Jo-zee or Jo-see?
I've always said Jo-zee, like Rosie with a J. It never even occurred to me that you COULD say it the other way. But I've heard two different people use the second pronunciation this week, and it got me wondering how everyone else sees this name.
Oh, and FTR my DH and I just call our daughter Josephine (or sometimes Miss J. :-*) No formal nickname at all.
Re: How do you pronounce Josie?
mm 2/17/11 * dd born 4/20/12 * bo 1/3/14 * edd 1/21/ 1/15
Row zee
No periods due to 17 years of ballet and distance running after college. Zero response to 2 months of Clomid, little response to Letrozole. IUI left with 9 cysts = too many viable eggs due to age. On to IVF. Low dose of all meds still produced 37 mature eggs 12.6.11. Froze due to overstimulation.
FET #1.1 1.22.12 BFN. FET #1.2 2.22.12=GRACE! (and a vanishing twin).
Grace Katherine born 10.25.12 @ 36w6w 6#14oz 19.5".
FET #1.3 3.2013 BFN FET#1.4 4.2013 BFN. Never tried a fresh transfer. Let's try, despite 10 still frozen.
ER 6.26.13 27 mature eggs, slight overstim. ET 7.1.13 ectopic, FET 2.1 9.10.14 TRIPLETS!!
Boys born 3.18.14 @ 29w5d. Andrew Jack 3#6oz 16", Grant Robert 3#9oz 16", Charles Phillip 3#7oz 17".
Reminds me of an acquaintance who was appalled that some people called her son Jo-zeph instead of Jo-seph. It never would have occurred to me to hear a distinction
DS born at 34 weeks with (surprise!) gastroschisis turned short bowel syndrome.
131 days in the NICU, 7 trips to the OR, G-button, daily TPN....
@MauiBliss zed!? Canadian, eh!?
TTC #1: February 1, 2014
BFP #1: 2/21/14 EDD: 10/31/14 MMC: discovered 3/31/14 (blighted ovum) D&C: 4/3/14 at 9w6d
BFP #2:12/18/14 EDD: 8/27/14 Beta #1 (16 DPO): 50 Beta #2 (18 DPO): 54 CP: 12/25/14 at 5w0d
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Formally LisaG09
"Everybody wants to be happy. Nobody wants to feel pain but you can't have a rainbow without the rain."
We have a Josephine, NN Josie as well.
I say it with the "Z" sound, but I have some relatives that say Joe-see.
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
Um...yeah. The Canadians did not, in fact, invent it. I'm confused why this is shockingly new information. It's a Commonwealth English thing.
I'm not actually in shock or anything. Lol I'm Canadian so I say zed. It was a duh moment for me catching on that Canada got it from Britain.
ETA: because I know next to nothing about Britain. Or any country besides north America