I've heard many moms say that it's super important to get up and walk around after surgery to speed healing. How does walking help? I would think resting would help more?
Definitely get up and walk as soon as the nurses will let you!! Multiple reasons. For one, walking will help move gas and hopefully avoid awful gas pains. It will also help with digestion and keeping your bowels moving after having pain meds. Hydration also helps with that.
Another reason is to ward off muscle tightness/stiffness. Everyone experiences pain differently. I was fortunate enough to not be in a great deal of pain, but I also attribute that to the fact that I was up and going as soon as safely possible. My surgery was at 9am. Per hospital policy I had to keep the catheter and stay in bed for 24 hours after surgery. At 930 the next morning I took a shower and around noon made my first lap around the maternity floor. It felt great to be up and moving!
Certainly don't overdo any physical activity and listen to your nurses and doctor about any restrictions you may have.
Definitely get up and walk as soon as the nurses will let you!! Multiple reasons. For one, walking will help move gas and hopefully avoid awful gas pains. It will also help with digestion and keeping your bowels moving after having pain meds. Hydration also helps with that.
Another reason is to ward off muscle tightness/stiffness. Everyone experiences pain differently. I was fortunate enough to not be in a great deal of pain, but I also attribute that to the fact that I was up and going as soon as safely possible. My surgery was at 9am. Per hospital policy I had to keep the catheter and stay in bed for 24 hours after surgery. At 930 the next morning I took a shower and around noon made my first lap around the maternity floor. It felt great to be up and moving!
Certainly don't overdo any physical activity and listen to your nurses and doctor about any restrictions you may have.
All of this and it helps prevents blood clots which you are at higher risk for with a Csec. Plus you get to see other moms and their new littles which can be fun!
All of what pp said. I was up roughly 12 hours after my c/s to see lo (he was in nicu for a little bit) and I swear it is what helped my recovery be amazing.
At my hospital they wanted to see me up within 6 hours after surgery. Cath and IV were still in, I just wheeled them with me. It was a very short walk to the in-room bathroom. I was up a couple times that first day (9am surgery).
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
Walking helps. It gets things moving the way they're supposed to as many pps have laid out.
But overdoing it can cause issues as well. So move, but don't push yourself too hard.
I was moving about 16 hours after my last c-section. However, due to the need for walking to and from NICU, I think I overdid it and my recovery this last time was longer than my previous one.
I went into surgery around 10am and the nurses had me up around 9pm at night catheter and all. I was definitely not ready. I was only able to stand right next to my bed when I almost went down. Thank god my DH was there to hold me up or I would have hit the floor. As soon as I stood up I basically had a river of blood at my feet and I was so embarrassed as the nurse had to clean me up. It was the most painful thing I ever experienced... No waking just standing. The next morning I looked at my little man put on a brave face and tried to get out of bed again. I did it!!!!! I walked to my chair and sat down. Later that day I started waking and kept on waking and it felt great!!!! I did so many laps each day and really think it helped with my recovery. I am 11 days post surgery and feel amazing : )
Just walk around the maternity ward one or two laps a few times per day. When my twins were born I had to have a nurse go with me when DH was home with DS1 because pushing the bassinet hurt my incision (they were more than willing to help).
GSx1 - 05/13/2013 GSx2 for T&B - EDD 6/21/2015 - They're having a GIRL!
Staying in bed makes you get weaker, plus the blood clot and bowel issues. Take it slow, but don't stay in bed! My nurse told me to walk 3 laps the day after my c/s (mine was late in the day).
Thanks for all the advice! I'm already going to be quite weak as it. I've been on bedrest for many weeks, and I've lost so much muscle strength as a result.
Agree with all pp's...the first time up SUCKS! Hurts like crazy, but it gets easier every time you get up. I gradually built up a little walking each day in the hospital and by the time I left, I wasn't in any pain, just kind of tender...of course, the pain meds are at work as well. My friend told me on her second c-section, she carried her son out of the hospital in the car seat! I DO NOT recommend that, she was an idiot, but it was comforting to me to know that she felt good enough even to attempt that!
