July 2014 Moms

How many nursing bras do you

Have? I feel like I go through them wayyyyy more quickly than I did before. Meaning they get dirty faster via leaking, schweat, baby barf.



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Re: How many nursing bras do you

  • Four plus a couple of nursing tanks. I wear my bras for two days (ewww?) but I don't tend to leak or sweat much.
  • I have about 4 nursing bras, 2 nursing sleep bras, and 4 nursing tank tops.
    TTC History
    Me: 35 DH: 34
    Married 07/2012
    DD born 07/2014
    DD2 born 10/2018
    DS born 10/2022

    IF history:
    TTC #2 since January 2016
    June-Aug 2017: 3 IUIs w/Clomid = BFN
    Sept 2017: Dx w/Endometriosis
    Oct 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
    Nov 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
    Dec 2017: pre-IVF testing
    Jan-Feb 2018: IVF--17 eggs retrieved, 13 fertilized, 9 frozen and 1 transferred on 2/10 = BFP on 2/19!!! EDD 10/29/2018
    FET Oct 2021: BFP on 10/31! MC at 5 weeks
    FET Feb 2022: BFP on 2/15! EDD 10/29/22

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  • 3 nursing tanks, 1 sleeping bra, 5 nursing bras, 4 of which are hold outs from last time around.  
  • I think I have 7 but some are for night only and 1 or 2 do not fit correctly so I only wear if desperate. I use Advent pads (tried a bunch of brands but like these the best) so I'm fine with wearing them twice before washing as long as I wasn't sweaty. Some are more cloth like and you can see the pad through it which won't be cool when I go back to work. I will probably have to get 1 or 2 more that are appropriate for work.
  • 5 nursing bras (2 with under wire that are not that comfy) , one nursing sleep bra that I hate, and 4 nursing tanks.
  • I have 0 that fit. I have 3 nursing tanks that I rotate. When I go out of the house I just wear a regular bra and make it work... Awkwardly. I just cannot find any bras big enough. I'm wearing an F in Lane Bryant sizing.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I have 4 sports bras and 2 tanks that I rotate between. 
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  • 1 tank I hate, 3 bras, 3 sleep bras. My favorite are the sleep
  • After reading through this, I have way too many!  I have 4 regular bras (one with wire on the side under the armpits I hate, but keeping for when I return to work), 4 nighttime bras, and a butt ton of nursing tanks... probably 10.  

    I don't like to do laundry a lot.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • 4 nursing tanks and 2 sports bars. I really need to find a good supportive underwire but I have always hated bra shopping.
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  • I have 2 that fit, 2 leftover from DS1 that are tight but I could wear if desperate, 2 sleep bras, and a few nursing tanks. I plan on getting one more good bra.
  • I have 3 nursing bras and two sleeping bras. The sleeping bras are too small though, so I've just got the 3 right now. I'm basically throwing bras in the laundry as often as I can!
  • @Fletch82‌
    You have a sports bar?? Woohoo!! Where about? Count me in. ;)

    We have our "Irish Twins"

    DD born 8/7/2013

    DS born 7/28/14


  • I've got five nursing bras. I skeep in them and wear them out. I wear advent nursing pads too and switch bras whenever they get soaked with milk. Could be one night, could be two days. Only difficulty with my bras is they're all different sizes. I kept buying as I adjusted so now I just switch out between the C, D, and DD and wear the Bs when I'm desperate enough to not care if I look like I'm falling out.
  • 2 nursing bras, 2 nursing tanks, and approximately 7,000 sports bras (Ok maybe just ten or so). I don't leak much and I don't have a barfy baby so they all get worn a while before I consider them dirty.
  • That fit? 0, my combination of size doesn't exist in this country. I have 5 that are sort of close - 2 too big, 2 too small and one sexy/formal/for best that is also sightly too small.
    I don't sweat a lot and use nursing pads so can go 2 days but I usually change everyday as we do laundry every day in our 6-person house and I hate feeling ick.

    I could do with a nursing tank or 2 with the built in bra but I'm such a stupid shape, I can't find any that would work
  • edited September 2014
    I have three nursing tanks, but I don't like them and they are ill fitting....so I just wear regular Old Navy tank tops and pull down the straps to nurse. I have little bobbies, so support is not necessary. :)

    5 years TTC, no luck with IUI's, failed IVF June 2013, 
    FET Oct 2013 with delayed transfer, intralipids, lovenox & prednisone= first BFP of my life!
    ***Beautiful baby boy born June 13th!*** 
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  • I have 8.
    I have 4 cheap ones from Walmart from when I was BF DS.
    I recently got another 4 from Motherhood Maternity this time around.
    I use them all.

    ZBC 11/2012 & SNC 7/2014

    bridemaids angry penis annie

  • @Fletch82‌
    You have a sports bar?? Woohoo!! Where about? Count me in. ;)

    Ha! Must be wishful thinking on my end. I'd rather be at a bar then shop for a bra!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Holy cow I need to go shopping! I am embarrassed to say that I have one nursing bra that I wear daily and wash when I can. At least I have a separate sleeping bra. That makes it slightly less gross, right? No?

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  • Does anyone have issues with their supply if they wear underwire daily? I've read about that and my sister had problems but I really don't want "low boobs" when I return to work.

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  • I have 1 that is good for when I need the girls to sit up. Comfortable and as supportive as it gets for F cup wireless bra.

    2 that will work for going out the house.

    2 sleep bras, 2 undercover mama tanks.

    2 bravado bliss from my first thatcobuse to love. However I think they don't fit right now because my right boob is so sore if I wear it all day

    4 motherhood maternity from my first kid that I never wear. I'm really not sure why l still have them.

    I wear for two days as well as long as no major sweating or leaking happens. I wear nursing pads 24/7 but leaking is finally slowing down.
    Lenox: Born March 13, 2012
    Number 2:  EDD July 4, 2014


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