
2 questions

First question do any of you have pain where the spinal was given ? It has been 2 months and every once in a while I will get a pain in my spine.Also when I stand for long periods of time my lower back gets really stiff and I can't bend over.Does this last long? and any tricks to ease it? and second question any tips for the ugly flab of hanging skin?

Re: 2 questions

  • I have been through it twice. The first was an epidural the second a spinal. This was 4 and 3 years ago. I would say I got twinges for about a year after but they got less painful and fewer and farther between. The tough stuff (stiffness) passed within the first 3 months for me and tapered off to just the little twinges. It was way worse with my first because they couldn't get it in right and had to attempt 4 times.
  • Ok thanks.Yeah they kept asking me left?right?center and had to do it a few times one time it felt like she hit the bone and I about jumped off the table.
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  • I had an epidural the first time so no experience with a spinal but I will get one tomorrow for my RCS. And about the "CS shelf" sometimes it shrinks on it own and sometimes it doesn't and you have it forever. I never got it but my mom did and she wore wraps and exercised and could only reduce it, it never actually went completely away. But I was definitely pudgy afterwards for a few months.
  • Ok thanks.Yeah they kept asking me left?right?center and had to do it a few times one time it felt like she hit the bone and I about jumped off the table.

    Youch!!!! For me it was a newer resident who tried three times then said, three is my limit! My eyes went wide. Three is your limit?!?! They called in the anesthesiologist and he had it in immediately. That was with the epidural though. The spinal was CAKE in comparison.
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