One of the best reasons for you to walk around is the bowel issue -- you can't leave the hospital until you have a poop! This shows them everything is working properly. Let me say, though, that first one SUCKS. It is painful, but at least you know you are on the road to recovery!
I've never had to poop in order to leave just passing gas... Hmm...it does suck to do though and might be easier there than home (taller toilet and the grab bar)
Me - J.R. - 05/1986
DH - J.I. - 08/1986
Married - 09/22/2006
DD#1 - A.E. - 12/15/2009
DD#2 - N.R. - 11/07/2011
DD#3 - S.R. - 05/20/2013
DS - R.E. - 10/03/2014
Absolutely in love with our 'big' family!
I'm also a proud Auntie to a crazy little girl, her brand new baby sister, a little man on his way in the next month, and a sweet little mister we will miss forever!!!
At my hospital they wanted to see me up within 6 hours after surgery. Cath and IV were still in, I just wheeled them with me. It was a very short walk to the in-room bathroom. I was up a couple times that first day (9am surgery).
I was up within 6 hours with my first too. With my second it was more.
Eta: I didn't poop before I left the hospital either.
Definitely gets your insides working again! I didn't have to poop. I did have to pass gas OR poop. I'd rather scream out my first poop at home, though!
Neither of my recoveries were bad, but I will say that my second CS recovery was quite literally a breeze, and I was up 6-7 hours after surgery, as opposed to 24 the first time. Definitely get up as soon as they will let you.
The main reason to get you up and moving is to prevent blood clots from forming. Any time you have an abdominal surgery you are at increased risk AND pregnancy already increases your chances of blood clots by 6x's. So even if it hurts, it's a must to get up and moving!!
I was up and walking 6 hours after my c section. I had a long walk to the NICU and less than 48 hours afterwards, I walked the entire 0.75 mile trip by myself. I did that everyday for 6 days until we left. I had an amazing recovery and no gas pains. SO worth it. Irresponsible of the hospital - yes, but I made it.
Re: Walking after the c-sec
Another reason is to ward off muscle tightness/stiffness. Everyone experiences pain differently. I was fortunate enough to not be in a great deal of pain, but I also attribute that to the fact that I was up and going as soon as safely possible. My surgery was at 9am. Per hospital policy I had to keep the catheter and stay in bed for 24 hours after surgery. At 930 the next morning I took a shower and around noon made my first lap around the maternity floor. It felt great to be up and moving!
Certainly don't overdo any physical activity and listen to your nurses and doctor about any restrictions you may have.
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
GSx1 - 05/13/2013
GSx2 for T&B - EDD 6/21/2015 - They're having a GIRL!
Eta: I didn't poop before I left the hospital either.
DH-34-MFI-motility+morphology.... Me-32-Hypothyrpid+LPD
7/8/11: Clomid100mg+Ovidrel+IUI#1=BFN
8/2/11: Clomid50mg+Ovidrel+IUI#2=BFFN
8/25/11: Follistim50iu+Ovidrel+IUI#3=BFP!!!!@14dpo
Beta#1 9/8 - 251 Beta#2 9/15 - 1622 Beta#3 9/22 - 12674
1st U/S; heard one beautiful HB of 129 - 9/29/11
OB visit; HB of 166 - 10/13/11
2nd US; HB of 163 - 10/18/11
A/S - 12/9/11 - It's a perfect healthy BOY!!!!
Our miracle baby boy - born 5/24/12
Open Heart Surgery @ 5 months old.Happy, healthy, and as normal as could be! We thank God every day.EP/BF for 12.5 months
TTC#2 - November 2012
BFP #4: O'd on CD25 (Aug. 2014). DD May 6, 2015. RCS planned.
Beta@14dpo: 184, 17dpo: 520. 44 hr. doubling time. p4: 54U/S 8 weeks 1 day, 161 bpm