Late Term and Child Loss

No Uterus Contractions after Labor?

***living child mentioned***

Has anyone had a 20-ish week pregnancy loss and not had obvious uterine contractions after delivery?

Last Sunday, my daughter was born, then passed at 22 weeks of pregnancy. I have heard of postpartum uterine contractions being painful, especially after a 2nd birth, but I have barely had but vague aches after being released from the hospital, and only a couple of times. I have a toddler son and had painful contractions after his birth, which were brought on by nursing, which was all normal. I had more bleeding during my pregnancy this time than I have postpartum. I just thought I might post here before contacting my doctor in case this is normal for having only been 22 weeks along. This may sound irrational, but I am just so sick of calling my doctor after the past month of pregnancy complications and then my loss. I hate not knowing ANYthing that has been going on with my body and this lack of control has left me grasping for straws everywhere. Nothing feels wrong, and I know every experience is different, so I'll probably call next week just to double check.

Re: No Uterus Contractions after Labor?

  • ***Ticker***

    You might want to call, though I dont remember having any. I will admit I was in a haze however and don't remember very much physically. 
    Lilypie - (qptF)

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
    "Elsie Irene was born sleeping at 35w 6d on December 8, 2012. Mommy and Daddy miss you sweet girl."

  • I'm pretty sure they gave me pitocin to make me contract quicker and get that part over with. But I had a csection and my son was 27 weeks.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

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  • I dont remember any contractions after labor to be honest. Immediately after delivery, I did feel some contractions that felt like rapid heart palpitations but they weren't painful. I did have an epidural at that time though, so I probably didn't feel them fully. But nothing of note after the epidural wore off. 
    BFP #1 12/19/13 We lost our Fenix 7/31/14 at 36 weeks due to torn umbilical cord
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    My Chart TTA until Feb 2015
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