July 2013 Moms

Diaper Bag

So yesterday when I went to pick up Zoe, MIL said to me "Can you bring pants with tomorrow so Zoe's legs don't get chilly?" I said "Um I have pants in her diaper bag." Then she proceeds to admit she only looked in the top. And also it was 70 out. Not really chilly. 8-| (And 80 today)

But last night I told DH and he said "Well you put too much in her diaper bag."

I don't really think I do. Sometimes maybe too many changes of clothes...but it got me wondering...at a year old..what do you have in LO's diaper bag?
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Re: Diaper Bag

  • We just do diapers & snack bag. My kids don't need a bunch of clothes but they aren't messy as much.

    I've started carrying a wet bag, undies & spare pants for DD for Potty Training.

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  • Diapers, snacks, empty bottle or cup, full cup, wipes,  lotion, meds, small toys, plastic bags for soiled items, and at least 2 changes of clothes. 

    Always prepared and she doesnt even go to daycare :)
  • I pack 1 change of clothes, diapers, wipes, 2 cups (1 for water, 1 for milk) and a lunch box with food or snacks.

    I just started doing the lunchbox because I was tired of food being spread all through out the bag. My MIL keeps him while we work so it's quick and easy access.
  • @PrimRoseMama‌ Zoe isn't messy but with Wisconsin weather I could send her somewhere in shorts and by the time I pick her up she needs pants and a coat lol
    July 13 Siggy Challenge December'14: Christmas/Holiday Movie
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  • I generally keep some diapers, change of clothes and snack in a little back pack. It has a waterbottle holder on the side for a sippy cup.
  • My LO doesn't go to daycare so the diaper bag lives in my car as an in case of emergency stash. If I'm out, I might shove a couple of essentials in the stroller or my purse, but leave the rest in the car and go get it if I need to. That said, here's what is in my bag:

    Changing pad/wipes/diapers
    change of clothes
    tupperware of Goldfish (guaranteed to stop a meltdown)
    sunscreen and a hat
    plastic bags (in case I need to put soiled clothes in it)
    a toy and a board book

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  • We have recently downsized but I have now

    -A couple pairs of outfits(Allison is always the kid getting changed once or twice at daycare because she doesn't care about getting messy)
    - back up pacifier
    - some small toys and a boy
    - diApers/wipes
    - crackers and Cheerios
    - extra sippy cup.

    I tend to hoard and collect things as I go and have to dump it all out after a couple of weeks.

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  • edited September 2014
    O jeez...a lot.  So much that the seam at the top has split (luckily it doesn't ruin any pockets and nothing would ever fall in there cuz it's at the top).  Tylenol, a blanket, a sweater, a zip-up hoodie, 8diapers, a paci w/clip, a teething toy, sunglasses, her medical stuff (like her vaccine booklet), a thing of wipes, socks, her highchair/cart cover, a couple napkins...I think that's it.

    e.t.a. lotion and at least one snack

    O yea, and butt cream.

    and her changing pad

    and you just made me realize I meant to take her highchair/cart cover out and leave it in the car from the first time...instead I stupidly left it in there and take it out and leave it in here when I know I'm not gonna need it, then put it back when I know I am :: shakes head ::
  • ashie624 said:

    @PrimRoseMama‌ Zoe isn't messy but with Wisconsin weather I could send her somewhere in shorts and by the time I pick her up she needs pants and a coat lol

    Ah we have the opposite. It's frying here most of the time.

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  • I used to not carry a diaper bag but I recently in the last 3 months started to. It makes it easier because I take a sippy, a lunch bag with a snack and ice pack, a change of clothes incase he spills or gets dirty, diapers, wipes, diaper cream, a few toys, his shoes (if he isn't wearing them) an extra blanket, Lysol wipes, hand and face wipes and Boogie Wipes.

    Shame me :D
  • Okay so I am not the only one who still carries and has a lot of stuff. Haha. I would love to just carry a few things but I just never know. And she goes to different places depending on the day and with MIL I probably don't need to take much but going to DHs cousins I have to take it all. Lol

    I usually have
    A handful of diapers
    Some extra clothes
    Pjs (sometimes she sleeps at MILs or my moms)
    Some socks
    Some baggies to put stinky diapers in
    A water bottle
    A few toys or teething ring
    Diaper cream
    And in the front pockets I have lotion and travel size bath items...I could take those out. I left those since MIL gave Zoe a bath the times she was there late..but that probably won't happen anymore.

