As we approach the solid food milestone, I want to know when most of you mommas plan to introduce solids, and what food you plan to start with. Feel free to share below.
My sister started with avocado at 4 1/2 months with her LO. I've been thinking about introducing solids at 5 months but haven't decided what food to start off with. I will talk to her dr at her 4 month shots for some recommendations.
I voted 4 months, but that's only if he's showing signs that he's ready. DH is dying to feed him real food... DH is the foodie of the house, I might let him choose the first food. Maybe.
Thought you had to do cereal first? We have LOs check up and next round of vaccines on October 3. I plan on checking with the pedi about what a 4 month old can have. I read they have to be able to sit up, move their tongue around and should be showing some interest in the food when we eat...
We will start solids when DS shows signs he is ready. (Sits up 100% unassisted, watches others eating, tries to grab at food, beginning to stop push food and such out with the tongue thrust, opens mouth if spoon is brought to mouth, etc.) DD started at 5 mo with avocados.
I plan for 6 months but if she shows signs of readiness, we may consider doing it earlier. Will probably start with rice cereal, sweet potato and avacado.
I was going to start 6months but now I am thinking 4 months. She is already showing signs that she is ready and will be 3 months on the 17th. She stares at me eating and looks like she wants to try it. Its so tempting not to let her have a taste and makes me feel like I am teasing her when im eating in front of her, so Im leaning more towards 4months now, but will wait until her doctor gives us the go ahead. And we will start with avocado mixed with some of my frozen breast milk then move on to sweet potatoes so I can eat the same thing with her. I am so excited for this milestone!!
Avocados at 6 months for us (or when she's ready). She loves watching us eat so it may be a little sooner. There's a good chance she will have food allergies so we are going to have to take it slow.
The child is hungry ALL the time. We started rice cereal in one bottle at night at 4 weeks. We started giving her cereal from a spoon a week ago and she does fricken awesome! She tells me when she done, doesn't push it out with her tongue. With DD1 we started at 4 months with real food puree(which I make myself) we will be doing the same with DD2. Also DD1 refused anything purée by 6 months and was on solids exclusively. All I did was give her a puff and it was all over.
I started DS at about 4.5 months with bananas, sweet potatoes, and cereal but I have a feeling with B's weak mouth and throat muscles, we will be starting much later with him. I think it's really going to freak me out when we do start though.
With DS we started at 4 mos with rice cereal which I made and green beans. I used cereal to thicken the purees I made.
BFP #1 April 28, 2009 - miscarriage 5/17/2009 BFP #2 March 21, 2010 CP 3/28/2010 BFP # 3 August 1, 2010 baby boy April 7, 2011 BFP #4 February 9, 2013 missed miscarriage @ 15 weeks on May 1st , 2013. fingers crossed BFP #5 10/03/2013 due June 10, 2014. Unplanned C-Section on May 29, 2014. Welcome Grant!
I'm thinking we may let him try some sweet potatoes at Thanksgiving. He'll be almost 6 months then. He already watches us like a hawk while we are eating and LOVES to sit up, but just can't manage to do it all by himself yet.
Probably around Thanksgiving. They're gaining interest in our foods but they're just so little still! I want them to be able to sit up well, have good grip and hand coordination, be able to make it through a bottle without choking... ya know the little things lol
I had no idea that babies give you signs that they're ready... thought you just give them solids at 6 months. This is why I love our group! I'll check out kellymom for those links.
I voted 6 months but really it's at least 6 months and when he shows readiness. We will be doing BLW and first food will just be whatever we have for dinner that night..
6-months, maybe. I don't have a plan. We'll see how things go and take the pedi's advice. LO hasn't shown any interest in what we're eating and is 3 months. I originally wanted to do avocado as the first food because I love them, but she'll be 6 months in December, which is not when avocados are in season and tasty, so maybe yams.
I meant to ask our pedi at the four month appointment but he didn't bring it up and they were fussing so I decided that since at their 6 month appt they will be 4.5 months adjusted that will be the perfect time to discuss it. In the meantime, I've got two months to do my research and figure out what sounds like it will work best for us. FWIW, they are very interested in what I'm eating. They're interested in pretty much anything I do
This thread is freaking me out. How are we already thinking about solid foods for our babies? Why are they growing up so fast? IKR! I keep thinking that there will still be birth announcements.
Six months is the goal. We are also "foodie" people so we are boldly attempting to shape our son into to a guy with an adventurous palate. One of the things I really like about BLW is that you don't really need to make many separate meals and that babies are encouraged to try new flavors and textures as they mature.
I will also have the interesting new challenge of doing vegetarian, kosher lunches for his daycare/preschool (they keep kosher there). If anyone has any vegetarian or kid-friendly kosher resources to share I would be grateful (since we are big old goyim in my house).
Re: Lets talk about food.... Baby!
BFP: February 2016 EDD: October 17, 2016
BFP #2 March 21, 2010 CP 3/28/2010
BFP # 3 August 1, 2010 baby boy April 7, 2011
BFP #4 February 9, 2013 missed miscarriage @ 15 weeks on May 1st , 2013.
fingers crossed BFP #5 10/03/2013 due June 10, 2014. Unplanned C-Section on May 29, 2014. Welcome Grant!
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
eta First foods: skipping cereal and onto sweet potato/banana/avocado/the usual suspects
FWIW, they are very interested in what I'm eating. They're interested in pretty much anything I do
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I will also have the interesting new challenge of doing vegetarian, kosher lunches for his daycare/preschool (they keep kosher there). If anyone has any vegetarian or kid-friendly kosher resources to share I would be grateful (since we are big old goyim in my house).