I really want to breast feed because I know all the benefits for baby and for myself. However, I have 0 tolerance for pain. I've been reading how horribly painful and uncomfortable breast feeding can be. So I've contemplated solely pumping and not physically breast feeding. But then I feel terribly guilty because I know part of breast feeding is physically bonding with your baby. I feel like if I only pump then my baby will miss out on that bonding/I'll be frowned upon. So... I'm in a tough spot. Is anyone else feeling this way, or can shed a little light on the subject?
Re: So I feel guilty...
Secondly, I personally didn't think breast feeding was painful. I know it is for a lot of people, but I think every circumstance is different. If you want to give it a try and at least see if it's painful to you or not, there is no rule saying you can't decide to pump if you find out it's not for you.
As far as the bond goes, holding your baby and feeding him/her IS bonding whether you're using breast or bottle.
If you want to breastfeed I would not rule it out. Pumping is really difficult as well and not necessarily (or at all) an easier path. My best advice is to go into it with an open mind and understand that we are not born experts on breastfeeding, it often takes time and adjustments and sometimes professional interference. The most important thing is that you feed your baby whether that be on the breast, through pumped milk or with formula.
F15 Siggy Challenge: What You're Looking Forward to Most After Baby Arrives: BELLY SLEEPING!
Well I soon realized what previous posters have stated, do what is best for you and just feed your baby. After I understood this everyone in the house was happy and we could enjoy each other. This time I plan to play it by ear. I will try and see if I have a different enjoyable experience. If I don't I will switch to formula without hesitation and without making myself and other making me feel guilty. You truly just have to do what is best for you and not what others think.
Everyone has a different experience breast feeding and it's not for everyone. Everyone feeds their baby different. All that matters is that baby is happy and you are happy. I bonded with my baby just as well as anyone else.
Holding your baby while you feed them will help you bond either way along with other normal parenting things like changing them, rocking them and talking to them. It's a good sign that you're already so worried about doing what's best for your baby. I think you'll do just fine falling into a routine that works for you guys.
Married 12.14.12 TTC 01.01.14 BFP 02.26.14 MC 03.07.14 TTC again 05.01.14
Thank you all for the encouraging words.
Married 9/10/11 * BFP 6/9/14 * EDD 1/25/15
1/7/2015 Twins born @ 34 weeks
Keep in mind too, that the nursing part itself isn't the only reason it can be painful. Engorgement and milk coming in can also be a part of it. Even if you're pumping, or if you decide to not use breast milk at all you will still have to deal with it.
Don't psych yourself up about it being scary. If you keep telling yourself it will be unbearable, then you'll believe it. I don't do pain either, and I'd much rather nurse than get poked with a needle.
What is important is that you do what works best for you and your baby. If you're miserable that is a bad thing. If you really want to try i would try to commit to doing it for a month. After that its smooth sailing. Id so much rather deal with a 20 second nipple pinch than wash and sterilize bottles 10 times a day.
Sarah, 35 bumping from NE Ohio
Married my love 4/22/2006
DD born 10/12/2009
DS born sleeping 2/23/2013 full trisomy 18
Baby 3 due 2/13/2015
Breastfeeding my second was like breastfeeding a piranha. I had to stop at 6 months because it was so miserable i didn't even want to feed her. And obviously she needed food and stuff. So we switched to formula.
Pumping is extremely unpleasant for me. It doesn't hurt, per se, but it is absolutely one of the most miserable things I can think of having to do every day, multiple times a day. I would like to not have to pump, but alas, I will be returning to work and will have to if I want to keep breastfeeding.
Every kid is different. Every boob is different. Give it a try, and you may be pleasantly surprised. If it's too much-go for formula and don't feel bad.
Breastfeeding was great for me. I miss that down time with DS and it is one of the things I most look forward to with this LO (see? Boring.).
IVF FET - BFP, due April 2017
Ditto on someone else saying birth is painful. Sometimes epidurals fail too (raises hand) but honestly the pain is only temporary and your baby is obviously totally worth it at the end. Women are so unbelievably strong, you can conquer anything!
I used a nipple shield with DS1 and never had any pain at all. When he was about 3 weeks old, I stopped using the shield and we were great. I will say this though, at 3am when you can't find that shield and your baby is screaming, you will be frantic.
With DS2 I opted not to use a shield. At first, my nipples were sore and cracked a bit, but I slathered on nipple cream and was totally fine.
After pushing a baby out your whoo-ha, BF is nothing. Even if you get an epidural, there is still plenty of pain when that wears off.
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THIS!!!!!!!!! I had a really hard time with both of my babies latching on. To the point where my nipples were bleeding. Nipple shields made it not hurt even a tiny bit. And I am going to give you an amazing tip, lol. I would keep one in my bra at all times. Right in between my boobs. That way, I always had one on hand rather than having to search for it when the baby was hungry.
Also, as everyone has said, BFing is different for everyone. So give it a try and see how it goes. EPing sounds easy but in practice, it isn't. Plus, when your baby is on the boob, your body figured out what your baby needs and adjusts the milk accordingly (seriously, our bodies are amazing!) but this doesn't happen with pumping.
Serious pain shouldn't happen if everything's okay (no lip/tongue ties, good latch, etc). Sensitivity happens for the first few weeks.
WOAH. I'm not flaming you for feeling this- I admire your honesty, but this statement makes me very sad as another female. Your current view is that part of YOUR body is simply a sex toy for another person.
It saddens me because you've bought into the false notion that you're not fully human- your body parts are simply sexual playthings for others' enjoyment. You admit you "understand" their true purpose (making/providing food to sustain another life) but truly don't view them this way.
IMO- your hesitancy towards BF isn't fully from fear of potential pain; it's much deeper. You view that body part as only sexual and therefore unsuitable for baby (somewhat ironic considering baby is likely going to come out of your vagina). This isn't abnormal given our society's sexualization of women, but still makes me feel sad that as women, we can struggle with reconciling the true purpose of these body parts.
Argh- I'll get off my soapbox. I get ticked watching some commercials/ads where the implication is a woman's power and worth only come from her boobs/sexuality or her ability to attract others by her body/looks (not intelligence, career, etc).
WOAH. I'm not flaming you for feeling this- I admire your honesty, but this statement makes me very sad as another female. Your current view is that part of YOUR body is simply a sex toy for another person.
It saddens me because you've bought into the false notion that you're not fully human- your body parts are simply sexual playthings for others' enjoyment. You admit you "understand" their true purpose (making/providing food to sustain another life) but truly don't view them this way.
IMO- your hesitancy towards BF isn't fully from fear of potential pain; it's much deeper. You view that body part as only sexual and therefore unsuitable for baby (somewhat ironic considering baby is likely going to come out of your vagina). This isn't abnormal given our society's sexualization of women, but still makes me feel sad that as women, we can struggle with reconciling the true purpose of these body parts.
Argh- I'll get off my soapbox. I get ticked watching some commercials/ads where the implication is a woman's power and worth only come from her boobs/sexuality or her ability to attract others by her body/looks (not intelligence, career, etc).
I'm not a big fan of the unknown either since I'm a planner. I found that reading other birth stories and watching those baby stories helped me bc then I knew what was possible.