January 2014 Moms

DD is miserable UPDATE 2

SandFHasseSandFHasse member
edited September 2014 in January 2014 Moms
Update 2: Back to the doctor in a bit. DD woke up with spots on her tummy, back, neck, chest and genitals. Nurse thinks its a reaction to the meds.

DS got sick on Thursday and by Friday morning DD and I caught it too. DS and I seem to be getting better, but poor DD seems to be getting worse. She woke up from her nap around 7 and was burning up. My mom brought a thermometer over (both of ours have disappeared) and she had a fever of 103. I called the after hours line and her doc called back. I have to wake her every 3 hours for meds and bring her in at 10. I can't get her to drink anything except milk. Fingers crossed that she doesn't have anything worse then a cold.

I hope all you other mama's and your LO's get well soon. Fingers crossed everybody else doesn't catch it.

Re: DD is miserable UPDATE 2

  • Boo! How scary! Hope your dd (and you) were able to get some sleep and rest!

    Abby still has a runny nose and congestion. I'm finally starting to feel better. Of course most of my students are sick so we are all sharing germs right now.

    I'm 33 DH is 36 
    Married 6/27/2009 Together since 10/22/2005
    TTC since 8/2010 (off BCP since 8/2009) 
    Unexplained Infertility
    8/2011, 1/2012, 3/2012 IUI #1-3 BFN 
    6/2012 IVF#1 BFN, 8/2012 IVF#2 FET BFN, 11/2012 IVF#3 BFP
    12/10/2012 U/S #1 6w4d - heartbeat  EDD 8/1/13 
    12/26/2012 U/S #2 8w6d - No more heartbeat, MMC; D&C; Chromosome testing normal; male :( RPL testing normal 
    4/3/2013 DX Asherman's Syndrome caused by D&C, hysteroscopy done
    June 2013 IVF #4 planned 
    5/12/2013 SURPRISE BFP! Natural cycle 
    7/11/2013 Panorama results Normal!!! Team Pink, partial previa moved up in 2nd tri9/5/13 (19w) AS scan shows short cervix, 2.5 cm 9/19 (21w)  Cervix is worse 1.87cm, bed rest 10/26 & 10/27 steroid shots 12/19 (35w) DX: SGA Baby went from 57% percentile to 18th percentile in 6 weeks. Weekly BPP and NST until she is here. 1/17/18 Growth scan puts Abby below 10th percent in size, low amniotic fluid, and less movement. Time to induce!
    1/18/14 2:11am Abigial Morgan is here! 5lbs 14oz and 18 inches of pure cuteness!!!

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Feel better soon LO!

    Adam has yet another ear infection and pinkeye. I understand how helpless you feel when your LO is sick.

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  • So sorry your little one is sick!  Glad you seem to be feeling better.  Nothing sucks worse than an infant sick.  Makes me feel so helpless!

  • Poor baby!! Hope she starts feeling better soon and that y'all were able to get some rest!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Thanks ladies. I'm debating scheduling an appointment for DS too. He hasn't had a fever in a day or two though so I'm not sure.
  • Poor girl!  When I had endometritis right after birth I had absolutely no appetite.  The only thing I would drink was milk.  I lived off of milk for like 2 weeks with only a single bite or two of food each day.  We got the Carnation Breakfast things to put in the milk to get the extra calories and protein.  It helped.  Maybe she would drink that?  Either way, at least she is getting some hydration and calories!  Hope everyone feels better soon.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Poor baby, hope you and LO feel better. It's no fun when their sick.
  • I tried to edit to update, but it won't let me. We went to the doc and she has an ear infection so she will be on antibiotics for 10 days. She still has so much energy. She's running around all over the place and DS tries to keep up.
  • We just went to the doctor today, for the third time in two weeks! First DD had a high fever, which turned into roseola. Then that passed, and a cold showed up, with croup-like symptoms. Then she picked up pinkeye from daycare, which hasn't gone away. Today? Diagnosed with ear infection #2 in her short life! I'm running on fumes from being sick and exhausted myself. Will this ever end? 

    Praying HEALTH for all you mommas and your babies! 
  • @tarajeanette If her fever hadn't reached 103 we probably wouldn't have brought her in. This has been the worst fever she's ever had. I hope your DD's fever breaks.

    @ajgreen78 Oh my goodness. That sounds awful. Poor baby and mama. I hope she starts to feel better. Thoughts and prayers for both of you.
  • I hope you get some sleep too. I think I'm going to take DS in tomorrow. He has this nasty cough now that wakes him up.
  • O i wish your bebe better . I hope she tolerates the antibiotics
  • I stayed home with LO yesterday because he has a cold and was just miserable. He just had a stuffy, runny nose and was exhausted. He rested most of the day and then was playing fine last night. This morning, he now has a cough. I am debating when to send him back to preschool. He doesn't have a high fever. He is at about 99 this morning. They send him home at 101. I am a teacher so I understand both sides about sending a sick kid to school spreading it around and parents having to work. I do not have anymore sick days and his dad can't stay home either. I just don't want him there being miserable. This is his second cold in the four weeks he has been going to preschool. :(
  • Update: DD is so much more like herself today, and her pinkeye is almost all gone. Fingers crossed she can stay at daycare ALL day today, what a novel idea. Momma is so behind on her hours, I need a day to catch up on office work!

    Hope your babies (and you mommas!) are all on the upswing. I'm glad to hear fevers are breaking and recovery is happening for some of you. Thoughts and prayers for the rest of you (us)!
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