Working Moms

moms who work overnight

potbellypigpotbellypig member
edited September 2014 in Working Moms
There is a job in my field available right now that is overnight (10pm-6am), 7 days on, 7 days off. It's just over an hour away from where we live (it's in the "big city"). My current job is in my town, 8-4 M-F, but the place where I work is going to shut down in the next year or so and as you can imagine in a small town there aren't many job options in my field.

Questions are directed to moms who work over night - what are the benefits? Drawbacks? Do you find it hard to switch up your schedule every time your shift changes?

And for all moms on the board - WWYD? I suffer from "the grass is greener" disorder...everything always seems like a good idea until I'm living it. Lack of job security and low employee morale is a major killer where I am right now.

Edit because I described my current job as "fantastic" and that's not quite accurate... :/

Re: moms who work overnight

  • I currently work 7pm to 7:30am 3 days a week. I used to work 11pm to 7am 5 days a week. Working overnight works out great when you have little kids but once they start school a day job is better.

    You should be fine working those hours, when you get home from work you can sleep and still have time with your family. Although it can be difficult to sleep during the day. No one understands! Your neighbors will be loud and people will try calling you. And the little ones in the house are loud too!! Invest in ear plugs, a sound machine and good black out curtains.

    It feels like torture switching from one schedule to the other. Benadryl and coffee help!! You never really get used to staying up all night. But you will enjoy having a week to pretend you're a SAHM! Good luck!
  • @NerdyNurse  whats the difference once the kids go to school?

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  • I don't work an overnight shift so I can't speak to those specific challenges.  However, if you are going to be out of the job within the year for sure, then it might be the time to jump ship.  It does sound like a doable schedule but you will definitely need childcare.  If you get home and go to bed at 7am, you could pick up LO by 4pm and have the evening together and leave after bedtime.  

    Since it is alternating weeks, I would think keeping as close to the same sleep schedule and routine would be easiest.
  • acmedairyprincess I looked online and saw those studies too - crazy! I had no idea it was that dangerous for your health. I would definitely keep the childcare I have now because I can't imagine doing it without.
  • acmedairyprincess I looked online and saw those studies too - crazy! I had no idea it was that dangerous for your health. I would definitely keep the childcare I have now because I can't imagine doing it without.

    What does your dh do? What's his schedule like? My brother works overnights and his wife has a part-time evening job on the days he has off. They need very little childcare but they are both pretty miserable. They never see each other, are both are always tired, and they are always on their own with their kid. I would consider how it will impact your whole family.

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  • I have toyed with the idea of working only nights, but have never done 7 in a row. I am bad at sleeping during the day. Even Benadryl and a sound machine and child care only gets me about 4 hrs of decent sleep. That wouldn't be enough for me to function and be healthy every other week.
    DS born 8/8/09 and DD born 6/12/12.
  • It is not me but a friend. She is a virtual assistant who works fr home and does a night shift. She says she can manage because she had a night shift job before she had this stint. #2, zero commute time aince she is wfh. And her sked is like she sleeps while her aon is in school. Then she gets her other half of sleep while her son takes a nap for the afternoon. She seemd fine.

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