Secondary IF


designer303designer303 member
edited September 2014 in Secondary IF
If you are new and would like to be added to KUSMO (Knocked Up Summertime Madness Oylmpics) please let me know and I will put you into the waiting section. We ask that new posters on the board have a waiting period before joining the KUSMO to be fair to those that have been here longer. Also if I got you wrong sorry and just let me know. If you asked to be added and I forgot please just remind me please! Big hugs to all that need them and FX to everyone in the TWW!

Quick Note:
We are burning summer here and we need to see some friggin BFP's! So lets finish this season out with a BANG!!! Pass the pregly water and lets do this!!!

Name Type Current Status Next step/Notes

@Annibes CD1? Natural while waiting for more test results! Have you called the lab? Can I call the Lab? Sorry this is taking so long!
@Aprildrew04 Updates?
@Bananappeal145 CD20 Get Healthy and Fit :) - Gearing up for injectible IUI cycle!!! Good luck lady and keep up the hard work!
@Designer303 CD8 Injectible IUI Cycle while IVF nonsense gets worked out!
@Frenchteachermama ER DONE!! 7 fetilized Follies WAHOO- Waiting for FET cycle!
@GraceyandTroy CD6 Injectible Cycle, everything croseed for this one!!!
@Iloveshanej CD12 Final home study DONE and hoping the wait is short!!!!
@JimBobCooter Donor Train!! Legal is DONE, should be getting a calendar this week!!! YEEEAAAAH!!
@Jodee37 CD5 Sending you love and hugs, Do you still have an ultrasound on 9/9? What are next steps?
@MrsAtch CD13 Natural while gearing up to TTC!
@potatoecastillo 8DPO Appintment with RE tomorrow- FX!
@Tortuga47 Updates?
@efhoping2010 IVF/ICSI Hoping for IVF #4 work-up mid-September, Hope DH is feeling better soon!!
@Iheartsippycups2 1DPIUI TWW!! POAS police have you on thier radar!!!
@Steph1673 9DPIUI Letrazole IUI Cycle- TWW POAS Police have you on their radar!!
@sept14 CD12, Clomid IUI cycle- FX!! When is your IUI?
@HawaiianSunset09‌ Sending you hugs and hoping your beta gets down to zero soon!
@sailorgal 9DPIUI, TWW- POAS police have you on their radar!!
@kikimo327‌ 10DPO- RE appointment 9/5- Good luck- FX! TWW! POAS Police have you on their radar!
@BookishMomma‌ CD11 of last hormone therapy Cycle- Burn that BENCH baby! FX!
@hoppin747 Starting new IVF Cycle - FX!

GOLD MEDAL WINNERS- Happy and Healthy Nine Months!!!! We Love You!
@Chrissynena Gold Medal GOLD BABY GOLD H&H 9 Months
@Freakyfast Gold Medal GOLD BABY GOLD H&H 9 Months
@KC1212 Gold Medal GOLD BABY GOLD H&H 9 Months
@Lucky7wife Gold Medal GOLD BABY GOLD H&H 9 Months
@Momarazzi Gold Medal GOLD BABY GOLD H&H 9 Months

Waiting next cycle, CD1 (or next step from Doctors) to join KUSMO- hopefully BFP and onward!

@MoFree IVF Cycle- FX! Let us know next CD1!
@Flamingemu‌ Sugery coming up FX for good results and a quick recovery! Let us know next CD1!
@phishgirl29 Natural while gearing up for FET, Let us know next CD1!

TTC#1 May 2009- July 2010 on our own with no luck

Started with RE in August 2010, dx with unexplained IF and then finally our 3rd IUI cycle using Follistim and Trigger resulted in our wonderful little man.  Born 12/2/11

TTC#2 Never really prevented, but were careful early on as Dr. reccomended

Surprise BFP 12/16/13, started progesterone immediately as first numbers came back low, but betas were good.  Progesterone wasnt enough. Natural MC 12/24/13.

Back with RE as of January 2014...

5/27/14- Chemical Pregnancy :(

April 2015 IVF#1

5/13/15- BFP, please stick LO!

