September 2014 Moms

Plan for labor starting at work?

Hey ladies, so @bumwaters‌ post made me think about what I would do If I went into labor at work (an hour away with no traffic). My boss said that I need to come up with a plan for if this happens, and I have no idea what all to include.

I know I will have my husband's contact info on there and I guess the closest hospital, but that is where my brain shuts off. I was planning on driving home during early labor, but I don't know how fast it will progress and if there is traffic, it can take over 2 hours just to get home and at least 30 more minutes to my hospital. I feel like driving is not a good idea but I really don't want to deliver in DC! (I know I may have to suck it up but my brain will not accept that right now)

Does anyone have a plan for if this type of thing happens? What do you have in it? I am kind of going into panic mode about this at the moment lol.

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Re: Plan for labor starting at work?

  • I would likely labor at work for a bit until I'm sure it's true labor, then go home and get my bags, get dd situated, sent to grandma's. Then depending on how labor is, stay home a little longer or go to the hospital. But in your situation, I would keep my hospital bag in the car. Probably start driving toward home.. If labor gets too bad, go to nearest hospital. I don't really know what your boss is looking for??
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  • I would also plan on driving home in early labor. It may be the unpopular opinion...but I did ask my doctor yesterday what she thought about me driving myself to the hospital (40 min drive) if my water broke (I'm GBS positive, so I need to go there ASAP) and she said it was totally fine. Maybe she's crazy though.

    Obviously if you're getting major contractions I would reconsider.

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  • T&HLove said:

    I would likely labor at work for a bit until I'm sure it's true labor, then go home and get my bags, get dd situated, sent to grandma's. Then depending on how labor is, stay home a little longer or go to the hospital.

    But in your situation, I would keep my hospital bag in the car. Probably start driving toward home.. If labor gets too bad, go to nearest hospital.

    I don't really know what your boss is looking for??

    I don't either which is why I am lost as to what to put in it. But for some reason I didn't think about listing hospitals along te way, so I am glad you mentioned that. Thanks

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  • This happened to me, I actually went to work in early labor because I wasn't convinced it was yet, but thankfully I work at the hospital I was delivering at.  But early contractions it is easy to drive through, but when you get to the point that you can't walk through them, driving would be awful hard, I couldn't concentrate on anything at that point.  But I have no clue what your boss would want.  I would probably say early labor head home or could a coworker drive you home?  I guess if it is rush hour and you need to get somewhere maybe he wants your prefrance of where to go.  

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  • You will most likely have plenty of time in early labor to go shopping if you like.  Labor is not like TV. You will have mild contractions that are timeable.  Go home at that point and do anything else besides drive straight to the hospital because they will likely send you home.  Tell boss that is your plan.

    I love this!!! Lol labor is not like tv! At all! When I started laboring pretty "bad" I took a shower and fixed my hair better, I even managed to get to my feet and repaint my toenails! You'll be uncomfortable, but most likely you'll have plenty of time.
    I'm pretty shy and stay quiet at work, so I had to promise my boss that I would tell someone if I was in labor and needed to leave. Maybe that's all your boss wants to know?? That when your contractions are strong and --mins apart you'll let someone know so you can leave. Plus what all the PP said about driving and where you're headed.
  • Thanks ladies. Lol I know it's not like TV, the traffic and commute is the part that scares me. I think ill plan to drive home and if it gets bad then I'll just stop at a hospital on the way or have one of them drive me if necessary. I was induced with my DD and my boss then never asked for a plan so I think this request just threw me off.

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  • Depends. If my water breaks and no contractions start right away, I will sneak out and go home. If I'm in a lot of pain I will ask a coworker to drive me to the hospital.
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