So I just got back from ML yesterday. I work at a large bank and part of my schedule is Saturday rotations. I have no problem working every other Saturday which is what was agreed upon. Yesterday I looked at my schedule for September/ October and I work every Saturday in September and October. When I asked my manager about this his reply was "I worked while you were out all summer so it's only fair." I was and am still livid. I asked if I could have one off and the answer was no. He basically told me that because I was on ML it was only fair for me to work what ever because it
iinconvenienced him that I was out having a baby.
I am at a loss. I have worked for the same company for almost 10 years and feel that I am being punished for having a child. I am probably overreacting but I am so upset that I am being treated this way.
Re: How would you handle this?
You weren't "out all summer". You were on Mat Leave. And especially if you're covered by FMLA, your leave can NOT be used to punish you.
So... I'd talk to HR if you can.
It sucks but it doesn't really fall under a FMLA violation. They retained her job albeit a different schedule.
You can talk to HR about his response, sure. But will he retaliate by being an even bigger ass?
Will your schedule go back to normal after October? I assume you get a different day off instead? Or are you working 6 day weeks?
Don't get me wrong, it totally sucks.
I would argue that a schedule change is not against FMLA. His reasoning for the change is, however.
I would communicate with him again regarding this via email - in writing. Otherwise, it's a he said/she said.
Out of curiosity, has anyone else on your team been out for a medical reason (knee surgery, heart surgery, etc) and was treated the same upon return?
Keep us updated on how your meeting goes!
I called HR today and filed a complaint. His boss is trying to locate another branch but if it is not done by tomorrow (HR said the turn around time has to be 3 or less days) I will continue with my resignation and try to have them list the resignation as constructive termination so I can collect unemployment.
I'm also meeting a friend who is an employment lawyer in the morning to unofficially talk to her about what's going on and to get a referral to someone if needed.
This is such a mess and all over asking for 1 weekend off. Maybe it's for the best.
I hope this works out for you quickly. Hang in there.