September 2014 Moms


Okay. I am reading PPs searches but I still can't seems to find the right answer for me. I've had to wear ted hose and tmi I have varicose veins on my labia and only left leg. They are totally hurting. I'll be honest, ted hose were too hard to put on for I never wore them like I used to. Now yesterday, Ring finger so swollen I twisted my ring off, took a few attempts and had to get DH to help me out on the hose because of course I couldn't. My sugar in urine was high this last time and my ketones were 4+. As I recalled they told me 4+ is severe dehydration and I needed to drink a lot of water. I can't, I'm not hungry no urge except sweets and I am fighting those cravings. I'm forcing myself to drink water now but I can't drink the recommended 8 large glasses. My feet are so swollen and I can't squat. I've been fighting the dehydration for at least 3 months so why they didn't admit me. Has someone else went through this. I feel horrible

Re: Swelling

  • I haven't had swelling that bad, but when I went to L&D for swelling and inconsistent blood pressure they almost put me on an IV just for fluids. So if you really feel like you can't drink enough to get hydrated, I would be really firm with your doctors and ask them about an IV.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
    BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
    BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

  • I had pitting edema in last tri with good bp and ketones +1. As soon as I was hooked up to iv's it was gone. Thirsty or not you got to drink girl! Try the squeeze in water flavors or add lemons or limes to the water to not make it so plain. It's only going to get worse as time goes on.
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  • They aren't on call and I'd hate to go to the emergency room unless I had to. I just drank a bottle water. I'll probably end up calling L and D here shortly
  • If you're craving sweets, try some watermelon. Water flavored with cucumber or citrus is always nice. For what it's worth, I drink more water when it's in a small glass (think juice glass instead of pint glass). Also cut down on the sodium if you haven't already.

    I'm surprised your doctor isn't on call or doesn't have someone covering for him/her. Babies are born at all hours of the day, so generally someone needs to be available. Did he tell you to call the hospital during off hours?
  • niffanieniffanie member
    edited September 2014
    No. When I've called there office and the answering service picks up. They say" if your experiencing any problems go to the emergency room" I'm assuming L and D has his number because they always seems to get in touch
  • I just went to the ER on Friday for weird swelling in my right leg. Turned out to be nothing and I felt like a loser for going but it gave my OB and DH peace of mind that I didn't have some weird blood clot or pre-e. Maybe you should go just in case...
    BabyFruit Ticker  
  • You have to force yourself to drink! Drink water with fresh squeezed lemon. Lots and lots. 1 water bottle is 16oz so that counts for 2 glasses. Do it for your baby!
  • I also find that I can and will during more if I am drinking either out a of disposable water bottle and keep refilling it or I have a few kick ass water bottles I use for the gym that have straws. I think I drank 5 of the 24oz gym bottles with the straws and didn't realize it. Even just a straw in a glass works better for me.
  • (This is my dietitian-self speaking).  If you're truly dehydrated you will also need to take in electrolytes, not just water.  I hate drinking water, but I do really well if I buy large water bottles (I like the 1 Liters), and focus on drinking two of them each day.  Since you're trying to fix dehydration, get a large water bottle or a pitcher and fill 1/3 Gatorade (or G2 if you're watching your sugar intake) and 2/3 of it with water.  Once your fluids balance out it will definitely help your appetite!  Don't just take my word for it though.  Check with your doctor and really pay close attention to your swelling.  Hope this helps a little!
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  • Does your insurance offer a nurse advice line? If so, you could call them and see what they say. Otherwise call L&D and they should be able to get you on the phone with a nurse to help you determine if you need to come in for monitoring or testing. How has your blood pressure been? The swelling in your hands is kind of worrisome. If you push on your hands does the skin bounce right back or does it stay dented? If it stays dented this is pitting edema and you should really get in to see someone soon. Having this happen in your feet without any other symptoms is one thing but having it spread to your hands with your other symptoms is a reason to get checked out.  
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