
My Rainbow Made An Early Arrival *UPDATED*

LibbyG103LibbyG103 member
edited September 2014 in Preemies
Saturday morning at 11;37AM, I delivered my 2lb 1oz baby girl at 28+3 weeks due to PPROM. She is now 5 days old and on the lowest setting on CPAP and is already on breastmilk. I am so proud of my daughter but also scared. We lost our son Carter at 20 weeks do to unexplained preterm labor on Feb 3. We conceived twins just 2 weeks later, but didn't find out we were pregnant again until I was 5 weeks. At 10 weeks, our Baby A had a strong heartbeat and was right on track! Unfortunately, our Baby B (whom we named Avery), had no heartbeat, and was only measuring about 7 weeks. We were devestated. We decided we didn't want to know the sex of Baby A until birth, as we were given a 30% chance of even making it to 24 weeks. Between 12&14 weeks, my membrane ruptured. I spent a week on hospital bed rest at 24 weeks. At 25 weeks I was able to go home on strict bedrest. At 28 weeks and 2 days I was addmitted again to the hospital. This time, my contractions wouldn't stop.

Addie is doing well, considering. The nurse said she is bound to "hit rock bottom", which is super hard to hear. I hope with her big brother and her twin watching over her, she will just soar right out of here.

Possitive (and negative) stories would be nice<3

Update 9.7.14- Addie is back on the vent.. The drs think she has an infection from her ubmilical line
*Loss Mentioned*

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Re: My Rainbow Made An Early Arrival *UPDATED*

  • Congrats on the birth of your daughter! It sounds like you have been through a lot. I don't have a similar story, but I just wanted to respond and say that I'll keep you and your LO in my thoughts! Little girl has an obviously very strong mama - and I'm sure she will be just as much of a fighter! Best of luck!!
    ---------------Siggy Warning--------------------

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    Me: 32, DH: 34  / TTC since February 2011 / SA: all normal, HSG: all clear! / on Lovenox for anticardiolipid antibodies
    4 IUIs with Clomid, Letrozole, and Menopur. All BFN.
    9/12: lap / hysteroscopy: found and removed mild endometriosis, cervical polyp, and 2 para-tubular cysts
    5/13 IVF #1: Follistim, Menopur, Ganirelix, 10R/4M/4F, ET of 2, 5 cell and 4 cell, no frosties = BFN
    12/13 IVF #2 = November / December 2013. Microdose Lupron Protocol: 15R/6M/6F, Froze all 6 due to high E2 and P4
    FET 1: Jan 22, 2014 of one 4AB blast and one 3BB blast (3 blasts on ice!)
    BFP on HPT 4dp5dt, Beta #1 9dp5dt: 310, Beta #2 11dp5dt: 899
    First u/s on 2/17/14: TWINS!!!!! both w/HBs of 114 at 6w3d, HBs 150 and 152 at 7w5d

    5/27/2014: Team purple!!!!  EDD 10/10/2014 / 
    Delivered by c-section at 32w0d 8/15/2014 due to preeclampsia/HELLP syndrome
    Baby Boy 4lbs 1oz, 17 inches
    Baby Girl 3lbs 5oz, 16 inches

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Congrats! My twins were born completely unexpectedly at 27w+6d at 2lbs 10oz each. I did not get the steroid shots and consequently my boys were on vents for a week before making it to cpap. We were in the NICU for 70 days.

    I wonder what your nurse meant about rock bottom? We had a roller coaster ride of ups and downs but I don't know about rock bottom. Maybe some of the bigger scares with regard to possible infections/NEC. The first couple weeks were definitely the worst just because it was all new and scary.

    I hope your NICU stay is short and uneventful and your daughter quickly moves on to be a grower feeder!

    A & K, married 7/1/13.

    After 10 months of ttc via medicated IUIs and two early losses, we finally got our boys- Perfect premie twins born 5/27/14.



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  • Does anyone know why my siggy is overlapping into the post?
    *Loss Mentioned*

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie Angel and Memorial tickersimageimage 

  • Thank you so much everyone!!
     And IDK what was wrong but its fixed now!
    *Loss Mentioned*

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie Angel and Memorial tickersimageimage 

  • Congrats on your daughter and I am so very sorry for your loss. CPAP is a good starting point. Typically with MP's they do well at first but then take some steps back, they call it the honeymoon period. Your nurse should not have said that to you, you should talk to the nurse manager about that. 28+3 is really good. Take care of yourself mama, it's a marathon not a sprint.
    I agree, my 33 weeker had to be intubated which was hard to see. I'm so glad yours is only on CPAP! I'm sorry you're going through this. It's such an emotional roller coaster ride having a baby let a lone having one early in the NICU. Take care of yourself and allow yourself to grieve or be sad or whatever it is you need to do. One hour at a time.

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Congrats on your baby! Best wishes for an easy and quick NICU stay.
    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

  • LibbyG103 So sorry to hear about Addie. Hang in there, my thoughts are with you.

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I am so sorry to hear about your losses. Congratulations on your daughter though! The nicu is filled with good and bad days. You focus on the good and hope the bad go by quickly. Hugs mama

    Our little hippo was as impatient as mom!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

    Hoping for a full 40 weeks!! 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • How's Addie today?

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

  • She is back on CPAP (Yay!) but is still on antibiotics. She is now 2lbs 4oz as well!
    *Loss Mentioned*

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie Angel and Memorial tickersimageimage 

  • congrats my daughter was born at 28+1 and we had a tough 68 NICU stay, but shes been home for 2 months now and doing amazing. congrats!
    Me: 36 (Endo) DH: 39 (Azoo)
    5 DIUI - BFN
    IVF#1 - BFP - AJ 7/12
    FET#1 - BFP Due 7/24/14
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    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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  • xnbridexnbride member
    edited September 2014
    How is your daughter doing? My surviving twin was born at 25 weeks. After 142 days in the nicu she came home and has been doing well. She also got an infection during her second week in the nicu. It was scary.



    9 angels in heaven-3 in my arms and 1 in the NICU                                                                                                                                    
    Mono/di twin girls: Josephine born to heaven and Evangeline born Earthside at 25w



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