check in is for anyone on this board to participate in and will occur
every Wednesday. If you are new here and haven't made a separate intro
on the main board please do so before checking in so we can "meet" you!
It's easy to do just click the new discussion button in the top right
and post away.
1. Your Name or Screen Name (not full names) and State you are from.
2. How long have you been TTC? Are you TTC #1,#2,#3, etc.?
What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility
specialist (RE)? If so, what stage are you in? Charting/temping?
Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? DE?
Where are you in your cycle? (Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when
will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your
5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc)
QOTW: What was your first job?
Feel free to add any vents or shout outs.
Me: 37
DH: 45
BFP #1 3/19/14 EDD 11/29/14 MMC D&C 4/24/14
BFP #2 12/4/14 Beta #1 218 at 12dpo Beta #2 1055 at 16dpo
Saw heartbeat 12/29. Please be a rainbow.
All welcome
Re: TTC>35 weekly check-in 9/10
tlc from Louisiana
2. How long have you been TTC? Are you TTC #1,#2,#3, etc.?
TTC#1 since March with 1 loss
3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist (RE)? If so, what stage are you in? Charting/temping? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? DE?
Charting and temping for this cycle and next, first RE appt scheduled for the end of October
4. Where are you in your cycle? (Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww?
I had a +OPK yesterday and was out of town overnight so I really need to HIO tonight. DH has a work dinner so I really hope he isn't too tired since I will probably O today.
5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc)
I am glad I seem to be Oing early. I really want to be able to cancel the RE appointment
QOTW: What was your first job?
I worked at Sea World!
Feel free to add any vents or shout outs.
Good luck with your beta tomorrow @Lesliem0901!
DH: 45
BFP #1 3/19/14 EDD 11/29/14 MMC D&C 4/24/14
BFP #2 12/4/14 Beta #1 218 at 12dpo Beta #2 1055 at 16dpo
Saw heartbeat 12/29. Please be a rainbow.
All welcome
Meredith from FL
2. How long have you been TTC? Are you TTC #1,#2,#3, etc.? TTC #1 since 11/13. One loss in March.
3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist (RE)? If so, what stage are you in? Charting/temping? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? DE?
Charting and temping.
4. Where are you in your cycle? (Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww?
I am in the 2WW. I am CD9. I guess I will test on Friday if there seems to be a reason to. I don't really feel anything one way or another symptom-wise. My back kind of hurts, but I did have an athletic trainer digging their elbow in their trying to work out some knots so it is really no gauge of anything.
5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc)
Alternatively hopeful and pessimistic. I want it to work (obviously), but I seem to think I will not be as disappointed if I act like I think it won't result in a BFP. That reverse psychology doesn't work, of course.
QOTW: What was your first job?
I worked concessions at a movie theatre. There was no getting the smell of popcorn "butter" out of those clothes. Yuck.
ETA: fixing spacing Feel free to add any vents or shout outs.
My Ovulation Chart
And I love sea world. Did you get to feed the animals? That seems like it would be so much fun.
1. Lisa, TX
2. TTC#2 since January
3. Charting/Temping, PNV, a few left over OPKs after temping inconsistancies (sp).
4. CD 19 Who knows. FF hasn't set cross hairs yet. Probably didn't ovulate so no plans to test unless no period by the end of September.
5. Pretty sure this is a wash. Not surprised. Just hoping I keep on my 29-30 day cycle so we can start again.
QOTW: I worked at our baseball stadium. I took tickets, money for parking, and showed people to their seats. We rotated jobs. It was fun and was only during the late spring and summer so it didn't interfere with school.
Shout outs to everyone in the two week wait. I hope it goes by quickly.
Me 36 DH 39
BFP 11/28/14 ~ MMC 12/29/14
TTCAL Siggy Challenge
DH: 45
BFP #1 3/19/14 EDD 11/29/14 MMC D&C 4/24/14
BFP #2 12/4/14 Beta #1 218 at 12dpo Beta #2 1055 at 16dpo
Saw heartbeat 12/29. Please be a rainbow.
All welcome
2. How long have you been TTC? Are you TTC #1,#2,#3, etc.?
3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist (RE)? If so, what stage are you in? Charting/temping? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? DE?
4. Where are you in your cycle? (Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww?
5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc)
QOTW: What was your first job?
Just upset about possibly being away for ovulation. In addition, I'm trying to make a huge decision about a job I was offered that would require a move from our home in the "burbs" to the city. It's really stressing me out which isn't going to help ovulation either!!