Oh and I'm a major Harry Potter Nerd :)

Silly mugglesimage



  • Good luck everyone. 

    Kid #1 - 09/03/12
    Kid #2 - maybe???
    Diagnosed with Severe Ashermans 
    Hysteroscopy #10 - scar tissue grew back reblocking my right tube
    #11 or IVF with scarring still inside?
    1 lone embryo from September 2016 retreival, dx with Trisomy 16, starting fresh
  • FX for all of our ladies in waiting! :)


    BabyFruit Ticker 

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  • oh @kikimo327 that is hard.  i was just talking to some of the girls about how IF makes us bleed money. it's ridiculous. what was set to happen on 9/5 that you will be missing?
    Me: 36, DH: 36
    DH's SA = normal
    1 tube only wonder
    AFC 3-5, AMH 0.30

    BFP #1 3/29/11.  EDD 12/4/11... Missed m/c 5/9/11. Cytotec fail. D&C 5/17/11.
    BFP #2   7/5/11.  EDD 3/14/12... Our rainbow Kellen born 3/14/12 via c/s.
    BFP #3 5/30/13.  EDD 2/8/14...  6wk u/s HB 126. 8wk u/s lost HB. D&C 7/12/13.
    BFP #4 2/18/14.  EDD 10/30/14... Ruptured ectopic with L tube removed & D&C 3/7/14.
    BFP #5 7/27/14.  EDD 4/9/15...  m/c @ 5w4d.

    IVF #1    Oct 2014 - antagonist protocol: 9R, 7M, 5F. 3dt of 3 Grade 2 embies. BFN. 
    IVF #2    Jan 2015 cancelled due to dominant follicle.  Converted to IUI #1. BFFN
    IVF #2.1 March 2015 cancelled due to dominant follicle.

    BFP #6  (SUPRISE!) 3/19/15.  EDD 11/30/15...  CP at 4w2d.
    IUI #2:    Clomid + Follistim = 3 follies. BFN.
    IVF #2.2 May 2015 - horrible response to micro lupron flare protocol: 3R, 3M, 3F. 3dt of 2 Grade 3 embies. BFFN. 

    BFP #7 (beyond surprised again!) 4/26/16. EDD 1/5/17. beautiful betas!!!! and then near-fatal hemorrhagic corpus luteum. turns out baby was ectopic after all; another lap 5/6 (@24dpo).

    the universe can fuck off.

     "You are overly paranoid and delusional that every one is out to get you." -lastsliverofhope

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    all AL welcome. TTC #2 for 43 44 months.
    follow my infertility journey here at

  • @kikimo327‌ I'm sorry you had to cancel your RE appointment. Good luck with the au natural approach! (((Hugs)))

    TTC#1 May 2009- July 2010 on our own with no luck

    Started with RE in August 2010, dx with unexplained IF and then finally our 3rd IUI cycle using Follistim and Trigger resulted in our wonderful little man.  Born 12/2/11

    TTC#2 Never really prevented, but were careful early on as Dr. reccomended

    Surprise BFP 12/16/13, started progesterone immediately as first numbers came back low, but betas were good.  Progesterone wasnt enough. Natural MC 12/24/13.

    Back with RE as of January 2014...

    5/27/14- Chemical Pregnancy :(

    April 2015 IVF#1

    5/13/15- BFP, please stick LO!

    Oh and I'm a major Harry Potter Nerd :)

    Silly mugglesimage


  • @Jodee37‌ I'm crossing all my crossables that everything cooperates and you get the green light on the 9th!!
    I also really glad the acupuncture is helping!!

    TTC#1 May 2009- July 2010 on our own with no luck

    Started with RE in August 2010, dx with unexplained IF and then finally our 3rd IUI cycle using Follistim and Trigger resulted in our wonderful little man.  Born 12/2/11

    TTC#2 Never really prevented, but were careful early on as Dr. reccomended

    Surprise BFP 12/16/13, started progesterone immediately as first numbers came back low, but betas were good.  Progesterone wasnt enough. Natural MC 12/24/13.

