September 2014 Moms

Should we wait?

Hi ladies! Have a quick question for you. I am currently 37+3 with no issues so far. I do have a hx of HTN but have had no problems yet. This is my first child. At my last appointment the dr. said I'm not even begining to dilate and that baby is head down bit still not engaged. He said she weighs at least 8 pounds at this point in time and wants me to begin preparing for induction at 39 weeks. It doesn't bother me to get induced if need be but I don't want to rush things and wind up in a c-section. He said he feels if we wait until 40-41 weeks Amelia will be a very big baby and my chances of a difficult labor increase. Opinions?

Re: Should we wait?

  • Honestly, unless I was starting to dilate I wouldn't wanna be induced early unless they were so very certain things were gonna be bad unless they did. I have a close friend who gave birth normally and naturally to a 10 pound baby, they had no idea he was going to be so big but she did just fine. 

    I would take an induction between 40 and 41 though if they let me go all the way to term first though.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I was induced at 39 weeks with my first (due to HTN) and ended up emergency c-section. I would try to calculate your bishop score to see if you are favorable for an induction.
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  • My husband was 10 lbs 11 oz and 23 in long at birth. His mother had NO meds or an epi, her labor was so fast that she didn't have time to get anything. I think you should wait, even if you have a CS it's shouldn't be a big deal bc getting your baby out safely should be all that matters. I had an emergency CS after a failed induction at 40+2. If you want to go for induction wait until 40 weeks, if you are healthy and have no problems with your pregnancy there's no reason to induce early, your baby might even come before your induction date.
  • I would definitely wait! I have had two inductions and refuse another one until absolutely medically necessary.
  • I would wait like PPs said. Also, your doctor sounds very old school and not up to date, so do what's comfortable for you. They can't make you get an induction if you don't want one.
  • If you havent had any issues during the pregnancy such as GD or Pre E I would wait it out.  Especially if you arent dialated.  I agree with what a lot of the other ladies who have posted said.

    Im also a FTM, however I have GD and we have failed a few stress tests.  Im 37 weeks today, yesterday at my appointment I was not dialated at all but he was engaged .   She said as long as I pass Non Stress Tests in the next week or 2 that she wanted to induce me 2 weeks from now.

    She pretty much said if I didnt have any of these issues, that she would let me go up to 41 weeks and wait it out.

    If you are against the induction, just let your dr know.  Tell them that you will consider induction but not before (insert reasioning, not before 40 weeks, or not before you start to dialate, etc)
    DH and I Married 11.12.10
    First BPP 1.24.14
    EDD 9.26.14

    Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz

  • Another quick story to tell about growth u/s.  We all know they can be notoriously off a lb or 2 either way.  I just had a freind tell me his wife was measuring close to 11lbs at 38 weeks.  Their baby was born a week later and weight 6lbs 4 oz.   Thats almost a 5 lb difference!
    DH and I Married 11.12.10
    First BPP 1.24.14
    EDD 9.26.14

    Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz

  • My OB called my DS a " ginormous" baby and predicted 9.5#s. I was induced at 41 weeks and he was 6#s with a large head. They can miscalculate do large heads run in the fam? Also my induction went smoothly. Have nothing to compare to yet but I slept for 4 hrs on an epidural and pushed for 70 min. So not bad I don't think. I was 3cm and he was down though.
    Lilypie - (JLjB)

  • First off love the name choice. Both of my babies always measured large and were 9 pounders. With my first my doctor wouldn't induce bc of size unless it was over 10 pounds. Or medically necessary. She would only induce at 41 weeks. Ds was born on his due date after I went into labor on my own. He was sunny side up and so I needed a csection. I just had a vbac and was able our Amelia was 9 pounds. Lots of people can give birth to large babies and some can't but you don't know until it's time. You are super early so I wouldn't schedule any induction until close to the due date
  • nilveronilvero member
    edited September 2014
    I had to be induced with my LO because of pre-e. It wasn't bad but not something I would choose to do without a medical reason. I would wait it out

    . Possibly large baby is not a valid reason to me. Plus like all have said, scans be in accurate. The one I had right before I gave birth showed baby boy to weigh 4 pounds and an ounce.. He came out at 5 pounds and 3 oz
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