Sara - WI
2. How long have you been TTC?
3. What are you doing this cycle? charting/temping, OPKs
4. Where are you in your cycle? waiting to O - just started temping this cycle so I'm curious how my chart will end up!
5. How do you feel about this cycle? hopeful - although not overly so with it just being our second cycle actually trying
QOTW: What was your first job? Taco Bell Drive Through!! We were right next to a Burger King and people used to come through the drive asking for burgers, or stuff from regular mexican restaurants that we didn't sell. I was 15 at the time so I couldn't touch any of the food!
@tlc35 good luck tonight!
PinkishRabbit from New Mexico
2. How long have you been TTC? Are you TTC #1,#2,#3, etc.?
TTC #1 for a few months
3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist (RE)? If so, what stage are you in? Charting/temping? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? DE?
Charting/temping & Testing
4. Where are you in your cycle? (Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww?
Waiting to O, should this week
5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc)
Anxious mostly
QOTW: What was your first job?
I worked at an Auntie Anne's. I actually really liked it there. It was the only job where working there didn't make you hate the food, it was awesome and lots of free pretzels!
@Winogrrl DH is one of those crazy people when he goes out of our region. He is always asking for things that are at the fast food places in our area, but not available in other parts of the country. They always look at him like he is from another planet.
Me 36 DH 39
BFP 11/28/14 ~ MMC 12/29/14
TTCAL Siggy Challenge
Cherye from Texas
2. How long have you been TTC? Are you TTC #1,#2,#3, etc.?
I'm TTC #1. I've been trying on and off for two years. We finally moved into our own house a week ago and have the proper space for a baby!
3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist (RE)? If so, what stage are you in? Charting/temping? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? DE? So far, I'm tracking my cycle, fixin' to start charting temps and I have an appointment scheduled for a preconception counseling since I'm now 40 and have a thyroid problem.
4. Where are you in your cycle? (Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww? I'm waiting to O. No symptoms other than I'm crazy tired. Of course that could be just from moving.
5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc) I'm hopeful about my next few cycles. Keeping my fingers crossed!
QOTW: What was your first job? My first job was in high school for the high school athletics department as the department secretary.
2. How long have you been TTC? Are you TTC #1,#2,#3, etc.?
3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist (RE)? If so, what stage are you in? Charting/temping? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? DE?
Right now is just wait an see if anything happens.
4. Where are you in your cycle? (Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww?
CD26 I did break down and tested yesterday and had a BFN. I am normally a 28-33 day cycle. No weird symptoms beside complete exhaustion. But we just moved a couple of weeks ago, busy time of the month at work and now on business travel. So I am not reading into the fatigue. I am having headaches everyday, but with fall coming and allergies....
5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc)
I feel I am out this month. And time to work on next month.
QOTW: What was your first job?
I worked at Arby's
Feel free to add any vents or shout outs.
DH: 45
BFP #1 3/19/14 EDD 11/29/14 MMC D&C 4/24/14
BFP #2 12/4/14 Beta #1 218 at 12dpo Beta #2 1055 at 16dpo
Saw heartbeat 12/29. Please be a rainbow.
All welcome
Davie813, Chicago
2. How long have you been TTC? Are you TTC #1,#2,#3, etc.?
TTC #2 since January
3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist (RE)? If so, what stage are you in? Charting/temping? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? DE?
Gearing up for IUI #2; started Follistim shots Tuesday.
4. Where are you in your cycle? (Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww?
CD 5
5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc)
Somewhat hopeful. I was actually able to start the shots on CD 3 this time, my AFC was much better than last time, and DH and I have been given the go-ahead to have sex every day during my "fertile week," in addition to the IUI itself. On the other hand, my bloodwork is still a little weird from the cyst last cycle. My E2 was high. Not sure how much of a problem that actually is, but RE isn't concerned.
QOTW: What was your first job?
Babysitting, for a couple who liked to go out for drinks and then pay me with whatever was left in their pockets. It was feast or famine: it could be $20, which was nice money for a 13-year-old in the 80s, or it could be a couple dollars and a half roll of certs. You just never knew. My first real job with a paycheck was KFC when I was 16. I was terrible at it.
Feel free to add any vents or shout outs.
Congrats to @lesliem0901! Woo! Also to @JimBobCooter (so glad it's finally here--everything crossed for you!) And good luck to everyone here!
