FTM with first appt this morning! I'm excited and nervous at the same time! I think this appointment will be a big reality check that this is really happening!
Yay, you saw your baby AND a heartbeat! Woo hoo! Don't worry, you have plenty of time to adjust to the idea that there really is a tiny human in there. It is sort of surreal, isn't it? Especially when you see them wiggle on the u/s but can't feel it.
I am COMPLETELY anxious about my first appointment, which isn't until October. I'm so worried they're going to tell me there's no heartbeat and I lost the baby. I have got to switch my thinking to be more positive.
I'm nervous too, my first appointment is next Wednesday and that's just with my GP. I don't think he'll have a Doppler. Then I have to wait for an OB appointment. Could be awhile.
Re: 1st appt jitters