Hi....so, there is hardly any furniture in my baby's nursery ( crib, bookshelf and a recliner) but it feels so warm and suffocating. Do humidifiers make room warm ..I have a regular walgreens sort of humidifier ( I don't know what is warm / cold..I know there are different versions). All I do is fill it up with filter cold water and switch it on. It is so damn warm as if ... It's all vacuumed without any airflow. Oh I also have small table fan switched on to help circulate some air and the door is half closed.
Any suggestions? It's a room over the garage ( if it makes any difference).
Re: Nursery feels stuffy and warm...is it the humidifier?
Maybe try turning off the humidifier for a bit and see if you notice the difference? I also probably wouldn't run the humidifier constantly either just because the more water in the air the higher the risk of mold if the room isn't aired out regularly