January 2015 Moms

honeymoon phase??

Sorry I haven't been here much, but to randomly post lately. Is anyone else beyond exhausted??? I can barely function I don't know if it's the two toddlers, the pregnancy, all of it? I'm even thinking of calling my ob, I'm just so exhausted, I thought this was my honeymoon phase??? I don't remember ever being this tired.


K- born 7/5/2011

G- born 6/24/2013


Re: honeymoon phase??

  • I'm exhausted but I think its because ds stays up late and wakes up early. If we put him to bed early he wakes up at 4am which kills me.
  • I'm so, so tired. I felt good from weeks 11-16ish and now I'm really tired again. (I just woke up from a nap!) I might still be fighting off the last bits of a sore throat/cold thing, but I'm definitely tired again.
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  • I'm not great at taking my vitamins :( or drinking water the last few days because of the constant peeing seriously am I 23 weeks or 32....ah sorry to sound miserable.


    K- born 7/5/2011

    G- born 6/24/2013


  • @grommom my kids are like that too. Actually if I put them to bed earlier they sleep better!


    K- born 7/5/2011

    G- born 6/24/2013


  • I also get really tired if I'm not in bed by 9:30-10pm. I don't remember being this tired with DS, but the doctor said, "Yeah, you also weren't chasing around a toddler when you were pregnant with him," which is true.

    I would ask your doctor because it could be something like anemia, but it could also be normal.
  • I'm exhausted too some days. I do think it's mostly in part to parenting two kids while pregnant, but you also have to remember that each pregnancy is just different. And, as my DH so kindly reminded me, we're older this time around! ;)
  • @mrs_bennett that's true plus dd and ds are 23 months apart and ds and this one will be 18, so he's younger too.


    K- born 7/5/2011

    G- born 6/24/2013


  • Yep the past few days I've been completely sapped of energy. I had been doing great but all of a sudden I felt back in first tri exhaustion. I'm also running after a toddler (and probably anemic too, let us know how the iron pills work out! ) so I'm back to napping when he naps.

    BabyFruit Ticker

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  • I would definitely ask your doctor about testing your iron. It could just be something as simple as an iron deficiency. But yes, I can only imagine that's exhausting!
    ************************SIGGY WARNING***********************

    Me: 29      DH:  32
    Off birth control March 2012 - Actively trying Sept 2012-April 2014
    Unexplained Infertility
    BFP on May 5th after Follistim & IUI #3
    Ryan Henry - born 1/10/15, 7 lb 5 oz, 20 1/4 inches

    NTNP for a sibling starting March 2015
    Waiting on cycle to resume while EBF


  • I'm exhausted. I normally have a spurt of energy in the morning that lasts from 6:30 to 9:30. On the weekends I've been napping when DS naps. Otherwise I am seriously contemplating napping in my car during the week. By the end of my pregnancy with DS, I was going to bed at 8:30 because that was the only way I could get a reasonable amount of sleep with all of the middle of the night pee trips. If I do that now, I'll have to crawl in bed as soon as DS falls asleep.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • I've been taking the floradix liquid iron supplement and forcefully putting myself to bed at 930, which is far earlier than my regular bedtime. In combination, the two seem to be working. At the end of last week I had two late nights in a row and it left me like a zombie.
  • Im exhausted too, thought it was the toddler- prego combo. But i have low iron levels that I'm trying to raise, so I'm sure thats contributing. I didn't feel this way with my son and i was commuting to work at the time. I guess some people get the second trimester honeymoon and some of us don't.. wish it was a universal symptom though. 


  • jennkg3 said:
    @grommom my kids are like that too. Actually if I put them to bed earlier they sleep better!
    I really wish he'd sleep better//longer if I put him to bed earlier, but nope, he just needs 7 hours, no matter what time he goes to bed, it is exhausting!
  • I'm exhausted too. Between breastfeeding, taking care of a wild little 7 month old and being pregnant, I feel like I'm running on empty most of the time. I'm definitely going to talk to my midwife about the possibility of me being anemic next time I see her.

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  • Happens to me from tome to timw ven now at second tri. One time i even ran a fever bec of tiredness. Since that happened i just chop my tasks onto bite siZe pieces and rest even if im not yet too tired. Also try to look into what PP said abt anemia. I am anemic as well which is why i think the exhaustion is double what is hld be feeling

    i love you, my little mooncake mahal kita
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  • Need a bigger word than exhausted for how i feel!! I change shifts at work every 5 days so sleep schedule alk over map plus an 11 an 8 year old playong sports. So between practices, homework, swing shift and life in general i cant remember the last time i felt rested!!!
  • GromMom said:
    jennkg3 said:
    @grommom my kids are like that too. Actually if I put them to bed earlier they sleep better!
    I really wish he'd sleep better//longer if I put him to bed earlier, but nope, he just needs 7 hours, no matter what time he goes to bed, it is exhausting!

    I'm sorry :( they are hard. DS is sleeping pretty good at 14 months thank god!! Dd is/was a horrible sleeper but now at 3 she will just climb in our bed and go back to sleep, but she didn't sleep through the night till like 19 or 20 months then when ds was born she started getting up again. It's so rough when they don't sleep. Just think eventually we will have to fight them awake!!!!


    K- born 7/5/2011

    G- born 6/24/2013


  • @Taybearstare‌ how do your tickers show up on mobile!?!?
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @CanukMam
    I wasn't on mobile when i posted that. :)
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