Me: 41, DH: 45
DD, 6/15/2013
TTC #2 beginning January 2014
AMH 1.05; FSH range 7-11
July 2014: IUI #1. Follistim + Pregnyl. 2 follicles--BFN
September 2014: IUI #2. Follistim + Pregnyl + Ganirelix + Crinone. 4(?) follicles--BFN
October 2014: IUI #3. More Follistim + More Ganirelix + Pregnyl + Crinone. 4 follicles--BFP! Beta #1=10 Beta #2=33 Beta #3=97 Beta #4=158. M/C 11/1/14
December 2014: IVF #1. Microdose Lupron protocol. 9R, 9M, 9F. 3 5-day blasts transferred 12/15. BFFN.
August 2015: IVF #3. 14R, 13M, 11F. Froze 5 blasts for CCS testing. 3 normals. FET planned for 10/2015.
My Ovulation Chart
Mother of two wonderful boys! Blessed through adoption.
SchruteBucks in Oregon
2. How long have you been TTC? Are you TTC #1,#2,#3, etc.?
First month TTC #4
3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist (RE)? If so, what stage are you in? Charting/temping? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? DE?
Charting and OPKs
4. Where are you in your cycle? (Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww?
Currently in the 2WW at 4 DPO. I'll probably start obsessively testing in about 3 days which is way too early, but that won't stop me. I'll keep testing until I get a BFP or my period.
5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc)
Our timing was good. I'm trying not to be too hopeful and over analyze all of my "symptoms". I feel crampy and extremely irritable with a very short fuse, which always happen when I'm pregnant. But it could also mean absolutely nothing.
QOTW: What was your first job?
Besides babysitting, my first real job was as a Page at my local library in my Junior year of high school. I wound up working my way up through several different jobs in that library system. My last job there was in the business office doing payroll and HR. I left to be a SAHM after I had my first child with my last day being exactly 10 years after my first day.
DD1 EDD 08/18/01, born 08/03/2001 ~ 9lbs 10oz, 21.5 in
DS1 EDD 4/30/2004, born 05/04/2004 ~ 10lbs, 22 in
mc 02/14/12 @ 5 weeks
DD2 EDD 12/25/12, born 12/30/12 ~ 10lbs 11oz, 21.25 in
mc 12/05/15 @ 12 weeks
Cautiously expecting 12/02/16
1. Your Name or Screen Name (not full names) and State you are from. Wannabmamma23, MA
2. How long have you been TTC? Are you TTC #1,#2,#3, etc.? C2, TTC 1
3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist (RE)? If so, what stage are you in? Charting/temping? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? DE? First month temping and it's been really fun to watch and learn a lot!
4. Where are you in your cycle? (Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww? Just entered TWW (got crosshairs today, 4DPO). Will test if AF is a few days late.
5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc)
Not very hopeful, timing wasn't great. But we are still learning the cycles and DH was out of town at peak time.
QOTW: What was your first job? Bussed tables at a local restaurant. I miss working in restaurants a lot (did it on and off for years and years--miss interacting with all the people)!
1. Your Name or Screen Name (not full names) and State you are from. Scruffy10, from Florida
2. How long have you been TTC? Are you TTC #1,#2,#3, etc.? We have been trying for our first since June 2013, with two losses.
3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist (RE)? If so, what stage are you in? Charting/temping? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? DE? We are doing our usual, temp/charting and using OPKs. We saw an RE in January but we moved and haven’t found a new one we like yet.
4. Where are you in your cycle? (Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww? Cycle day 3.
5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc) I’m hopeful, I usually don’t think about it at the start of my cycle but once I see the line darken on the OPK than I get anxious and nervous.
QOTW: What was your first job? My first job was bagging groceries at 14.
2. How long have you been TTC? Are you TTC #1,#2,#3, etc.? TTC#1 since December 2013, NTNP since Feb 2013
3. What are you doing this cycle? The same, basic temps just around O time to pinpoint, OPK, and trying to be as healthy as possible. limited caffeine and alchohol. going to try to be better about eating foods that are inflammatories because of my endometriosis and other mild inflammatory symptoms. Getting a massage tomorrow, and also going to an astrologer - my friend's friend - first time for me, I'm excited.
4. Where are you in your cycle? Today is day 29, I am DPO10. Absolutely zero symptoms. Actually this entire cycle I had no ovulation pains, no signs at all of anything. Yet I definitely Ovulated by my temp shift.
5. How do you feel about this cycle? Well, not that hopefull really. Last cycle was really hopeful - I had just had the HSG (which showed R side tube blocked, and L side prepped to O) and they said it's likely to get pregnant after the flushing out, and I thought I had symptoms, but had AF. So this cycle I probably Oed on the R closed side even though we BD quite a bit. I'm starting to warm up to the idea of getting surgery on the endo but I'm kinda scared.
