Stay at Home Moms

what kind of pull up does your 3 year old wear at night?

vlagrl29vlagrl29 member
edited September 2014 in Stay at Home Moms
We are using target brand pull ups size 4-5t on DD, she is 3 1/2 years old.  I'm finding that it's overflowing at night on her bed sheets.  Is there a better brand I should be using at this age?  Maybe an overnight brand?
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Re: what kind of pull up does your 3 year old wear at night?

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    We started using GoodNites and it stopped the leaks. DS was in the largest size pull up and soaking through every single night. Now he's in the smallest size GoodNites and nota single leak

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    NandaB said:
    I have always heard that the goodnights are the best because they are made for bigger kids and therefore a higher volume
    That's what we just bought at Target today.  We will try them out tonight.  She is day trained but still have a full pull up by morning.  I have no idea when she will be night trained, but I know you can't teach it.
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    Goodnights here too. Only occasional leaks, but the kid pees so. Much. At night.
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