May 2014 Moms


Not asking for a dx obvi I'll call her dr but wondering if anyone's LO has had hives? At first I thought they were bug bites but for 3 nights now she's had these bumps. I can't think of anything that's different except I've been on antibiotics for 7 days? Anyone else have this happen?

Re: Hives?

  • They really do look like bites. Do you have any pets? DS got a few bites like that a couple of summers ago when our dog ran away and came back with fleas. Mosquitos do that to DS too.

    They don't really look like hives.


    DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
    DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in

  • @jenb_99  We don't have any pets but our back yard is pretty buggy ... ick 

    @bunannie I was wondering about if they just come and go because I'll notice them at one point in the day and then later they will be gone or not as irritated looking.     I'm going to check to see how she is doing when I pick her up from DC today and call her dr tomorrow

    Thanks ladies!
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