    I think tonight I am going to reorganzie.
    July 13 Siggy Challenge December'14: Christmas/Holiday Movie
    Bonus: Ugly Sweater

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  • edited September 2014
    Oh, and a hat, sunscreen lotion and stick and hand sanitizer.

    ETA: annnnnd: a table cover thing for food, diaper changing pads and a fork and spoon.

    Edited again because I always have a toothbrush, too.

    P.S. I always have Motrin on hand, as well.

    I'm that mom...
  • Usually one change of clothes, one diaper, some wipes, his water, some snacks. More diapers if we will be gone more than a couple hours.
  • Unless I am packing for something particular, it has two diapers, a wet bag, wipes, and a onsie. I generally throw my wallet and keys in there too
    Married 6/18/11
    BFP #1 10/26/12 DS born 6/30/13
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    BFP #3 1/18/14 DS #2 born 10/7/14
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  • I always have diapers, wipes, butt cream, a change of clothes for DD and DS, snacks, water, a sippy cup, and toys. That is what I take for errands. If we are going to the park or sprinkler park, then I also have sunscreen, and swim diapers.
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  • Dipes, wipes, changing pad, diaper cream
    Extra paci
    Extra outfit of season
    Sweater or sweatshirt
    Sunscreen and sometimes bug spray
    Sippy with water
    Crackers or fruit or both (hopefully not forgotten like the rotten pear I found last week)
    Extra undies and outfit for big brother
    Board book or two
    A soft squeaky animal or teething toy
    Inevitably matchbox cars or trucks and/or rocks or acorns collected by ds1
    Pen and paper
  • Diapers, wipes, bottle of water, formula dispenser, hand sanitizer, outfit for dd1 & dd2, juice box and some snacks
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  • edited September 2014
    I usually just throw a couple of diapers, a ziploc with a few wipes, and an extra t-shirt into the bag that snaps to her carrier, but I'll probably have to adjust slightly when the weather gets cold. But we're usually within walking distance of home, so we'd just go back if there was some sort of disaster. If we go out for a whole day/to my ILs or something, we bring the diaper bag with: diapers/changing pad/wipes, 2x change of clothes, baby doll for naptime, straw cup, a few small toys.
    ETA: Sunscreen! Always with the sunscreen.
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  • Do those of you with these long lists of stuff actually use all of it regularly?
    Married 6/18/11
    BFP #1 10/26/12 DS born 6/30/13
    BFP #2 10/30/13 MC 11/25/13
    BFP #3 1/18/14 DS #2 born 10/7/14
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  • Do those of you with these long lists of stuff actually use all of it regularly?
    Nope. only use 4/17 things regularly
  • I use almost all of it regularly, but not the toothbrush. My plans are always changing and I just like to be prepared. I don't take the whole bag inside to grocery shop or anything like that but I always, usually, have the bag on me.

    Anyone remember a few months back where I left without a bottle or diaper or any kind of snack and got behind in unexpected traffic? Never again.
  • I feel like we should do a secondary poll to see whether there's a difference between how much we all carry vs. whether we drive a lot or take public transportation. I'd probably carry more stuff if I could leave it in the car, and not have to schlep it all over the city.
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  • bobceebobcee member
    edited September 2014
    Changing pad
    Change of clothes, hat
    Diaper cloth
    First aid kit
    Sippy cup
    Snack cups
    My wallet

    All of it with exception of spare clothes get used regularly.

    image image

    D 2.20.2011 & Z 7.16.2013

  • I don't have a diaper bag, just a big canvas purse. She has a daycare cubby where we keep her extra outfits and stuff like that.
    For outings during the day it really depends on where we are going and how long we are gone. Normally I have:
    Diapers, wipes, changing pad
    Sunscreen and bug spray
    A board book or small toy
    Sippy cup and snack
    My stuff ( wallet, keys, phone, sunglasses)
    K & M married 10.8.2011 *** BFP 7.17.2012, EDD 3.21.2013, Miscarriage at 6 wks 3 days *** BFP #2 11.7.2012, beautiful Tess born 7.11.2013
  • Do those of you with these long lists of stuff actually use all of it regularly?

    I usually leave the bag in the car when we are food shopping or running into the store. Most of the time, I do not need anything in the bag, but I like to be prepared. Yesterday we went out for ice cream and DD and DS both spilled some on their shirts so I was glad I had extra shirts for them.

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