DS is now 4 months old and has been a decent sleeper. I know we're right in the area of the big regression, but so far he has only woken up once or twice extra at night. He goes to bed at 730 or so, and by 5am he starts thrashing around like a wild man. He has done this for a few weeks and mostly sleeps through it. But the past few nights it is now accompanied by whining and half waking up. If I pat him he will sleep again for a few minutes, only to do it again. He's clearly still exhausted and really doesn't even wake up all of the way. Any ideas what's up with this? He doesn't seems gassy, and DD never did this...
ETA: he sleeps in a magic Sleepsuit. Maybe he is sick of being stuck on his back? He still startles in his sleep, so don't think he's ready for a sleep sack.
Re: Restless morning "sleep"?
Do you think he's hungry?
I always resort to bringing him into my bed at that time and then both of us can't sleep. It's annoying! It wouldn't be so bad if he was only getting up once during the night, but he's up two or 3 times before that.