    Back with RE as of January 2014...

    5/27/14- Chemical Pregnancy :(

    April 2015 IVF#1

    5/13/15- BFP, please stick LO!

    Oh and I'm a major Harry Potter Nerd :)

    Silly mugglesimage


  • kikimo327Jodee37 waiting and delays are the worst with IF :(

    JimBobCooter do you have your calendar?

    No real update hoping to have IVF/ICSI #4 pretesting either this or next month.
    H: 34 dx Azoospermia due to CBAVD from CF  
    ME: 39 IS FINE!!!  DOR and poor AMH/FSH/LH
    IVF/ICSI/PESA #1 Beta 1 373 Beta 2 1783 BOY/GIRL TWINS!! Born April 2010!!
    Natural FET 5/26/12 2 blasts Beta 1 207 Beta 2 513 Beta 3 1377 U/S 6/28 Pregnancy not viable d & c scheduled :( 
    IVF/ICSI/PESA #2 ER 11/15/12 Nothing to transfer :( 
    IVF/ICSI #3 April 2013 MDLF 3dt of 3 embryos, chemical :(  
    IVF #4/ICSI/MESA/CCS/FET EPP April 2015
    ODWU CCRM with Dr. Sch COMPLETE!!!! Put on acai supplement they are studying for DOR and embryo quality.
    DAY 3 Labs Drawn 2/26 put on vitamin D and calcium supplements
    Regroup and Protocol Reveal 3/04 "Bazooka Protocol" EPP with MDLF "Protocol 6 with patches"
    ER/MESA 4/10 ER 9 eggs retrieved MESA success found live swimmers :)
    Fertilization Report 6 eggs mature and ICSI'd 4 eggs fertilized normally
    Day 6 Report to Blast for CCS 4/16: 2 DAY 5 BLASTS BIOPSIED FOR CCS a 4AB and a 3AB!!!!
    CCS Results BOTH BLASTS CCS NORMAL!!!!!!  call on 4/24
    Regroup call to discuss CCS results and FET call on 5/20
    FET prep: CD 1 6/08 CD 3 Start BCP 6/10, HSG 6/12 Lupron Start 10 iu 6/17 End BCP 6/21 CD 1 6/23!!!
    Start vivelle patches 6/25 change e/o/d reduce Lupron to 5iu 6/25 Blood Draw 7/01, 7/08, 7/15, 7/19
    Increase vivelle patches 7/03 2 change e/o/d and 7/05 change e/o/d 3 and 7/07 4 change e/o/d add vaginal estrace 2x a day
    Lining Check/Blood Draw 7/08 and 7/15 End Lupron 7/18  Start PIO 1ml daily 7/18  Blood  Draw 7/19
    Flight to clinic 7/22
    FET 2 CCS BLASTS :):)  7/23 :):) YES YES both thawed and both fully expanded :):)
    7/26 :):) 3dp5dt PM very very faint positive FRER
    7/27: 4dp5dt Neg Digi AM but very very faint positive FRER PM POSITIVE DIGI CLEARBLUE PREGNANT 1-2 :):) 
    7/31:8dp5dt AM POSITIVE DIGI CLEARBLUE PREGNANT 2-3!!!! :):) 
    Beta 1 8/01= 408!!!!!!!!!! at 9dp5dt FET
    Beta 2 8/03 = 1014!!!!!!!!!! at 11dp5dt FET
    8/05/2015 AM POSITIVE DIGI CLEARBLUE PREGNANT 3+!!!! :):) 
    First Ultrasound: 8/20!!!!!! TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Genetics says BOTH BOYS!!!!!!!!!
    Second Ultrasound: 9/03!!!!!!!!!!


  • edited September 2014
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  • Great job, as usual, designer303!
    Happily Mrs. C 
    image  image

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
    start ttc #1 in Jan 2009
    dx PCOS in May 2010, begin metformin
    Two failed clomid cycles (made lining too thin)
    Started acupuncture while saving for IVF in Sept 2011
    Add herbal infusions to the mix in Dec 2011
    Hoping holistic approach works!!!

