August 2013 Moms

what's new with your 1 year old!

by now all or most of our August babies (toddlers) have turned 1 year old! What's new with your 1 year old?

cruising and crawling constantly
2 more new teeth on top to make a total of 6
he's had 3 haircuts before he turned 1
he stood by himself for about 2 seconds, getting close to walking!
eats everything in sight!
finally sleeping through the night consistently!
wears size 5 shoe (I think he has big feet!), starting to wear the 12-18 month clothes
at his 1 yr checkup, he was 50th percentile in height, 10th for weight (19lb 11.5oz, 29 3/4 in)
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Re: what's new with your 1 year old!

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    vulpinivulpini member
    edited September 2014
    Crusing and crawling and occasionally standing unsupported for longer and longer periods (but still under 30 seconds). 
    Total of 8 teeth now
    Eating everything we put in front of him, especially if it comes off our plates.  He gets upset when he sees that we are eating something different from him.
    Still waking up twice a night :(
    Size 4 or 4.5 shoes, size 12-18 for most clothes except some pants in that size are too wide and long still, depending on brand.  
    He was 19lbs 7oz and a little over 30 inches at his check up on August 6th.  My little string bean :)
    Pointing at people, things he is interested in, things he wants and saying "dat!"
    Also says "at" for cat, dada, and sometimes mama
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    They're both full time walkers. It's chaos round these parts most days.

    We weaned about a week ago. I wasn't ready, but they were. L had been refusing for a while and B hasn't missed it. But we nursed for 14 months! I'm proud of that accomplishment :)

    They eat everything. All the time.

    They're starting to really interact w one another - stealing toys, playing hide and seek, making each other laugh. It's so much fun to watch.

    They understand and can follow basic commands like "go get a book" and point to the sky when we ask "where's the airplane?"

    No real words. L is more verbal for sure but B is starting to catch up. They're starting to ask for more by saying "ma" at meals.

    This is a fun age. I didn't like it so much when my oldest this age bc he was into everything and it hadn't yet become ingrained in me what living w a toddler is like. I know much more what to expect and anticipate so I'm having more fun w them.

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    @carrotcake06 How awesome is it that you nursed TWINS for 14 months!!?

    I nursed for the last time last week as well. He was ready, basically he was sucking but didn't suck long enough for even a letdown anymore. He has 3 oz of frozen bm in the freezer left.

    It was also amazing to me that he sort of figured things out after he turned 1. He started using a sippy cup, so we don't do bottles anymore. He also eats solids better without gagging, so we pretty much give him whatever we're eating cut into small pieces.
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    Our lo is walking running all over, gave up bottles totally 2 weeks ago and eats any and everything! He's getting so big, size 18 month clothes because he's so tall! 85 percentile for height but 40 percentile for weight tall and skinny :)
    Can't believe we all have toddlers now!!! It's amazing watching them learn so quickly! But tantrums are not fun!!!!
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    He is walking and climbing everything, he climbs into his booster chair, on the couch, coffee table, and is usually egged on by his older brother. Lil' guy has even been in time out once for climbing the entertainment center (big bro was the both went to "time out"!)

    No words yet, but my older one was far more into developing his motor skills before verbal skills. So it appears little bro will be the same.

    He loves playing cars and his favorite food are pancakes and omelets.

    At his one year they said he was 95% in both. I know he weighed about 27 lbs and was 32 inches tall. He is wearing mostly 18 month clothes. Some 12 month shorts still. Despite being tall and heavy he isn't chubby. Just a sturdy guy. People joke that DS1 better be nice to him because DS2 will probably be bigger than him someday. May be true!

    He so much more mellow than my first. I thought DS1 was pretty easy but DS2 is a breeze. Just a happy dude.
     DS1 8/2011. DS2 8/2013.

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    She understands so much now. When she coughs I say "cover your mouth" she does it. It's so cute.
    When she's done eating she knows to rub her hands together to let me know she's all done.
    She knows where - head, foot, nose, heart and peek a boo all are. Best of all are her little kisses. She's kisses me when I ask her too, but when it comes to her baby brother she kisses all of the time.

    We have our "Irish Twins"

    DD born 8/7/2013

    DS born 7/28/14


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    She's getting amazing at walking, she can walk across the room now without stopping. She says Mama and Dada and lots of babbling.

    She eats constantly, but is only a bit over 18 lbs! She's such a skinny miss that half of her 12 month pants just fall right off her.

    I still breastfeed, but only 3 times a day, morning, before nap, and before bed. Other than that she eats mostly "real food" with some puree baby food still mixed in here and there. She has 6 teeth now and will eat pretty much anything, and if she sees me or H eating something, she needs to have some no matter what it is.


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    She started walking a few days after her first birthday. She looks like a drunken sailor and bounces of everything in her path. (Such a contrast to her sister, who waited until she could walk PERFECTLY and literally went from first steps one day to running the next.) 

    Is going to eat us out of house and home, but isn't super keen on meat. Helps to explain why her iron was low. 

    Told the pedi "hi!" today at her 1 year visit- making that her first official word. 

    s/o seeing the pedi- she's still in the 25th %ile across the board and still rocking 6-9 month clothes. 

    Has her 8 front teeth and I suspect we're working on a canine. 

    She loves her big sister to pieces. I'm not sure how she's going to do when she returns to preschool next week. 
    DD1 4.14.10
    DD2 8.22.13
    MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
    Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18

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    D has been walking full time for about a month (he is 13 mos). He's starting to get fast which means he can get away from me quickly so that's been fun!
    He just cut a molar, making for 9 teeth.
    He is starting to get a little particular about what he wants to eat - he will yell at me if I don't give him one of his favorite items, like watermelon or banana. He is big though - 25 lbs. and 30" at his 12 month appt.
    He is absolutely enamored with big brother, so it's no surprise that "brother" was one of his first words. He's also saying mama, dada, ball, & bye bye. He is a sweet little love bug who comes around and hugs me whenever he sees me on the floor. :-)
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