January 2015 Moms

Post baby birth control


Re: Post baby birth control

  • @danakatiepfoltzer‌ you are my new BFF! What kinds of monitors are you talking about? I've only heard of the lady comp but am very interested in some sort if monitor because I can't see myself charting with pen and paper. Sounds silly but I know myself

    I'm sorry I didn't see this until now!

    There's lady comp and the clear blue monitor . https://nfp.marquette.edu/monitor_hormones.php

    I use sympto-thermal but I "chart" on the fertility friend app because the pen and paper charting got old. Plus if you buy the VIP version of the app, it helps interpret your data, like an extra double check. But the regular app is free. I can add you to a Facebook NFP group if you want, it is a support for all NFP models and has lots of information and resources on each model.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
    BFP 1: 9/19/11 , DS born 5/28/12 @ 41 weeks

    BFP 2: 11/8/13, NMC 11/27/13 @ 8w4d, we love you sweet baby!
    BFP 3: 5/16/14 Stick, sweet little one!
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  • I have no idea what we'll do. I had a Mirena and hated it. This baby is a NFP failure. ;)
  • @CrazyMonkeyBear‌ I will be looking into fertility friend tonight too :) and clear blue!
  • I had a copper IUD for 10 years.  Had it taken out about a year before I got pregnant and used condoms until we were ready to actively try.  I have really bad reactions to hormonal birth control.  I plan to get another copper IUD and hope they can put it in right away.
    Me: 34    DH: 28.  Married Jan 2012.  Started TTC Jan 2014.  Got our first BFP April 28th. Baby Boy Born: December 24 2014

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       Grow! photo leela_grow.gif
  • I'm going to get another Mirena. I had it placed 7 weeks post partum with DS and loved it. I didn't have any side effects or a period for the whole 18 mos I had it (I was breastfeeding for 13 of those months thought). The hormone dose (progestin) is 5x lower than the mini pill. I'm not sure if we are "done" and I'm bad at taking pills, so this is the best option for us.
    *Baby #2*
    Due January 25, 2015
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    *George Julius*
    March 6, 2012*
    6lbs 15oz - 19.5"*


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  • We're done so my post-baby birth control will be to have them fix me up while they're in there for the RCS.
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  • Guess I'm the only one on here planning to do absolutely nothing!
  • Yay @Cbeanz‌! Are you planning on having another close in age to this one?
    I wish we could just do nothing but finances tell us to wait for #3 :(
  • britb618britb618 member
    edited September 2014
    The pull out method was what we used and 9 months after having my first I was pregnant with my second. This next time around I will go back on the pill until my husband has a vasectomy. While I am overjoyed with this pregnancy...it wasn't intentional and and I would like to avoid another "happy surprise". To be honest prior to getting pregnant with my first I had often not used any method of birth control and never got pregnant so I was surprised to find out I was so fertile (or maybe just because hubby and I were really drunk that night :))
  • Yay @Cbeanz‌! Are you planning on having another close in age to this one?
    I wish we could just do nothing but finances tell us to wait for #3 :(

    Not planning but not preventing. If we have a third we can't wait too long though - I'm getting "up there!"
  • I used the pull out method for the last 7 years or so with DH. Each time I've been pregnant it happened on the first month of trying.  With DD I EBF'd and I didn't menstrate until 14 months postpartum. I am 90% sure this pregnancy will be my last. I think DH will eventually go for a vasectomy once we are 100% sure we are done with babies. Until then we will probably just pull out and I'll be breastfeeding. 
  • @christeng87  I never had any problems with my IUD after the first month, they are a lot safer now, than they used to be.  Also, it was a godsend for someone like me who gets really wacked up on hormonal birth control
    Me: 34    DH: 28.  Married Jan 2012.  Started TTC Jan 2014.  Got our first BFP April 28th. Baby Boy Born: December 24 2014

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

       Grow! photo leela_grow.gif
  • Me too @cbeanz - this is our first child, (hopefully of more) so no actual contraception plans here. I'll be 34 when LO arrives, so I really don't want to wait. I would be ok with whatever comes, even if they're back to back pregnancies.
  • I went on the mini-pill in between DS and this pregnancy and plan to have an IUD put in afterward.  I feel pretty confident in not being an IUD surprise family because my period changed SO MUCH in the months after coming off the mini-pill that I don't think I have the 'fertile power' to overcome a BC method. 

    Now I'm rereading my completely medically based last statement and thinking I've thrown down a challenge for fate. :P
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I have found that hormonal BC had a huge effect on my libido....so non-hormonal BC is going to be a must for me post baby. We aren't planning more, maybe two and done but only 90% sure. So not going to get a tubal. Considering copper IUD
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  • Yeah hormonal birth control made me never EVER want sex and I was so grumpy that my husband didn't want it either. So hormonal birth control DOES WORK FOR ME, just not how I had hoped :p
  • I tried forever to get pregnant with my first ... after years I finally conceived. then... it wouldn't stop. I was breast feeding and on the pill and for my daughters first birthday she got a sister. so I went on the depro shot again while breast feeding and for their second and first b days they got another sister... ten years later im pregnant again (happily of course) but im thinking of joining a convent this time or one of those abstinence groups  
  • moonfaeriemoonfaerie member
    edited September 2014
    Cbeanz said:
    Guess I'm the only one on here planning to do absolutely nothing!
    This is what I did the first few times! lol I knew we wanted kids close in age though, and hormonal BC is not my friend. I thought about IUD after #3, but too many women told me they had far worse periods with IUD, and mine (when I get them) are bad enough. That's also why I won't get a tubal. DH is getting a vasectomy before he's allowed near me once this LO is born.



