December 2014 Moms

Sciatica nerve...

So just when the pregnancy was going great and as I'm trying to take care of myself and two kids I get a sciatica pain yesterday. I never experianced it before so initially didn't realize what happen. I thought I just pulled a muscle but as the day passed and pain still remained after resting massaging and pain killer. Now I'm scared that this will happen more often during the pregnancy or what if it happens during labor.

Anyone else exp this type of pain? What did you do? How was rest of your pregnancy and labor?

Re: Sciatica nerve...

  • I've been dealing with it pretty much since my BFP this go around. My Dr said Tylenol, warm baths, and chiro. Also some people swear by certain stretches.
    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
  • Can someone describe what it feels like? I've had a weird pain in my butt cheek this weekend on and off, and I'm not sure if that's what I'm feeling.  Like someones pinching me or something like that, enough to slow my walk, but not enough to keep me off my feet...
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  • I've dealt with this even before pregnancy (turns out my sciatic nerve is sort of "wrapped" around my piriformis - an inner bum muscle), and a few suggestions that have helped me:

    - Sit on the edge of a chair and cross your leg over your knee. Sit up a straight as possible, or try leaning forward a bit with a straight back. You can also do this stretch while standing. A few stretches/instructions:

    - Pilates and yoga moves target this area via different stretches and strengthening exercises. Pilates in particular helped me, but I'm not doing as much while pregnant. Yoga is amazing right now though; I just use YouTube videos and a prenatal DVD a friend loaned me.

    - Heat via warm bath or a warm heating pad (not too hot). It helps relax the muscles

    - Foam rollers - if you have access to one, they offer immediate, wonderful relief. Feels terrible while doing it, but worth EVERY bit of pain.

    - Also found a body pillow at night helps a ton - keep a pillow between the knees, if you aren't already doing this. 

    Good luck! Hope this is helpful. 
  • There have been several threads about back pain and sciatic pain with very good resources. I suggest using the search function, there's a lot of great advice that has been given.


    D14 November Siggy Challenge: The feels of 3rd trimester...








  • I had this flare up over the weekend! It was after taking DS to baby swim class, I honestly think being in the water and doing a lot of lifting him up and down in the water, etc, caused my fetus to shift around or something inside, because I was crippled for the rest of the day Saturday and the first half of yesterday. It sucked.

    No tips, it eventually went away on its own (I assume the baby moved again so he wasn't pressing on the nerve), which is pretty much how it went down when I'd have this pain occasionally while pregnant with DS. But I am going to save @Tracey525 's stretching suggestions for if it ever happens again, and I'm going to see my chiropractor next week and will mention it to him as well.

    Good luck, I know it hurts like hell! :(
    TWO Babies in 2014!
    DS #1 Born 01/07/2014, DS #2 Born 12/17/2014



  • edited September 2014
    I had this a lot back in the first trimester. I wouldn't be able to walk across a room or get up & down off the couch without a ton of pain shooting through that leg. I haven't experienced it as intensely in second trimester, but every now and then I'll lean all my weight on that leg or move just right and get a twinge of pain. It happened today while teaching actually... Must've looked like a drunk stumbling up at the front lol. My OB recommended cat & cow stretches and I find that they help and feel really good. Hopefully baby will shift and get off your nerve soon!
    image  imageimage

    D14 mama with an O14 baby.
  • I woke up with HORRIBLE sciatica pain this morning, I couldn't even put any weight on my leg without wanting to cry. But I did stretches for about 10 minutes and it's been fine all day! 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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