July 2014 Moms

going back to work

I realize DS2 was one of the earlier July babies since he didn't want to wait and actually arrived in June. He is 11 weeks today and I go back to work next Wednesday. Anyone else going back soon? Or already back? What are your concerns?

My mom will be watching both boys and I am more concerned about DS1 acting up too much or giving her trouble.

11.2011 - DS1

02.2013 - loss at 6 wks

06.2014 - DS2

10.2015 - loss at 12 wks

03.2017 - DD

Re: going back to work

  • LO is 11 1/2 weeks old and I go back on the 29th. I'm incredibly sad that I can't hang with my girl all day. BUT, I look forward to having more of a routine and schedule. I feel like a blob sitting on my butt holding a little blob all day.

    It takes so much effort to get the 20 miles in to town to do anything that I frequently don't do it during the day. Or, if I do, it's just to spend money. I feel like I am hemmorahing money.

    So, routine will be good. But bad too.
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  • I've been back since July 30th. I didn't have any major concerns and things are going well. Hope they do for you also!



  • I go back this Saturday. I work 12 hour night shifts so I'm mostly just concerned for DH taking care of all the bedtime stuff for both kids and getting up to feed baby girl in the MOTN. He says he has it all under control but when I took a 3 hour CPR class I got three phone calls about how the baby wouldn't stop crying....it'll be an adjustment but I'm excited to get back and be around other adults 2 nights a week.
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    2lacyblue said:

    I go back two weeks from today. I am excited to get back to my students and teach. I am sick to death over leaving DS in daycare. Whyyyy can't I just hop around with him in my pouch all day?

    I used to wish I could be a SAHM, but now I see that I would have to at least be the entrepreneurial kind with an etsy shop or something. I like to feel driven and busy at work. Wish I could say the same for the gym!

    This made me laugh because I do hop around with her in a pouch all day. I own my own business so I worked from home immediately and was back in 2 weeks. Miss H just gets strapped to me Luckily I own a child based business so it is not strange to have her with me. My DH started keeping her at night 2 nights a week now that I need to be physically coaching again and it is very weird. I was a full time SAHM with the first three so this is new to me.
  • I go back next Thursday. I am so ready to go back. Not to take him to daycare though. I wish mister would SAHD.



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  • I go back the 22nd and I'm in the "I'm ready to not be a blob all day" club, but I hate the idea of leaving her. I originally was going to go back early part time for an easier transition, but now I don't want to lose any time with her so am just going to wait until my first day back and do full time. I think in the future DH and I are going to explore moving closer to my work to cut my commute, me working part time, OR for long term, starting my own business so I have more flexibility. Any of those would take years, though, so we will see.
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  • As @Pug4gdb mentioned I too am ready for a routine. I think DS1 got used to being at home with me, but hopefully he will transition well back to his old routine

    11.2011 - DS1

    02.2013 - loss at 6 wks

    06.2014 - DS2

    10.2015 - loss at 12 wks

    03.2017 - DD

  • I don't go back until the end of October and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. DD is very fussy and I hardly feel like I have a grasp on caring for her, I've switched formulas, tried different bottles, she's on Zantac, and things still don't seem great. This leaves me feeling concerned about someone else caring for her while I work. I really hope things get more regulated and DD seems more comfortable before I go back to work. With DS, I was very concerned about daycare, but ended up with wonderful experiences. I found the care he was given was by women who truly loved him and caring for babies. I found I enjoyed my time away from him and the time we did have was valued and spent with me very attentive. My work time was a great outlet and made me a better mom. DS starts kindergarten tomorrow and he is socially prepared and academically above average skills for his age and I attribute this to his daycare experiences.
  • I went back last Friday. Its not awful, just getting the routine down. Of course I miss my morning playtime though. 9-1130 am i always have the happiest most playful kid. Im jealous my inlaws get that baby instead.
  • I don't go back to work until mid October but I'm already dreading it. I wish I could figure out a way to be a SAHM. My job is stressful because of mismanagement/shortage of staff and I really don't want to be away from DD :(
    TTC History
    Me: 35 DH: 34
    Married 07/2012
    DD born 07/2014
    DD2 born 10/2018
    DS born 10/2022

