I recently found out that I am pregnant. This is my first pregnancy. I am very excited but somewhat worried about sleep once the baby comes. I know that it is impossible to get a fair amount of sleep when the baby is first born. I can deal with that, but my husband gets migraines when he doesn't get enough sleep - bad migraines, like can't-go-to-work, nonfunctional, must-sleep-it-off-in-a-dark-room type migraines. He is on medication to help but it doesn't always work. I just don't think that getting up in the middle of the night to take care of baby is going to be an option for him. I don't know how the whole taking sleep shifts thing is going to work out. I'm afraid he is going to have a migraine every day if he tries. Any advice?
Re: Lack-of-sleep induced migraines. HELP!