w/ICSI #4 Agonist/Antagonist with EPP and Prednisone, Baby Aspirin, Lovenox, and IVIG for immune issues.  Converted to freeze all due to lining issues.  2 blasts frozen on day 6!

    January 2015: FET #2 Cancelled due to lining issues

    April 2015: FET #2.1

    PAIF/SAIF Welcome!

  • Congratulations!!
  • Congrats!

    *****Siggy Warning*****

    Toby        image

    Me:28 DH:28
    TTC #1 since Nov '12
    DX: Non-IR PCOS & Hypothyroidism 
    BFP: 11/7/13 EDD: 7/18/14 Ectopic Tubal Surgery 12/18 
    2/5 HSG all clear!
    Femara 5mg + Trigger + IUI #1- 5 = BFN
    IVF #1 - 17R 15M 11F - Transferred 1 beautiful hatching blast on 9/26    4 Frosties
    Beta (10dp5dt) = 166  Beta #2 (12dp5dt) = 284  Beta #3 (14dp5dt) = 471  Beta #4 (18dp5dt) = 2032
    EDD: 6/14/15
    ~All are welcome~

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • Congratulations :)
    TTC since May 2012
    Me: 32 H: 31
    DX: MFI-Very Low Count, I have Hashimotos.
    IVF prep September 2013 cancelled due to Ovarian Cyst
    IVF #1 October 2013 Antagonistic Protocol with ICSI  ER 10/31/13 (18R 16M 11F- 6 blasts to freeze)
    ET delayed due to OHSS 
    FET scheduled for July 8. Delayed due to a crazy high TSH (it had been under control for YEARS!)
    FET #1 8/5/14 sET BFN 

    All welcome!
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