Secondary IF

new to try IUI

MamaPayne15MamaPayne15 member
edited September 2014 in Secondary IF
Our ob has suggested IUI. We are getting an appointment, but we know nothing about IUIs. My insurance doesn't cover infertility at all. Has anyone else paid out of pocket? Or do you know of an insurance that will pay? We have been on clomid for months and now on femara. both I and husband test have all came back clear and good, but still now luck after 1 1/2years. Has anyone had any luck with iui and how does the process work? Thank you for you help in advance :)

Re: new to try IUI

  • It is still a fairly new thing for me too.  I did my second one today. (first was last month and it was a BFN).  My insurance does cover a portion, but I was told it was about $335 out of pocket if nothing had been covered.  

    good luck.
    Married to the Love of My Life since September 14, 2002. 
    Me: 39 DH: 36
    BFP#1: 10/20/08,  EDD: 6/29/09
    PIH, bedrest for 4 wks, delivered at 39 weeks by induction and then c-section- Healthy baby boy on 6/24/09 :-)

    BFP#2: 11/24/11, EDD: 8/4/12, Angel Baby- 2/19/12
    Enlarged bladder seen on U/S at 12 weeks (1/15/12), possibly LUTO or Prune Belly, Heartbeat at OB on 2/17/12,
    No heartbeat/movement at U/S on 2/20/12, (missed MC), D&E:2/22/12.  Miscarried our sweet angel boy @ 16 wks

    TTCAL since June 2012, 
    Progesterone normal, FSH elevated & AMH on the low side--  "ovaries acting older"
    Clomid cycles: 50 mg in February, July, August, September, November 2013, June 2014--  BFNs!!  :-(
    August & September 2014: Clomid, HCG and IUI-- BFNs
    September 2014: FSH= 15.7 AMH= 0.25  UGH!!!  Old lady Ovaries!!!
    October & November 2014: Gonadatropin injections, HCG & IUI... BFNs!!

    We have been blessed with a sweet little boy.  
    Hoping to be able to give him a sibling someday.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • my IUIs were OOP but the monitoring was covered by insurance. our clinic has buy two IUIs, get one free. so we paid $815 each for 2 IUIs and then the third was free. hope yours go better than mine did.

    TTC #2 since 8/2012

    IUI #1 April 2014: BFN

    IUI #2 July 2014: BFN

    IUI #3 August 2014: BFN

    BFP: September 15, due May 22nd 2015

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  • I have not paid out of pocket; I'm sorry I can't give advice there!

    I did notice you said OB- have you seen a reproductive endocrinologist (RE)? If not, you may want to get a referral. Some OBs are notorious for not doing proper monitoring during a treatment cycle. REs are the experts in getting you pregnant- OBs can see you through it! 

    Good luck!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Good luck with it!

    As for the process, for me, I went in on day 3 for monitoring, did clomid on 5-9, did monitoring from I think day 8 through the IUI days (we did two, back to back IUIs). Was also given ovidrel shot on the first IUI day. Monitoring included bloodwork and ultrasound daily. They called each day to say if things were progressing well or not (only one day did they say they weren't). Then started progesterone suppositories the day after the last IUI and return for pregnancy test 14 days later.

    Your process, of course, may be slightly different but hopefully that gives you general idea.

    Me: 32, DH: 33
    DS #1: April 2010
    DS #2: July 2015 (preemie born at 31 weeks) - our little miracle conceived through ART - unexplained secondary infertility/adenomyosis
  • Our insurance covers half of the price of IUI so that leaves us with a $1,500 bill for each cycle (with 2 days of IUI). I also did clomid and a trigger shot of ovidrel with the IUI. 
    "From the moment I first saw you, the second that you were born, I knew that you were the love of my life" Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Me: 35, DH: 40
    TTC # 2 since 8/13, Dx: unexplained secondary infertility
    Clomid cycles 7/14 & 8/14= BFN
    IUI # 1 (clomid) 8/27/14= BFN
    IUI # 2 (clomid and follistim) 9/25/14= BFN
    IUI # 3 (femara and follistim) 10/23/14= BFN
    IUI # 4 (femara and follistim) 11/20/14= BFN
    12/12/14- saline sono shows two polyps
    2/15- two uterine polyps and "schmutz" (RE's words) removed
    8/15- surprise BFP! Beta #1 70 Beta #2 150 
  • Our insurance covers half of the IUI, as well as half for certain meds (injectables).  I think we paid about $180 for the last IUI.  We just purchased all my injectable meds for the next IUI, and that was about $550.  So I guess at my clinic, a full, out-of-pocket IUI (with injectables) would be around $1300-$1500.
    - DD born July 2010 -
    - TTC #2 since January 2013 -
    - Clomid cycles February - May 2014, all BFN -
    - HSG July 2014, all clear! -
    - July '14: IUI #1, w/Femara & Ovidrel= BFN -
    - August '14: cycle cancelled -
    - October '14: IUI #2 w/Femara, Bravelle, & Ovidrel : BFP!-
    -November '14:  Discovered MMC @ 6 wk. ultrasound-
    -February '15: IUI #3 w/Femara, Bravelle, & Ovidrel: Success!-
    -Due November 2015-
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