LO is being such a handful today. He is so grumpy and only wants me to carry him around (which I did yesterday and now my back is killing me). I have to get tons of laundry done today because we are going away this weekend and at this rate all I will have to wear are the three tops he's already spit up all over this morning (and one bra he filled with spit up as well).
I need a nanny.
Re: talk me through it ladies
1st BFP-8/17/12! Missed Miscarriage discovered @ 8 week US. D&C.
2nd BFP-2/13/13! Blighted Ovum discovered @ 8 week US. Natural miscarriage.
3rd BFP-5/22/13! By early June, progesterone plummeting. Another loss.
August 2013 - started Donor Egg process, but surprise BFP with my own eggs.
Dear Son born 5/28/14
Glad he finally took a nap, have a great trip!