Pregnant after 35

Sick Ladies

Lol! So I feel like crap / nauseous all day long. Can not eat anything without major bloat and discomfort. I am so thirsty and water makes me feel worse if I drink very much. I am so sick of eating crackers and toast. Which don't make me feel better. I am very grateful that I have not been puking, but sometimes I think I might feel better if I did. With my last I was puking daily and that was awful, but sometimes I felt better after. Yuck! Anyway what is everyone eating??I need idea's!! I also feel like I am starving and need FOOD!!! Lol! So ladies that are in the same boat or have made there way out lets here it!! :)

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Sick Ladies

  • My morning sickness lasted till about 16 weeks... I was vomiting without zofran and miserable even on it.

    As for food... all you can do is eat what you can tolerate!  I was ok with a few things... crackers, pita chips, english muffin with butter, grilled cheese ( not too much cheese), baked potato with butter only, and occasionally milkshakes (vanilla only).

    Even now I have a hard time eating certain foods.  Meat is especially tricky right now.  All I want at this point is dairy.  Atleast now I can choke down healthier food without getting sick.

    Sorry you are so sick.. hopefully it will pass soon!  Hang in there!
    ***siggy/ticker warning***

    Me:36 DH:38 TTC#1 since 4/2012
    Me DX: Hashimotos,Hypothyroid, DOR, MTHFR,  DH: normal

     IUI #1-#4 BFNs and a few cancelled cycles in the mix.
    - poor responder
    ***Suprise BFP on 6/13/13. Natural MC @6wks 3days
    IVF#1 and 2- Cancelled due to no response on max stimms
    FET 5/20- BFP
    1st Beta- 641
    2nd beta- 2166
    Sono- TWINS!!!!
    Two Boys! Born January 2015 @36 weeks.  Healthy and no NICU!  So blessed!


  • Sorry about your MS @BabyBliss76.  I'm in my second trimester now and was hoping the nausea would have abated.  But, no.  It still lingers.  It used to be worse in the evenings.  Now, it starts when I open my eyes in the morning.  And god forbid I wake up to pee, because the nausea will keep me up for an hour.

    Rice crackers and cakes are my go-to remedy, as well as sparkling water.  I've also found organic oven fries, tater tots, and ketchup work for me.  So, I feel less guilty about eating junk food.

    For protein, I seem to handle eggs a lot better than meats.  And if you're willing to risk the food poisoning, or make it yourself, I find cold egg salads & chicken salads easier to eat.  I don't think I can eat hot chicken at the moment at all.  Uncured hot dogs work for me too.

    For micronutrients, most fruits go down easily.  So, I try to eat a couple a day.  As for veggies, I don't do too well with broccoli or asparagus, but I made a quinoa tabbouleh yesterday and was fine with that (I normally hate quinoa).  Also, I try to have sweet potatoes in place of regular ones when I can because they have more nutrients.  And I try to dip my rice crackers in hummus for the folate, and spread nut butter on the rice cakes for some bonus nutrition.

    Good luck finding what works for you.  I find myself hungry and frustrated now and then too.
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  • @neonnoon I need to make more egg salad that was not to bad when I had it last week. It is yummy on flipside crackers. Lol! Yes, tater tots, fries and baked potato are not to ruff on the tummy. Oh my I need to find some uncured hot dogs!! I have been craving chili cheese dogs, but that is probably not a good idea right now! Lol! Hummus is a good idea! I love that stuff. I feel like normally I do pretty good eating healthy, but not so much lately. Which makes me feel bad :( I tried to eat salad last week and boy did I pay for it. @ksgsmu I sooo miss my dairy!! It is not my friend right now. I love cheese! Lol!

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • I agree- find foods that you can tolerate.  I tried to eat as much protein as possible as that seemed to help more than all of the carbs.  I figured out with my first that it helped me to get up about an hour before I actually had to be up and drink a carnation breakfast essentials (it's a powder that you mix with milk).  I'd lay back down after and it generally was enough to get me over the hump so I could get up and eat breakfast (I could tolerate most cold cereals).  I packed a lot of snacks and typically ate every hour or so during the morning.  I stuck to stuff like a bagel with cream cheese and greek yogurt with granola.  I found that I felt a lot worse if I didn't attempt to stay ahead of it.  Good luck!  It's the worst feeling.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I find that some manor of potatoe can usually get me stable enough to eat something with protein in it.  Once I eat some meat (which usually involves me just muscling past the aversion) I start to feel less sick for a while.  It's a battle of wills.

    Factor V Leiden Homozygous, Advanced Maternal Age


    TTC #1, 5 yrs, PCOS, Femera + Ovidrel.

    IUI#3 BFP, DD 5/31/2012


    TTC #2, 2 yrs, PCOS, Femera+Ovidrel

    IUI#2 BFP!


  • With my first, the nausea and vomiting was horrible for the entire 9 months and several months afterwards. As gross as it sounds, I ate coleslaw from KFC, because it tasted the same coming up as it did going down.
    This is my third pregnancy and I didn't get morning sickness until the third trimester. :-/
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  • @akachan15 I have not even heard of miso soap. Lol! Is is something you make or do you find it at the grocery store? 

    @Msmacual I had hubby get me some Carnation instant breakfast. Man does it taste yummy!! I have not had it forever! Milk is just not my friend right now. Which I hate...I love milk products. Hope it passes soon so I can finish that  Carnation stuff off! Lol!

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • My mother just recommended Miso soup also.  I know I get that at japanese resturaunts and sushi places.  Never considered it might make me feel better though

    Factor V Leiden Homozygous, Advanced Maternal Age


    TTC #1, 5 yrs, PCOS, Femera + Ovidrel.

    IUI#3 BFP, DD 5/31/2012


    TTC #2, 2 yrs, PCOS, Femera+Ovidrel

    IUI#2 BFP!


  • @akachan15 I have not even heard of miso soap. Lol! Is is something you make or do you find it at the grocery store? 

    @Msmacual I had hubby get me some Carnation instant breakfast. Man does it taste yummy!! I have not had it forever! Milk is just not my friend right now. Which I hate...I love milk products. Hope it passes soon so I can finish that  Carnation stuff off! Lol!

    I hope so too!  I generally prefer the chocolate, but really liked the flavors in the variety pack this time around.  Maybe a different flavor will help?  Like other ladies have said, sometimes I had to find something I could force down and once I did that I was able to eat more.  Some of it is knowing your limit on what will make you sick vs just a little gagging.  I had an aversion to bananas and yogurt with my first and oatmeal with my second (and a mild one to yogurt).  I was able to drink Keifer mixed with juice with my first and could eat yogurt mixed with granola with my second.  I learned with my first that I felt the best if I could stay a head of it and I didn't do a good job of staying a head of my MS that time around.  I was a little more prepared the second time and found my mix of foods that I could tolerate and stuck to that plan until I felt better (16 weeks!).  Good luck!  It is the worst feeling in the world, but for most women it goes away around the end of the first tri.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @topaz7777 I need to look into the Miso soup! Maybe I will look around the internet and see if I can find some recipes. I am pretty sure there are no restaurants around here that have it. I live in a small town, with way to many fast food restaurants. Lol!

    BabyFruit Ticker

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  • I ate a lot of salty stuff, like string cheese and almond butter. The miso soup sounds delicious.
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