    IF history:
    TTC #2 since January 2016
    June-Aug 2017: 3 IUIs w/Clomid = BFN
    Sept 2017: Dx w/Endometriosis
    Oct 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
    Nov 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
    Dec 2017: pre-IVF testing
    Jan-Feb 2018: IVF--17 eggs retrieved, 13 fertilized, 9 frozen and 1 transferred on 2/10 = BFP on 2/19!!! EDD 10/29/2018
    FET Oct 2021: BFP on 10/31! MC at 5 weeks
    FET Feb 2022: BFP on 2/15! EDD 10/29/22

  • I go back on the 16th. I've already been crying about it.
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  • I have my own business and have a lot of work I need to get to. I simply cannot get it done with the kids around.  My oldest was at a home sitter part time but has not been back since the new baby.  

     I have decided to send them to a daycare part time starting next week.  LO will be 10 weeks and i feel kind of guilty that he is going back 6 weeks sooner than my oldest (although my oldest went full time).  He is now 2.5 years old.

    I am pretty anxious about it in general.  But my biggest concern is getting the pumping thing down.  He is EBF.  But he will probably go 2 days a week for now.  My oldest will go 3 days. 
    Lenox: Born March 13, 2012
    Number 2:  EDD July 4, 2014


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  • I've been back since end of July. It has gone smoothly as expected. Weekdays are really busy and weekends are exhausting. I feel like supermom for doing the most basic of things (came home from work and fed everyone dinner; I'm awesome!) which is kind of ridiculous but there it is.
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  • I haven't gone back to work yet.  But, I just want to say how refreshing it is to hear other people are eager to get back.  All of my new mom friends dreaded going back so I have felt a little like a bad mom for being so ready to go back.  I am looking forward to getting to the "new normal" that will be our life from now on.  
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I go back mid October. LO is 6 1/2 weeks and I planned to start part time from home around now, but I can't bring myself to do it. DH got laid off when LO was 4 days old and hasn't started new job yet and MIL is here 3 days a week. It recently occurred to me that l haven't had much alone time with LO and it makes me sad. I don't want to be unappreciative for the help, but this mommy wants some solo bonding time.
  • I'm on my second week back.  I work at home, but have scheduled hours, so my mom, dad and MIL are taking shifts during the 3 hours that DH and I overlap work.

    I just worry that she will have a huge tantrum for them and they will get fed up. :(
    Baby G born 6/6/14, 37 weeks 1 day due to preeclampsia.  5lb12oz 19"
    #2 due Christmas 2016. 

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  • I go back 10/6 and am right in the middle about it. Some days I'm excited to get back to my job (some parts I really like some are very stressful) others I am teary about leaving the baby! He will be 3 days with my aunt and 2 with my step mom which is great but with full time + hours and a 45 min commute I am sad to be missing so much time during the week with him. His smiles melt my heart! I guess being a FTM part of my fear is that he won't be as attached to me, that our bond won't be as special. I'm trying my best to ye myself this is stereotypical mom guilt and I will get used to the new normal but it's hard some days.
  • JayBzoJayBzo member
    edited September 2014
    I was worried and sad until the day arrived. I went back this Tuesday and I am more upset about not being upset than not seeing my kid, if that makes sense. It actually has me wondering if I have bonded appropriately with him.

    I am happy to see him when I get home, but I feel like it is constantly go go go. When I get home I have to get everything ready for the next day - which I agree is a must to make mornings go smoothly - but it is also irritating because I feel like there is no down time at all, but maybe that comes with being a mom and I won't ever get that back.

    I am most sad to miss all the fun things and smiles etc - with a premie we haven't had much of that yet and now someone else will get to see it! I am hoping being away gives me more patience when I am with him though.

  • @JayBzo‌ I agree with the hustle and bustle when you get home. By the time I wash bottles, pump parts, get bottles made and everything else put back together, make dinner, and do laundry it's time gor DD's last feeding before she goes to bed. On top of that DH works nights so I'm doing all this while stopping to interact or calm a grumpy baby.
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