QOTW: What was your first job? Hmm... I think babysitting, data entry at the hospital my dad worked, and then waitressing. If you skip past those college jobs my next job was a Montessori Preschool teacher assistant!
1. Your Name or Screen Name (not full names) and State you are from.
flyliceandcoffee - CO
2. How long have you been TTC? Are you TTC #1,#2,#3, etc.?
we've been unofficially trying since June, had a m/c about a month ago now, so back on the bandwagon. This will be for #2
3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist (RE)? If so, what stage are you in? Charting/temping? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? DE?
Right now we were just doing hpts to watch the hcg levels drop, and then opks to see when I might ovulate.
4. Where are you in your cycle? (Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww?
I have no idea. Waiting to get my first AF back after the miscarriage so we're all kinds of wacky right now.
5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc)
We're not holding out any hope since I haven't gotten my period back yet and opks aren't being helpful at all really. We're really just waiting to see what happens.
QOTW: What was your first job?
I worked at a summer fun program!
2. TTC#2 for around six months
3. Temping, OPKs, prenatals, acupuncture sometimes, decaf green tea before O, more water, less caffeine, cardio 2x a week, sex
4. I'm on CD13 and waiting to O.
QOTW: What was your first job? I started babysitting at age 13, but my first official job was as a waitress at a mom and pop cafe in my town. I was always eager to work; I'm a busy bee.
I want to give a happy shoutout to @JimBobCooter for being SO CLOSE to her transfer! I'll be sending tons of positive thoughts to you. Also a hug to @Davie813 for having a difficult week.
"It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness." - Eleanor Roosevelt
2. How long have you been TTC? Are you TTC #1,#2,#3, etc.?
3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist (RE)? If so, what stage are you in? Charting/temping? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? DE?
4. Where are you in your cycle? (Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww?
5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc)
I'm sad. I also find that I'm very resentful towards my husband for all of the things I have to go through. I know it's probably not the right way to feel, but I can't help it.
QOTW: What was your first job?
2. TTC #1 for about a year.
3. Charting/temping, OPKs for the first time this cycle.
4. 2WW. No symptoms. I think the OPKs helped our timing, but Tuesday would have been the absolute best day for BD, and I had such bad cold that I just couldn't. Oh well. Hopefully BD on -3 and -4 will be good enough.
5. Meh. Same as ever.
QOTW: What was your first job? I delivered newspapers! Hopped on my bike everyday after school (and even on Christmas morning before we were allowed to open our presents!) to deliver the Post.
TTC since June 2012 (after tubal reversal surgery April 2,2012)
No Meds - I had 4 children before having my tubes tied, then met my husband who has no children.
Cycle Day 7, few days after my cycle ended. Trying to get back into temping. Got so frustrated this past several months that I just stopped. DH has low motility. Will be starting more aggressive measures within the next 2 months.
QOTW: First job at Wendy's
Vent: pissed and jealous that my sister in law is pregnant now, and that I am not. I'm happy for her but still mad that so many people around me are having babies, and it seems my body is betraying me. I know surgery was successful because they already did the HSG.
2. 5cycle ttc #6
3. On our own
4. Where are you in your cycle? Either 4 or 6dpo, timing is the same for either. I believe I'm 6 dpo
5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc) meh...
QOTW: What was your first job? Worked for a hospital in the human resources department, filing, answering phones, etc.
SillySally24 from SE PA
2. How long have you been TTC? Are you TTC #1,#2,#3, etc.?
TTC#1 since Jan 2014
3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist (RE)? If so, what stage are you in? Charting/temping? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? DE?
I've been quiet going into this cycle as I didn't want to have to retract my status like last month. I'm 3 days into stimming on IVF#1. Just had a checkup this morning, and E2 progressing fine, so going onto days 4-6!
4. Where are you in your cycle? (Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test? Experiencing any weird "phantom" symptoms ladies in your 2ww?
5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc)
I refuse to get all caught up in this cycle - I'm just going to take it one day at a time, I don't want to get all worked up and stressed out over it. I insist on staying hopeful, even though the odds are stacked heavily against me!
QOTW: What was your first job?
1st paid job, other than babysitting - lifeguard at girl scout camp - some of my favorite memories to date!
Me: 43, DOR FI: 44, SA normal
TTC Since Nov 2013
01/2014: Meeting with RE to discuss options
02/2014: Clomid + Trigger + TI = BFN
03/2014: on the bench
05/2014: meeting with RE to discuss Donor IVF options
09/2014 - IVF#1 - converted to IUI - BFN