    BFP on April 2012 at 11dpo
    Meepy Man born on Jan 2013 - Hip Hip Hurray!

    Ready to start ttc #2 April 2013, but plan to be an extended BF'er
    Back on metformin Aug 2013
    Restart herbal infusions Sept 2013 - currently drinking nettle, oatstraw, and red raspberry leaf
    DS weaned in April 2014
    Taking a break from herbs and just riding the healthy train.  
    Planning medicated cycle end of summer.  FX I get KU before then!!!
  • @Jodee37‌ I'm crossing all my crossables that everything cooperates and you get the green light on the 9th!! I also really glad the acupuncture is helping!!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    TTC #2 since 1/1/13

    image    imageimage
  • @kikimo327 oh, sorry, for some reason i thought you were already seeing RE. didn't know it was your first visit.
    Me: 36, DH: 36
    DH's SA = normal
    1 tube only wonder
    AFC 3-5, AMH 0.30

    BFP #1 3/29/11.  EDD 12/4/11... Missed m/c 5/9/11. Cytotec fail. D&C 5/17/11.
    BFP #2   7/5/11.  EDD 3/14/12... Our rainbow Kellen born 3/14/12 via c/s.
    BFP #3 5/30/13.  EDD 2/8/14...  6wk u/s HB 126. 8wk u/s lost HB. D&C 7/12/13.
    BFP #4 2/18/14.  EDD 10/30/14... Ruptured ectopic with L tube removed & D&C 3/7/14.
    BFP #5 7/27/14.  EDD 4/9/15...  m/c @ 5w4d.

    IVF #1    Oct 2014 - antagonist protocol: 9R, 7M, 5F. 3dt of 3 Grade 2 embies. BFN. 
    IVF #2    Jan 2015 cancelled due to dominant follicle.  Converted to IUI #1. BFFN
    IVF #2.1 March 2015 cancelled due to dominant follicle.

    BFP #6  (SUPRISE!) 3/19/15.  EDD 11/30/15...  CP at 4w2d.
    IUI #2:    Clomid + Follistim = 3 follies. BFN.
    IVF #2.2 May 2015 - horrible response to micro lupron flare protocol: 3R, 3M, 3F. 3dt of 2 Grade 3 embies. BFFN. 

    BFP #7 (beyond surprised again!) 4/26/16. EDD 1/5/17. beautiful betas!!!! and then near-fatal hemorrhagic corpus luteum. turns out baby was ectopic after all; another lap 5/6 (@24dpo).

    the universe can fuck off.

     "You are overly paranoid and delusional that every one is out to get you." -lastsliverofhope

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    all AL welcome. TTC #2 for 43 44 months.
    follow my infertility journey here at

  • Nurse said my FET will fall at end of October :(. WTF? I guess they cycle women together and I'll miss this month so FET seems like is it forever away!

    My FF Chart:
    TTC #3 since June 2013
    BFP #1 7/21/2013--EDD 3/30/14--D&C 9/24/13
    BFP #2 1/28/14--MC 2/7/14

    IUI #1 5mg Femara + trigger = BFN
    IUI #2 5mg Femara + trigger = BFN
    IUI #3 5mg Femara + trigger = BFN
    IVF #1, Stimmed for 12 days, ER 8/22/14, 9 retrieved, 7M, 7F!!  Freeze all due to fluid in uterus.
    FET end of October 2014 cancelled due to fluid in uterus due to possible c-scar defect
    Surgery scheduled 12/12/14 to fix possible isthmocele
    3/26/15 transferred one 8 cell grade 4 embryo and one 6 cell grade 3 embryo = slow rising betas for 2+ weeks = ectopic MTX shot 4/29/15
    Repeat c-scar surgery June 2015
    2nd and last IVF cycle August 2015, stimmed for 12 days, 2 egg retrieved, both mature and both fertilized.  Transferred both 8-cell embryos on Day 3, beta 9/5/15 = BFFN

  • I ovulated on Tuesday and expect my period by 9/15. I have little faith on TI. FET cycle next if this is a bust. Funny joke: my RE wrote coitus on a paper and DH and I were giggling thinking big Shelton from the Big Bang Theory.

              image      image    

    IVF #1 September 2012, beta #1: 213; beta #2: 580. Expecting Twins! 
    EDD 6/9 lost one angel at 9w3d :( 
    Baby boy arrived 6/1/13
    FET #1 10/14, BFP -Chemical Pregnancy :(
    Everyone Welcome

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • Quick Note:
    We are burning summer here and we need to see some friggin BFP's! So lets finish this season out with a BANG!!! Pass the pregly water and lets do this!!!
    No Joke! We are LONG overdue for some good news this summer. I'm trying to wait until Friday to POAS...
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  • kikimo327 said:
    I'm a little heartbroken today... I cancelled our appt with the RE on Friday. 

    Oh no! Sorry to hear :( Is there a cost for the initial visit? Or is the concern ongoing costs?

    Hopefully you can reschedule it with confidence shortly!
    Me: 32, DH: 33
    DS #1: April 2010
    DS #2: July 2015 (preemie born at 31 weeks) - our little miracle conceived through ART - unexplained secondary infertility/adenomyosis
  • designer303designer303 member
    edited September 2014
    But you have coverage for diagnostics? To diagnose IF? If so I would get that done it takes time and then when you have some money to put towards treatment you are ready to go. Getting all the testing done takes time. If I understand you correctly and you have coverage for the diagnostics I would get started now.

    TTC#1 May 2009- July 2010 on our own with no luck

    Started with RE in August 2010, dx with unexplained IF and then finally our 3rd IUI cycle using Follistim and Trigger resulted in our wonderful little man.  Born 12/2/11

    TTC#2 Never really prevented, but were careful early on as Dr. reccomended

    Surprise BFP 12/16/13, started progesterone immediately as first numbers came back low, but betas were good.  Progesterone wasnt enough. Natural MC 12/24/13.

    Back with RE as of January 2014...

    5/27/14- Chemical Pregnancy :(

    April 2015 IVF#1

    5/13/15- BFP, please stick LO!

    Oh and I'm a major Harry Potter Nerd :)

    Silly mugglesimage


  • kikimo327 said:
    It's 100% OOP as soon as the DX is infertility... it sucks.

    Oh :( That sucks. We are OOP too but as I live north of the border, doctor visits like the initial consultation are covered under our provincial health care plan (only exception is a consultation fee if you self-refer). So we have to pay for meds, sperm washing, IVF and for TI cycles, the cycle monitoring is $75/month and parts of the diagnostics like Vit D test, SA, AMH.

    I'm sorry you don't have coverage for that :(
    Me: 32, DH: 33
    DS #1: April 2010
    DS #2: July 2015 (preemie born at 31 weeks) - our little miracle conceived through ART - unexplained secondary infertility/adenomyosis
  • I'll confess that I continue to POAS daily. First I was waiting to get the trigger out of my system and now I'm just obsessed. Previously I was pretty good about holding out...or at least not testing a ridiculous amount of times.
    Me: 32, DH: 33
    DS #1: April 2010
    DS #2: July 2015 (preemie born at 31 weeks) - our little miracle conceived through ART - unexplained secondary infertility/adenomyosis
  • sailorgal said:
    I'll confess that I continue to POAS daily. First I was waiting to get the trigger out of my system and now I'm just obsessed. Previously I was pretty good about holding out...or at least not testing a ridiculous amount of times.
    Yeah, I caved right after I wrote about... and did last night, this morning and tonight, lol. All BFN of course, but holding out hope. I didn't get a BFP for DD until 13DPO. 
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  • @kikimo327‌ I'm sorry honey. Not does IF cause a broken heart, but also a depleted bank account.

    I am currently on CD 11 of IVF #2. Using a different protocol this time, my follies are growing a lot slower, so ER will probably be on Thursday. Since I am doing PGD on 5-day blasts, I won't even know if the cycle was successful until November when I do a FET. All this waiting sucks big time.
    TTC since 3-08 IVF # 1 Dec 2011 BFP DD born at 31 weeks 6-24-12

    FET #1 Dec 2013 BFN

    FET # 2 Feb 2014 BFN

    No more frosties

    IVF #2. September 2014

    PGD yielded 2 perfect 5d blasts

    SET November 9, 2014
    Nov 23, 2014. Another BFN

    Not sure where to go from here.


    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • @Steph1673 - 13 DPO - any news??

    I'm out...virtually guaranteed. BFN, cramping, breaking out, PMS, etc.

    Fingers crossed for you! 
    Me: 32, DH: 33
    DS #1: April 2010
    DS #2: July 2015 (preemie born at 31 weeks) - our little miracle conceived through ART - unexplained secondary infertility/adenomyosis
  • tortuga47tortuga47 member
    edited September 2014
    I'm really not certain of anything anymore. I'm CD99 :( I think I ovulated last week, but my temps have been this high before with a no go. I'm still getting positive OPKs, but that could be my POF. The one thing that makes me somewhat confident I did O is my cervix closed and got firm and that hasn't happened in over two months. Soooo....we will see.

    Correction - I'm actually CD100. I think I was trying to block triple digits out of my mind :/

    Sept 2013 started TTC#2 (never got PP period so hoping for the first egg to drop)
    Jan 2014 - diagnosed POF (Premature Ovarian Failure) and told pregnancy not possible without egg donor because my ovaries would never function again with my hormone levels (FSH 136, LH 98.6, AMH <.03, estradiol 0, HCG 7) - using acupuncture, chiropractic care and TCM herbs / supplements
    March 11, 2014 ovulated despite every doctors prognosis!!!
    Oct 2014 hormones (FSH 48, Estradiol 89, HCG 1) not good, but heckuva lot better!

    Nov. 16, 2015 FET of single adopted 5AA embryo - BFN
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Read all about my TCC Journey here in my Blog Taking Back My Ovaries
  • @kikimo327 I'm so sorry
    Sept 2013 started TTC#2 (never got PP period so hoping for the first egg to drop)
    Jan 2014 - diagnosed POF (Premature Ovarian Failure) and told pregnancy not possible without egg donor because my ovaries would never function again with my hormone levels (FSH 136, LH 98.6, AMH <.03, estradiol 0, HCG 7) - using acupuncture, chiropractic care and TCM herbs / supplements
    March 11, 2014 ovulated despite every doctors prognosis!!!
    Oct 2014 hormones (FSH 48, Estradiol 89, HCG 1) not good, but heckuva lot better!

    Nov. 16, 2015 FET of single adopted 5AA embryo - BFN
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Read all about my TCC Journey here in my Blog Taking Back My Ovaries
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  • sailorgal said:
    @Steph1673 - 13 DPO - any news??

    I'm out...virtually guaranteed. BFN, cramping, breaking out, PMS, etc.

    Fingers crossed for you! 
    Well, I have no idea, really. I had what I thought was a BFN this morning too; however, I looked at it a little later and it had a faint line. I know that this could be an evap BUT I look at every test I have ever taken a little later and never see anything but stark white. I took another Wondfo tonight and it has the slightest tiny squinter I have ever seen appear after about 8-10 minutes after the test. Evap? Probably. But still holding out hope since they have never given me an evap before. Tomorrow's FMU cannot come soon enough!
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  • Ooooh exciting, good luck! I've never had evap lines and I think it'd be unlikely to get two right?? Keep us updated!
    Me: 32, DH: 33
    DS #1: April 2010
    DS #2: July 2015 (preemie born at 31 weeks) - our little miracle conceived through ART - unexplained secondary infertility/adenomyosis
  • We did the IUI this morning.  I had been worried because my FSH was elevated and my AMH was low, but the RE didn't seemed concerned with the numbers.  

    2WW is on.
    Married to the Love of My Life since September 14, 2002. 
    Me: 39 DH: 36
    BFP#1: 10/20/08,  EDD: 6/29/09
    PIH, bedrest for 4 wks, delivered at 39 weeks by induction and then c-section- Healthy baby boy on 6/24/09 :-)

    BFP#2: 11/24/11, EDD: 8/4/12, Angel Baby- 2/19/12
    Enlarged bladder seen on U/S at 12 weeks (1/15/12), possibly LUTO or Prune Belly, Heartbeat at OB on 2/17/12,
    No heartbeat/movement at U/S on 2/20/12, (missed MC), D&E:2/22/12.  Miscarried our sweet angel boy @ 16 wks

    TTCAL since June 2012, 
    Progesterone normal, FSH elevated & AMH on the low side--  "ovaries acting older"
    Clomid cycles: 50 mg in February, July, August, September, November 2013, June 2014--  BFNs!!  :-(
    August & September 2014: Clomid, HCG and IUI-- BFNs
    September 2014: FSH= 15.7 AMH= 0.25  UGH!!!  Old lady Ovaries!!!
    October & November 2014: Gonadatropin injections, HCG & IUI... BFNs!!

    We have been blessed with a sweet little boy.  
    Hoping to be able to give him a sibling someday.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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  • I just went in for a beta, my first beta test ever since I always get AF before it. I'm ever so cautiously optimistic, but still not holding my breath. They said I'd hear back by end of day... not sure how I'm going to work now...
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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  • Fx good luck!!! Hoping you get a great beta!!!

    TTC#1 May 2009- July 2010 on our own with no luck

    Started with RE in August 2010, dx with unexplained IF and then finally our 3rd IUI cycle using Follistim and Trigger resulted in our wonderful little man.  Born 12/2/11

    TTC#2 Never really prevented, but were careful early on as Dr. reccomended

    Surprise BFP 12/16/13, started progesterone immediately as first numbers came back low, but betas were good.  Progesterone wasnt enough. Natural MC 12/24/13.

    Back with RE as of January 2014...

    5/27/14- Chemical Pregnancy :(

    April 2015 IVF#1

    5/13/15- BFP, please stick LO!

    Oh and I'm a major Harry Potter Nerd :)

    Silly mugglesimage


  • Steph1673 said:
    I just went in for a beta, my first beta test ever since I always get AF before it. I'm ever so cautiously optimistic, but still not holding my breath. They said I'd hear back by end of day... not sure how I'm going to work now...
    Just remember to do a separate post with a warning on it if it comes back good.   Can't wait to hear
    Oh, totally, yet you are more optimistic than me ;-) I only replied here since I was tagged/asked.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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  • @Steph1673‌ FX for a strong beta that doubles and beyond.
    TTC since 3-08 IVF # 1 Dec 2011 BFP DD born at 31 weeks 6-24-12

    FET #1 Dec 2013 BFN

    FET # 2 Feb 2014 BFN

    No more frosties

    IVF #2. September 2014

    PGD yielded 2 perfect 5d blasts

    SET November 9, 2014
    Nov 23, 2014. Another BFN

    Not sure where to go from here.


    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • good luck steph7673!!!

    TTC #2 since 8/2012

    IUI #1 April 2014: BFN

    IUI #2 July 2014: BFN

    IUI #3 August 2014: BFN

    BFP: September 15, due May 22nd 2015

  • @steph7673 FX!!

    @sept14 Good luck!!

    Sept 2013 started TTC#2 (never got PP period so hoping for the first egg to drop)
    Jan 2014 - diagnosed POF (Premature Ovarian Failure) and told pregnancy not possible without egg donor because my ovaries would never function again with my hormone levels (FSH 136, LH 98.6, AMH <.03, estradiol 0, HCG 7) - using acupuncture, chiropractic care and TCM herbs / supplements
    March 11, 2014 ovulated despite every doctors prognosis!!!
    Oct 2014 hormones (FSH 48, Estradiol 89, HCG 1) not good, but heckuva lot better!

    Nov. 16, 2015 FET of single adopted 5AA embryo - BFN
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Read all about my TCC Journey here in my Blog Taking Back My Ovaries
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