Hi ladies! Have a quick question for you. I am currently 37+3 with no issues so far. I do have a hx of HTN but have had no problems yet. This is my first child. At my last appointment the dr. said I'm not even begining to dilate and that baby is head down bit still not engaged. He said she weighs at least 8 pounds at this point in time and wants me to begin preparing for induction at 39 weeks. It doesn't bother me to get induced if need be but I don't want to rush things and wind up in a c-section. He said he feels if we wait until 40-41 weeks Amelia will be a very big baby and my chances of a difficult labor increase. Opinions?
Re: Should we wait?
Im also a FTM, however I have GD and we have failed a few stress tests. Im 37 weeks today, yesterday at my appointment I was not dialated at all but he was engaged . She said as long as I pass Non Stress Tests in the next week or 2 that she wanted to induce me 2 weeks from now.
She pretty much said if I didnt have any of these issues, that she would let me go up to 41 weeks and wait it out.
If you are against the induction, just let your dr know. Tell them that you will consider induction but not before (insert reasioning, not before 40 weeks, or not before you start to dialate, etc)
First BPP 1.24.14
EDD 9.26.14
Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz
First BPP 1.24.14
EDD 9.26.14
Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz