It is so wonderful to come back here and see so many of the women I was in groups with move on to PAIF/SAIF I am so very happy for all of you. (((BIG HUGS))) for those who are still being strong and working on our ultimate goal to have a take home baby. I get my protocol in November for January FET and couldn't be more excited. I am praying and rooting for all of you
TC Since 2006
Me: 33
Dx: Hydrosalpinx
DH: 34
Dx: Perfect
IUI #1-4 = BFN
BCP Started 2/23/2014, Tubal ligation surgery 3/5/2014
1 Polyp removed, Tubes are bye bye.
IVF #1 - Gonal-F, Menopur, Cetrotide, Lupron, ER 4/14, Freeze All, OHSS
31R, 28M, 21 fertilized!
FET#1 - 06/26/14 transferred 5 day blasts 2- 1 4AA and 1 3BB lining at 12 (PIO shots, Progesterone and Estradiol)
Beta 7/10/14 14dp5dt = BFFN
FET#2- 9/25 Transfer day 3, 2- 10 cell Lining at 12
10/2/15 - Progesterone Check 30
10/9/15 - 14dp3dt BFN
4/27/16 - Mock transfer protocol- Vit C, Vit D, DHEA, Prenatal, Lovenox, Estradiol, PIO
FET #3 - 5/18/16 -
Re: Good to be back!