  • Since I will have two kids exactly one year apart, I'm definitely going to do something to prevent another surprise. I need to lock it up!! Just not sure what method I'm going to go with yet?? But this thread has been extremely helpful, so thanks ladies :)

    Question: does anyone know how NFP works while breastfeeding?

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  • Lol @honeybeee3‌ I tried to monitor my fertility while breastfeeding and considering the fact that we did want number two ASAP, I'd say it worked great. We got pregnant with my first egg, as I never had a period between pregnancies.
    I'm nervous about using it to prevent pregnancy though as I haven't tried it for that yet. So good luck to us!
  • @rachel+family I'm assuming that I got pregnant with my first egg as well, since I also never had a period between pregnancies. May I ask what be the age difference between your LO's will be?

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  • @honeybeee3‌ they will be almost 19 months apart :) what about you? I'm excited about having them close in age
  • @rachel+family my son was born on January 22 of this year and this LO is due January 14 so they will be 12 months apart. I'm excited too but also a little nervous!  :)

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  • @honeybeee3‌ wow! That's amazing. The babies will be so close growing up:) happy for you!
  • I've tried pretty much all the methods, can't tolerate the hormones, especially the risks with my classic migraines. I've also tried the paraguard and bled so heavily after. It ended up having to be removed less than two months after insertion because it was not in place.

    Hubby has an appointment for a vasectomy next month. We want to get the worry of birth control out of the way while I'm still pregnant.
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  • @honeybeee3--  Learning NFP to try to avoid is the hardest during the postpartum period (I think I spelled out less words in my first post, but to reiterate).  So much is going on hormonally that it's hard to establish what a few of the methods refer to as your Basic Infertile Pattern.

    "How NFP works while breastfeeding" will depend on how your body responds to producing prolactin (hormone that helps your body produce breast milk).  For me, prolactin was apparently really good at suppressing the other hormones to keep me from cycling (I went 20m without a postpartum period).  A mom I know tandem nursed after having her second, and still got her postpartum period back at 8 weeks postpartum, as she did after her first.
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  • honeybeee3 Wow that is going to be fun! My first two are 14 months apart and I love how close they are. So exciting!



  • Lanatir said:

    @honeybeee3--  Learning NFP to try to avoid is the hardest during the postpartum period (I think I spelled out less words in my first post, but to reiterate).  So much is going on hormonally that it's hard to establish what a few of the methods refer to as your Basic Infertile Pattern.

    "How NFP works while breastfeeding" will depend on how your body responds to producing prolactin (hormone that helps your body produce breast milk).  For me, prolactin was apparently really good at suppressing the other hormones to keep me from cycling (I went 20m without a postpartum period).  A mom I know tandem nursed after having her second, and still got her postpartum period back at 8 weeks postpartum, as she did after her first.
    If NFP is something you want to learn while breastfeeding, I highly recommend getting an instructor. Each method of NFP has local instructors who can teach you as well as answer your Q and help you go over your charts :)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
    BFP 1: 9/19/11 , DS born 5/28/12 @ 41 weeks

    BFP 2: 11/8/13, NMC 11/27/13 @ 8w4d, we love you sweet baby!
    BFP 3: 5/16/14 Stick, sweet little one!
  • @danakatiepfoltzer‌ I went to a Catholic Church (even though I'm not catholic) to enquire after my last pregnancy. I called a few times too and no one got back to me. Maybe the knew I wasn't catholic? Ha I tried though
  • I will get the mirena again. I loved it! I got it 6 weeks post partum and never even spotted the 2 1/2 years I had it. If it doesn't stop my periods again this time around then I will get a tubal after a year or so.
  • Before we ttc our first, I was on the pill for 10 years. All of a sudden, about 7-8 months before we started ttc, I started getting crazy headaches. I switched pills. Same thing. If I didn't premedicate with midol, nothing would help this headache for 2-3 days. Food. Caffeine. Rest. Medication. Nothing. It was horrible . Then we started ttc and I wasn't on anything. After dd was born, I was bf so no pills. I knew we wanted another within a few years so we just used condoms. We'll be done after this one. Dh has already spoken about going to get snipped. We'll see though. I imagine we will use condoms after this one until we make a decision for what to do.
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  • @danakatiepfoltzer‌ I went to a Catholic Church (even though I'm not catholic) to enquire after my last pregnancy. I called a few times too and no one got back to me. Maybe the knew I wasn't catholic? Ha I tried though

    What area do you live in? I can find out a list for you through my instructor for you, if you'd like?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
    BFP 1: 9/19/11 , DS born 5/28/12 @ 41 weeks

    BFP 2: 11/8/13, NMC 11/27/13 @ 8w4d, we love you sweet baby!
    BFP 3: 5/16/14 Stick, sweet little one!
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