I suddenly needed to drink beer because football, but it's not usually my thing so I didn't realize we were out. I took the baby in the stroller to the liquor store and put the 6 - pack in the bottom of the stroller. Klassy.
Laying in bed in the hotel room. Got sam to nap a little and I don't want to move. So tired and I know round two is coming. I think we will hop on the monorail and go to the MGM to see the lions
My house is clean! All of my baking is done and breakfast sandwiches are made for the week.I just have to make protein bars later. I'm folding my last load of laundry while I search the wide range of erotica on my library's website.
@triplea598 I LOVE your centrepieces! They're gorgeous!
Last night I pounded back a cider after hardly eating anything all day. I felt so pathetically tipsy. I wolfed down dinner and passed out with DD2 at 6:30. That screwed me cuz I woke up at 8:30 sober and well rested. I didn't go back to sleep until 2am. I need to get on a good sleep schedule because DH is back to work tomorrow and I won't have the luxury of sleeping in while he's with the girls. I'm exhaustedand hopefully won't fall asleep before 7 again.
It must be hard being a Browns fan with a Steelers fan SO. It's tough enough being a Browns Fan alone. I'm pretty sure DH was ready to throw my terrible towels into the fire pit today.
I had a really weird dream during DS and my afternoon nap. There were zombies, portals and varied planes of existence, and in the end I was having a discussion with Cute Dad about BDSM, and his ex came in and was like, "Fuck you! I'm not moving out!" And it was extra awkward because my underwear was strewn about as she stomped through.
What an awful day. Reese had a REALLY hard day today and I felt terrible. I kept repeating to myself only 4 more doses of steroids. AND no chemo this week. I hate that I have to go to work tomorrow, I just wish I could be home tomorrow snuggling with her.
@hawkward Thanks. We are at the tail end of it, but she seriously has most of the side effects of the steroids-major belly aches, tiredness, hunger, dizziness, lethargic. The ONLY smile I got from her today was when I smelled her stinky feet!
She is going to grandma's tomorrow, and hopefully she feels slightly better.
Someone mentioned that I should share a picture of the cake I made for moneys. I'm kind of meh on it, but the chick liked it, and she gave me money, so all is good. I am now aware that I like making cakes for pleasure, because the fact that someone was paying me stressed me out when it came to the details.
Re: Can we start the drinking thread at 2?
Have you guys had Noosa yogurt? The pumpkin is out of this world, and I am not normally into pumpkin stuff
We are about to head to lunch. Day drinking ftw!
Stupid pats are killing my buzz!
I can't get the ticker to work, but I have two sons:
Baby RJ, born 1/25/2014
Formerly Twilightmv
Nope the lions left in 2012 damn
Currently DH is tickling DS and the CUTEST belly laughs are happening right now! I love it!!!
It must be hard being a Browns fan with a Steelers fan SO. It's tough enough being a Browns Fan alone. I'm pretty sure DH was ready to throw my terrible towels into the fire pit today.